Linux-Networking Digest #927, Volume #9          Mon, 18 Jan 99 22:13:55 EST

  Re: Cable modem and IP Masquerading (Don O'Connell)
  Re: After IFCONFIG, What?
  Re: How do you run slip/ppp between two machines? (Vaughan R. Pratt)
  Re: my own server (Ben Sandler)
  Re: Tricky network problem (using loopback?) (Sam Clayton)
  Re: getting the remote IP address in a telnet session (John Auld)
  Re: Importing NT user database (Peter W)
  Re: linux -> windows -> internet (Eugene)
  DCHP transfer through Linux (Hans Somers)
  PPP disconnect ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Three questions (or take it easy on the newbie). (Darren Greer)
  Re: A little newbie help... seeing Win95 shares in Linux (Ben Sandler)
  Netbios routing over two segments (Freerk Jongsma)
  Re: Security hole with WU-FTPD (Jacques Distler)
  Re: Benchmark Software ("Tommi Mäkitalo")
  Re: Three questions (or take it easy on the newbie). ("minstrel")
  Re: Newbie with Connection Problems (Digital Wokan)
  Re: getting the remote IP address in a telnet session (Josh Rusko)
  my own server (Maat)
  Re: 3c503 and Linux / Win95 networking trouble ("Kyle Bowerman")
  Re: dhcpd problems - would appreciate your insight (Daddy Rabbit)
  Linux Server + Win 9x Clients - Security??? ("Andrew C. Ohnstad")
  Re: inetd (Loren Brookes)
  Simple networking questions (Rob)
  Re: modem hangs with 56K USR external on RH5.2 Please help!! (Hendra Susanto)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Don O'Connell)
Subject: Re: Cable modem and IP Masquerading
Reply-To: donroc @ home . net
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:02:04 GMT

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 02:16:39 GMT, Scott W. Petesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:32:04 -0600, "Fly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Here is the suggested way and it works for us:
>linux masq server should have 2 ethernet cards, one connected to the
>hub (internal network) and the other connected to the cable modem.
>Read the following how to's on cable modem and dhcpcd (dhcpcd will
>asign an ipaddress to the network card connected to the cable modem)
>BTW, works great but just a little concerned about security and being
>connected %100 of the time.

Use ipfwadm/ipmasqadm to set up your rules and
use the tcp-wrappers programs. It's been keeping my system secure

>>Right now I'm using an ethernet card and modem in my Win98 machine to use a
>>cable modem. It looks like they use the regular modem for upstream and the
>>ethernet card for downstream.
>>How can I setup IP masquerading to use one or two more PC's? I've got an old
>>486 in the basement I could probably use as the firewall.
>>Any ideas?
>>Would I set the IP of this 486 to or do I use the IP address the
>>cable company gave me for the ethernet card in my PC? It looks like the
>>cable modem itself has its own IP address. It looks like the PPP connection
>>is also given this same IP address. The ethernet card in my PC is assigned a
>>second IP address.
>Scott W. Petersen - N9SLA
>Web Page:
>Elgin, IL - USA
>ICQ 8287204
>Packet E-mail:
>PLEASE note e-mail address is scooter @


Don O'Connell -- email  - donroc @ home . net


Subject: Re: After IFCONFIG, What?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 20:38:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (T.L. (Terry) Branscombe) writes:
>My NE2000-clone has recently become undetectable by Linux.  I suspect I
>accidently deleted a file required by the INIT process, but which one?
>The boot time messages have disappeared, so that now, the section headed
>">>> installing net devices <<<" is completely blank.  Also, just after
>the /proc filesystem is loaded, I receive messages similar to:
>       SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
>       SIOCSIBADDR: No such device
>       ...
>It used to
>tell me that the IRQ and BASEADDR of the NIC.
>I have tried the following boot parameters:
>       linux ether=0,0,eth0
>       linux ether=12,300,eth0
>and tried ifconfig with the IP address of my machine from the hosts file:
>       ifconfig eth0 up
>       and received:
>       SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
>Can anyone suggest some checks I should make?  Thanks.
It sounds as if you do not have the driver in your kernel. Is your
kernel new?
>Terrence  Branscombe


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vaughan R. Pratt)
Subject: Re: How do you run slip/ppp between two machines?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 19:51:42 GMT

In article <77unim$q2o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Vaughan R. Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm trying to install a slip or ppp connection between two RH 5.2 boxes
>connected by a short serial cable. 
>So, is there any straightforward way under RH 5.2 of running slip or
>ppp across a short cable, [...]

