Linux-Networking Digest #974, Volume #9          Sat, 23 Jan 99 05:13:42 EST

  The Same Thing (Michael Kremer)
  Re: Login as root with telnet ("Chris Jones")
  About PPPD ("Carlos M. Buj Ribas")
  Re: Configuring system to have multiple ethernet addresses (Phil Howard)
  Re: Linux Router (Bernd Eckenfels)
  Re: Routing problems in PPP (David Kirkpatrick)
  Re: 3C905B with Red Hat 5.1 (Dany Goldraij)
  Re: Long pauses on bootup/reboot. (James Youngman)
  Botting diskless SPARCstation off redhat5.2 unsuccessfull...please help 
  Networking problem -SOS ("Thomas Chai")
  Samba problems in OS/2 - Windows environment (Onno Hardebol)
  Cable Modem problems (Paul Tiseo)
  Re: afpfs by Ben Heksters (Iain Sutton)
  Re: SMP linux crashes badly ! (root)
  Realtec 8019 PnP HELP!!! (Mark)
  Re: Do I need Samba ?? (Dave Roznar)


From: Michael Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Same Thing
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:52:30 +0100


I got the same problem on most :-) machines i install linux on....Using
SuSe though......but the same thing....must be some kernel stuf....but i
tried most....welll doesnt´t work....



From: "Chris Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Login as root with telnet
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:42:21 -0000
Reply-To: "Chris Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Steve Ledford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>edit the file /etc/securetty    and add a line, in my case, ttyp0. Lo,
>can now login over telnet as root.

Really not such a good idea though. There is nothing wrong with logging
in and using su.

>this perhaps a display limitation of incomplete vt100 emulation on the
>part of Windoze?

I would imagine so.

To test it, log into the console of your box, then telnet to localhost
and see if top works.

Chris Jones


From: "Carlos M. Buj Ribas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: About PPPD
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 23:06:32 +0100


What can I do in order that any user can use pppd?.

I have done the following:

in /usr/sbin

chmod -v 755 pppd

but it does not work.


P.O. BOX 139
San Josep-Eivissa


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Howard)
Subject: Re: Configuring system to have multiple ethernet addresses
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 07:23:31 GMT

[   The original was crossposted to too many groups.  ]
[ The list was trimmed down to one appropriate group. ]

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 13:18:55 +0800 Amey Laud ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

| I am building a distributed number crunching system, in which a lot of
| data needs to be moved between machines.
| In order to streamline the process and avoid bottlenecks due to
| network/IO latencies, I am considering
| using separate networks to handle the input and the output, that is,
| each system reads from a different physical network
| and writes into a different physical network. This would mean that each
| machine have two IP addresses
| that are configured on separate ethernet cards and can be addressed and
| used explicitly.
| 1. Is such an arrangement possible? (That is, OS and IP support)
| 2. Are there existing examples of such a setup?
| 3. The arrangement might involve heterogenous platforms.
|      I am interested specifically on the possibility of such a setup on
| NT/Linux running on Intel (Xeon)/Alpha.

This is commonly done and fairly easy.  Many ethernet cards are detected in
multitude automatically during the kernel bootup probing (or later if you
use loadable modules).  I put 4 Netgear FA-310TX cards in one machine and
it simply found them all.

Getting them to work involves getting the appropriate "ifconfig" command
performed on each one.  How this is done differs by which Linux distribution
you used.  In Slackware I typically just edited /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 and
added the commands.  In Red Hat, you can configure multiple cards using
the linuxconf tool or just copy /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
into names like /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and so on, with
appropriate changes edited into the files.  If you want multiple addresses
on each card (max of 256 aliases) you can also do this in Red Hat by making
files like /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 and filling those
in as appropriate.  I've got a dozen or so addresses on one machine done
this way (I manually edit my files).

| 4. Are there existing message passing API's (such as MPI) based on
| TCP/IP that support such a configuration.

I have not programmed in this area, but if the procedure call approach can
do what you want, you might look into RPC.  Personally I take the more
direct approach and just send things as streams of bytes over sockets.

 --    *-----------------------------*      Phil Howard KA9WGN       *    --
  --   | Inturnet, Inc.              | Director of Internet Services |   --
   --  | Business Internet Solutions |       eng at        |  --
    -- *-----------------------------*      philh at       * --


From: Bernd Eckenfels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Router
Date: 21 Jan 1999 21:07:44 GMT

Marco Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone tell me if this will work in a corporate net with lots of
> other routers and gateways ?

Depends. If they oute all the traffic you want to route further, then you
can just drop the box into the net and use static routes, and everything
will work fine. If you have to announc the other routers additional routes,
then you will have to run a routing daemon (you better get permission to do
this first).

> As fas as I understood, the routed daemon
> will exchange routing tables with other routers on the net. Will the
> kernel-only routing do the same


 or will I be stuck once I try to access
> my subnet via 3 or more routers ?

as i said above, this does depend on the existing routes. A lot of companies
do only static routing, then you wont need a routing daemon.

> I have no access to these other
> routers at the moment, so I cannot edit their routing tables.

So you better be carefull. You should take a look at the Linux Router
Project, will help you with pre-intalled router-distribution on single



From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Routing problems in PPP
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 15:30:16 +0000

        Ping -r is only to ping a local host on your attached network. 
to go outside past your ppp box - only inside hosts.  It seems
your trying to ping -r the wong boxes.  Can you ping
from any
machine?  You should not be able to ping -r  It
should return
host unreachable.  Am I mis-understanding things?