Meanwhile I figured out the straightforward way: as root, simply do

        pppd ttyS0 38400        # or whatever your line and speed 
        ifconfig ppp0 <localhost> pointopoint <remotehost>

on both hosts, and it works.  No /etc/ppp/options file needed.  Those
looking for slattach need look no further.

RedHat's ifup-ppp script lets you automate all this at boot time.
In /etc/sysconfig/network-options/,

(i) create an empty chat-ppp0 script; and

(ii) make up an ifcfg-ppp0 by analogy with ifcfg-eth0, but add two lines


This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, either in the RH 5.2
installation guide, /usr/doc/ppp-2.3.5, or PPP-HOWTO, grr.

Note that ppp times out within a few seconds if there isn't a waiting
ppp at the other end.  If this is a problem you need the "passive"
option.  Unfortunately there's no PASSIVE option in ifup-ppp, so after
the line


add three lines

if [ "${PASSIVE}" = yes ] ; then
  opts="$opts passive"

You can then add the line


to ifcfg-eth0, and pppd will then patiently wait forever for the call
from its mate.  A similar hack to ifup-ppp lets you have bsdcomp (BSD

Vaughan Pratt


From: Ben Sandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: my own server
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:30:30 +0000

Maat wrote:
> Im I able to run a dns and a (apache) webserver on one machine with one
> static ip-adress so I have my own domain name?
> My ISP has given me a static ip and a hostname, can I just run my own
> hostname with the same ip adress par example:

Did your ISP give you, or something else?  If the ISP gave
you something else, then you'll need to pay for and register  Go to whoever manages .nl TLDs (anyone know?).  Then yes,
you can set it up as your hostname and be on your way.

- Ben
> THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> greetings,
> Johannes

Ben Sandler
email me: sandler at ymail dot yu dot edu

"Windows is an operating system, not a religion."
- Ted Waitt, chairman of Gateway


From: Sam Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tricky network problem (using loopback?)
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:56:13 +0000

This didn't work, I still get exactly the same problem, just for
referance at boot-up 'route -n' gives:

Destination    Gateway    Genmask        Flags Metric Ref Use Iface  U     0      0   0   eth0      U     0      0   1   lo

Can anyone help?

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Mihai Petre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had this problem.Me too I had an answer from this group.
> U should type (or add those 2 lines in your rc.local)
> route add
> route add -net netmask eth0
> Mihai
> Sam Clayton wrote:
[snip intro]
> >
> > whilst the two non-linux machines will happily 'ping' one-another and
> > exchange files, the Linux machine won't 'ping' either of the other two,
> > nor respond to being 'ping'ed itself.
> >
> > A CLUE:
> > after setting the machine to ping another machine on the network, and
> > going off and reading the net-3-HOWTO and then coming back and
> > cancelling the 'ping' and checking out 'ifconfig' I get this output:
> >
> > lo     link encap: Local Loopback
> >        inet addr: Broadcast: Mask:
> >        UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK MTU:3584 Metric:1
> >        Rx packets: 1087 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >        Tx packets: 1087 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >
> > eth0   link encap: 10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr: 00:20:18:35:20:BE
> >        inet addr: Broadcast: Mask:
> >        Rx packets: 0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >        Tx packets: 0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >        Interupt:9 Base Address:0x300
> >


From: (John Auld)
Subject: Re: getting the remote IP address in a telnet session
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:26:40 GMT

On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 16:36:53 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luca
Filipozzi) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>> is there a way to find out what IP address a telnet connection is coming
>> from? 

>The 'who' command gives a table of users...
>[username]  [tty]  [login date]  [login from]
>jrusko      ttyp3  Jan 17 16:02  (

The command "last" is also useful to trace the history of user logins,
including the IP or name of the host from which they loged in. Entered
as "last username", you can get a very long list of activity, entered
as "last -10 root" gives details of the last 10 logins.

John Auld


Subject: Re: Importing NT user database
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:44:26 -0500

Cherokee Health Systems wrote:

> Is there a way to import the NT user database from our PDC to our Linux box
> so we don't have to re-invent the wheel?  I am hoping to get an SMTP and POP
> server going in the building before my Net admin gets an Exchange server
> going.

Why not take a look at the various Samba/NT PAM modules?

PAM is a layer of abstraction for user authentication; with the proper PAM
module, your POP3 daemon should be able to authenticate against the NT Primary
Domain Controller.

Good luck,



From: Eugene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux -> windows -> internet
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 19:13:13 GMT

Todd Smith wrote:

> i have an ethernet network set up between my linux box and windows95. I
> know i should make my linux box connect to the net instead of windows,
> but right now it's linux -> windows -> net. so my two computers can ping
> each other, windows can telnet to linux, linux can get to windows (with
> a rejection, but at least it can get there). I suppose i need a proxy
> server on win95, so any suggestions on how to do that? if you insist on
> making me get linux to dial the net, i would need help on setting up
> either a Diamond Multimedia SupraExpress 336i PnP Voice modem or a
> NewCom 56ifxvC Internal Voice modem. either way, i'd like help. thanks.
> --
> _______________
> Todd Smith
> Perl Programmer
> ITC^Deltacom


From: Hans Somers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DCHP transfer through Linux
Date: 18 Jan 1999 20:38:58 GMT

Hello there,

I've setup a Linux box with 2 network cards (3Com ethernet and IBM
Working through these cards works ok (i've setup the appropiate routes),
but here is my problem:

My DHCP-server is running on the Ethernet-segment.
I'd like to have the TokenRing machines getting their IP-addresses from
DHCP as well, without installing a DHCP-server on the TokenRing segment.

I've fumbled with ifadm but with no luck.
Here is (part) of my network:

ETHERNET     SYSTEM    TOKENRING     DHCP      none     SERVER1   none    CLIENT1   none    LINUX
none         CLIENT3

Connection from CLIENT3 to SERVER1 goes OK, but only if i
setup a fixed IP-addres.

TANX for any advice/help.


Subject: PPP disconnect
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:00:26 GMT

I have PPP talking to my ISP under RedHat Linux. Everything seems to work

If I don't use the connection fast enough (21/2-3 minutes), it disconnects.
However, if I use it for anything (ping, traceroute, ftp, telnet,...) it
seems to work as long as I am using it. Is there a timeout parameter
somewhere that I missed?

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Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:38:27 -0600
From: Darren Greer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Three questions (or take it easy on the newbie).

> 2.  I've yet to be able to change screen resolutions in Xwindows.  For some
> reason my monitor defaults to 640 * 480.  The best I've been able to do is
> manually edit to get my virtual screen down to the same size.  I would
> really like a smaller resolution.

You could always edit your XF86Config file and add the following line in your
Screens Section:
    DefaultColorDepth 16 (or whatever dpeth you want.)
Then be sure to have a specific Resolution in there that you want for that Color

By the way...have you tried ctrl+alt+(+/-)



From: Ben Sandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A little newbie help... seeing Win95 shares in Linux
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 00:27:06 +0000

Brian Newman wrote:
> I have a Win95 box and a Linux box ethernetted together.  I have Samba up and
> running on Linux and I can share the Samba shares from Win95 with no problem.
> When I try to access one of the shares on the Win95 box from the Linux box, I
> get a message that RPC can't make a connection.
> This is when trying "mount -t nfs win95box:/c /mnt/win95box/c".  Is that right?
No.  nfs is for mounting other UNIX shares.  It's a different program
You want to use smbmount.

> I've tried "smbclient \\win95box\c" in just about every syntax I can and
> smbclient always tells me there aren't enough "\" in the parameter.  How many do
> I need to put in and where?
smbclient is for looking at the share.  smbmount is for actually
mounting it.  You don't have enough slashes because backslashes ("\")
must be escaped.  You do that by preceding it with a backslash, so \
would be \\.  But no matter, because you can use forward slashes.  So,
smbmount //win95box/c will do the trick.

> I checked out "man rpc", which tells me to run "rpc client foo bar" to engage
> the RPC client.  Okay, but... the executable "rpc" is in my /sbin/init.d
> directory, and its only options are "rpc start" and "rpc stop", and it doesn't
> seem to help.
rpc is nfs stuff.  Don't worry about it.

Hope that helps,
- Ben

> Any hints?
> --------------------
> Shade and sweet water,
> Brian -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
> "A small bullet, a piece of glass /
>  And your heart just grows around it" -- Laurie Anderson, "Poison"

Ben Sandler
email me: sandler at ymail dot yu dot edu

"Windows is an operating system, not a religion."
- Ted Waitt, chairman of Gateway


From: Freerk Jongsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.tcp-ip
Subject: Netbios routing over two segments
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:46:15 +0100

I have on my Linux box two segments.
each on a ethernet card, 192.168.3.x and 192.168.0.x
Almost all users use win9x
Users on each segment can see ech other on 'networking neigborhood' or
in the tree by 'exploring'.
As you know it is done with netbios over tcp/ip
Unfortunately the users from x.x.3.x do not see users from x.x.0.x
I have to route netbios over both networkcards. Samba does not fix
everything for me (as I first thought)
Does anyone of you know how to fix this?

Freerk Jongsma


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jacques Distler)
Subject: Re: Security hole with WU-FTPD
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 15:17:19 -0600

In article <%3No2.325$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Barry Margolin

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Jacques Distler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Color me stupid, but why does he allow root ftp logins, *period*.
>>Shouldn't root be in his ftpusers file?
>Even if it were, it wouldn't have helped in this case.  The line that the
>cracker added to /etc/passwd had a UID of 0, but the name wasn't "root".
>The ftpusers file lists names, not UIDs.

Given that the cracker must have had root access to do that, it would not
have mattered whether the ftpusers file lists names or UIDs. He could have
circumvented that, too. In this particular case, *nothing* could have

So the particular details of this attack do not seem to be salient to the
more general question about restricting ftp access by certain users. That
is controlled by the contents of the /etc/shells and /etc/ftpusers files,
not by the contents (or lack thereof) of the password field in
I don't understand why the poster thinks that this is "less secure".


PGP public key:


From: "Tommi Mäkitalo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Benchmark Software
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 09:03:44 +0100

For Disk I/O you can use Bonnie (
For Web server performance there is a program called 'ab' in the


From: "minstrel" <none>
Subject: Re: Three questions (or take it easy on the newbie).
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 01:58:33 GMT

>By the way...have you tried ctrl+alt+(+/-)

Yes, but it does nothing.  It doesn't even pretend to do something.  I don't
know why this is.  How might that be fixed?


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:41:42 -0500
From: Digital Wokan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie with Connection Problems

I have to use XFree86 to connect to my ISP.  (I've got RH 5.1, but I
think the networking setup is common to all XFree86(X11R6)

krosigk wrote:
> Don´t know if RedHat comes with a packet called wvdiald (it comes with Debian
> 2.0) Try this - its really easy to handle and to install.
> The News wrote:
> > I have just installed RedHat 5.2 and can't seem to figure out how to get
> > connected through my ISP.  If anyone knows where I can get some information
> > that I might understand that would be great.  Thanks

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Commanding Officer, Quake clan: N.A.V.Y.
Assistant webmaster, Baldur's Gate Guild: The Shadow Runners
ICQ: 4168945  AOL-IM: DWokan
Version: 3.12
GCS d-(+) s-:+ a- C++++ UL>++$ P+ L+>++$ E--->+ W++(+++)>$ N++
o? K++ w++@ !O M- V-- PS+>++ PE Y+>++ PGP t+ 5 X+ R++ tv+ b+
DI++ D++ G e+* h r++ y++*


From: Josh Rusko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: getting the remote IP address in a telnet session
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 16:44:06 -0500

thanks a lot!
(although I did have to change the grep version to
 who | sed -ne "s/$USER.*(\(.*\))/\1/p"
or it would only work with my username but it's all good...)

Luca Filipozzi wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > is there a way to find out what IP address a telnet connection is coming
> > from? well I know there IS a way because I have a shell account on Grex
> > and when I connect it says "Last connected from"...
> > I want to put a line in /etc/profile that will find the remote IP
> > address (or localhost if the user is at the console), so then I can do
> > things like
> > or whatever
> > does anyone have a clue how to do this?
> >
> >
> The 'who' command gives a table of users...
> [username]  [tty]  [login date]  [login from]
> jrusko      ttyp3  Jan 17 16:02  (
> Inspecting the output, I found that the [login from] column is the only
> one separated from the other columns by a tab (at least, on my host).
> So something like
> who | grep jrusko | cut -f2
> yields
> (
> which isn't quite what's needed.
> This command sequence
> who | sed -ne 's/jrusko.*(\(.*\))/\1/p'
> yields
> which is much better.
> So something like
> REMOTE_HOST=`who | sed -ne 's/jrusko.*(\(.*\))/\1/p'`
> should work for you.
> You'll need to customize the sed script to parse the output of the who
> command if it differs from the output on my machine.
> If your system has 'who am i', then you could simplify the above to
> REMOTE_HOST=`who am i | sed -ne 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/p'`
> which will run faster (maybe inperceptibly) on systems with lots of users
> (lots of lines of output from who).
> You could do this with perl (a better language than sed's, IMHO) but sed
> loads much faster than perl and this is a really simple use of regular
> expressions.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Luca Filipozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: my own server
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:22:33 +0100

Im I able to run a dns and a (apache) webserver on one machine with one
static ip-adress so I have my own domain name?
My ISP has given me a static ip and a hostname, can I just run my own
hostname with the same ip adress par example:





From: "Kyle Bowerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c503 and Linux / Win95 networking trouble
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 20:22:42 -0700

Is the MTU on the linux box set to 1500?

SuprMath wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have my linux computer (486DX, 50Mhz, 12Mb RAM, 2.5G harddrive, 3Com
>net card, kernel 2.0.34) networked to my windows 95 computer (Pentium 2,
>300Mhz, 64 Mb RAM, 8G hardrive, 3Com 3c503 net card).  I have modified the
>appropriate hosts files, and pinging between the computers works fine.  I
>telnet into the Linux box, and retrieve web pages from the Linux box (using
>Apache server).  I can retrieve files from the Linux box to the Windows 95
>computer with FTP, but whenever I try and transmit a file over a certain
>to the Linux box, the connection freezes.  The file size seems to be
>between 15Kb and 30Kb.  My FTP software gives me these errors:
>Send error:  Connection reset!
>Transmitted 9216 bytes in 173.6 secs, (531.00 bps), transfer failed
>Recieve error:  Blocking call canceled!
>That's it.  The connection is still active but nothing works anymore.
>when both computers were running Windows 95, the 486 box (the one that is
>currently running Linux) could see the Pentium 2, but the Pentium 2 could
>see the 486.
>Anyway, I'm starting to go insane here, so any help would be appreciated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daddy Rabbit)
Subject: Re: dhcpd problems - would appreciate your insight
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:56:40 GMT

I only have one NIC in the machine. I have tried every scenario I can
think of and the best I can do is get this message. Since there are no
subnets, only the one net, I don't get it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris) wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 22:15:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daddy Rabbit)
>wrote in comp.os.linux.networking:
>>No subnet declaration for eth0 (
>When you start dhcpd, it automatically assumes you want to issue leases on
>all known interfaces.  This means it expects to find a valid address
>assignment range for all visible networks.  Your choices are to either
>specify the inteface as part of the command line when starting the daemon
>or include an empty range of addresses for each subnet you don't want to
>Since your error message references an unconfigured interface (are you
>using dhcpcd to get an address for a second ethernet card?), the easier
>solution for you would be to specify the interface as part of the daemon
>script(s).  You can do the same thing with dhcpcd so that the two dhcp
>services don't talk to each other.


From: "Andrew C. Ohnstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Server + Win 9x Clients - Security???
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 21:31:30 -0500

Greetings all,

Trying to avoid putting NT server on my main server machine.... I have a
small network of a total of 7 computers.  The users of these computers are
not going to be inclined to learn Lunix, or to give up their pretty MS
Office, or Quake, etc...

What I want is a network logon similar to what you get when you run an NT
Server as a primary domain controller..  When you turn on the computer you
get the pretty "Log on to the Network" box with no way to get into the
computer at all without a username/password being authenticated by the

I was reading one of my NT books today at work when a co-worker and I got
into one of our spirited Linux-NT debates.  I agree that I'd rather be
running Linux, but is there a way to lock down Win 9x clients so they can't
get in at all as if I was running a NT4 Server?  Can Win9x clients be told
to log onto a NT domain, even though it's really a Linux box like my
coworker says?

Pointers to relevant FAQ's, HOW-TO's, web pages, etc. appreciated.
Followups to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also appreciated.

Thanks in advace...


From: Loren Brookes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: inetd
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 10:38:09 +1300

Peter W wrote:
> Loren Brookes wrote:
> > I have RedHat 5.2, everything works, but I get an error message in
> > /var/log/messages when connecting to ppp.
> >
> > localhost inetd[1208]: execv /usr/sbin/in.identd: No such file or
> > directory
> >
> > I don't have in.identd on my system, it is not part of the netkit-base
> > rpm, that has inetd, so what is this file, and do I need it ?
> identd does user-authentication, mainly for sendmail and IRC (authentication as
> in the other server asks your machine what user is trying to send them mail or
> connect to IRC). It's not a show-stopper, except maybe for IRC. Either install
> the "pidentd" package or comment out that line in inetd.conf and restart inetd.
> -Peter




Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:52:05 +0000
Subject: Simple networking questions


Im looking for commands which can do the following.

DNS an ip adddres and vice versa. (ie putting in a host name will
producde the IP and vice versa)
Find out exactly what connections are connected to my machine.  EG, if
someone is pinging me 64 k blocks of data, I want to know their IP

Can anyone help?



Computer running under Linux 2.0.35

Rob Barnes
ICQ : 2224468
Web Page : Brother wrecked it, last time I let him use FTP..
Go to : for an education...


From: Hendra Susanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem hangs with 56K USR external on RH5.2 Please help!!
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 18:34:00 +0800

Clifford Kite wrote:

> Ravi Iyengar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : hi:
> : I am trying to get my PPP conn set up on my RH5.2 (2.0.36) and my modem
> : seems to hang when it reaches the 'OK-+++\c-OK' part of my dialer
> : script. I am using the dialer script as in the PPP HOWTO document.
> : The same thing happens when I use minicom too (I dunno where it hangs
> : in this case).
> : I am using an external modem and my serial port looks fine. I dont have
> : any conflicts (I/O port or IRQ). And the modem is not a winmodem.
> : I have a static IP from my ISP.
> : My /var/log/messages just says that my connect script failed.
> : The bizarre thing is when I run ppp-on, sometimes the modem doesnt dial
> : the specified number. It omits one or two numbers. I have never seen
> : this before.!!!!!
> I don't understand, does the modem hang as in your first paragraph and
> then eventually dial?
> It still sounds like an IRQ problem anyway.  The IRQ that the modem
> uses must be configured properly by setserial somewhere in the /etc/rc.*
> scripts.  In Slackware it's /etc/rc.d/rc.serial, for RH I don't know.
> A look in /var/log/messages should tell you whether I'm right.  If the
> number is eventually dialed, then look at the time between when the
> OK-+++\c-OK is sent and the time that the OK actually appears.  More than
> one second delay can mean little else except an IRQ problem.
> --
> Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
> /* Editing with vi is a lot better than using a huge swiss army knife. */

No problem with my Sportster 56K Voice Modem, except no voice feature in



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