> I have finally been able to connect to my ISP with PPP.  However, I have
> routing problems.  I connect and get my assigned IP.
> My assigned IP is with a mask of
> My nameserver is /
> I can connect and ping both my nameserver(s) by IP address.
> I do get name resolution.  If I ping, I get their address
> back as
> However, whenever I ping anything but my nameservers by address, I get
> "unreachable network" using either:
> ping -r <name>
>     or
> ping -r x.x.x.x
> ifconfig output looks like the following:
> ------------- start of ifconfig output -------------
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3584  Metric:1
>           RX packets:56 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:56 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C8:83:71:97
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:798 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:264 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:1
>           Interrupt:3 Base address:0x300
> ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>           inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
>           UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:16 errors:1 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0
>           Memory:11ce038-11cec04
> ------------ end of ifconfig output ----------------
> route output looks like the following:
> ------------ start of route output ------------------
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
> usr47.mix1.Will *      UH    0      0        0 ppp0
>     *        U     0      0        5 eth0
>       *            U     0      0        2 lo
> default         usr47.mix1.Will         UG    0      0        1 ppp0
> ------------ end of route output -------------------
> my /etc/hosts file looks like the following:
> ------------ start of hosts file -----------------
> localhost localhost.localdomain
> acer            acer.localdomain
> ------------ end of hosts file ------------------
> my /etc/resolv.conf looks like the following:
> ------------ start of resolv.conf ---------------
> nameserver
> nameserver
> ------------ end of resolv.conf ----------------
> Any ideas?  I setup ppp using pppsetup.  It wrote out the /etc/resolv.conf
> file.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dany Goldraij)
Subject: Re: 3C905B with Red Hat 5.1
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 18:03:46 GMT

The best way is to make a new kernel

"Sylvain Niles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I have been having a lot of problems with this card. Every time I install
>Red Hat, it detects this card as a 3C59X Vortex card, and the driver doesn't
>load correctly. Gives the "eth0 initialization has been delayed" or
>something along those lines. Does anyone know how to install the latest
>drivers or get red hat to detect this card properly?


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Long pauses on bootup/reboot.
Date: 19 Jan 1999 23:07:34 +0000

Digital Wokan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Seems like RH 5.1 keeps stopping for several minutes every time it tries
> to start 'amd', 'sendmail', and 'smb' 

This is a FAQ.  See DejaNews.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: "p.wojcieszak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Botting diskless SPARCstation off redhat5.2 unsuccessfull...please help
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:44:29 +1100

A diskless SPARCstation ELC will not boot of redhat 5.2.....

The tftp protocol works ok and sparc station downloads the bootimage of
linux bootparamd
without any problems...ARP, domainame calls etc are all successfull....
Eventually the Sparc Station mounts the directory off the linux server !

It then attempts to download a kernel file(486kb large)......

Upon checking out the network traffic.....It seems that the linux box
sends the packets too
quickly for the poor sparc station...and the overrun
occurs.............Upon linux sending 5  packets
the sparc requests a retransmission of the entire block.

My feeling is that Linux NFS BLOCK_SIZE is by default set to 8192
bytes....BUT for some reason
upon sending that block to the client,  the NFS_SERVER chops the block
size into 1024 b blocks!
.....Thus when the NFS server sends the 1024 byte blocks  , it expects
each in turn to be acknowledged......It seems that the sparc diskless
client is not expecting 1024b blocks....It expects
the whole 8192 block....!!!! And thus does not reconstruct the block
correctly and requests a timeout.

Am I on the right track?
What can I can I force linux NFS to produce 8K block
btw...please remember that this problem is specifically related to
diskless sparc stations....

If you can help , it would be most appreciated....I am sick to death of
hacking and recompiling
the NFS code!   This is a really bad problem!

server:Linux Dell 3500 series , redhat 5.2 server, 256M ram , single
P2-350,Ami megaraid (raid 5 conf)3-scsii 9.5 gig drives.... PCI ETHERNET
intel express pro 100mbits
client: ELC sparc station, 10 Mbit connection

client-server path:   100/10 bay networks  hub/switch.



From: "Thomas Chai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Networking problem -SOS
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 16:03:22 +0800

I have recently bought 2 network card 3COM - 3c509 for my 2 machine
one running Windows98 and one running Linux ver 2.0.29. I installed both
network cards in the respective machine and everything seems ok. Since I
have only 2 machine instead of buying a hub to connect the machines, I
crossed a Cat 5 UTP cable. (pin 1-3 and 2-6).

I setup the following network....
Win98 IP             :
          Netmask    :

Linux IP                :
           Netmask    :

my problem is that they can't talk to each other....but the weird thing is

when i ping from my Win98 machine, I get no response...but when I do
arp -a.....the ethernet address for Linux machine seems to corresponce to
the network card at Linux machine....
But if I do it the other way ping from linux and not getting
response, and arp -a shows ethernet address 00:00:00:00:00:00 for my Win98
network card.....

Can someone please tell me what's wrong with my config? I know the card is
alright and the cable to...(i guess)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Onno Hardebol)
Subject: Samba problems in OS/2 - Windows environment
Date: 21 Jan 1999 22:19:53 GMT


I'm having trouble setting up a Linux printserver in an OS/2 and 
Windows environment. Linux and Samba are working fine. I can see
the entire network. Problem is, I can't see my Linux-box in the
nethood of my Win95 workstation. I would appreciate it very much
if any one of you could give me a few pointers on what I'm missing.

Here's all the (ir)relevant stuff

Domain Controller and all the servers are running OS/2. We have
some 1500 users of which 80% is on Win95. 20% is (still) running
Up till now all the printing was handeled by OS/2 print-servers 
(not entirely reliable, to phrase it nicely) but I finally convinced 
my boss to explore alternative solutions. That is where my Linux-box 
comes in.
The Linux-box is running RedHat 5.2 with Samba 2.0.0 .

This is the smb.conf I made. 

#======================= Global Settings =====================================
   workgroup = NLHDK                    (the OS/2 domain I want to be in)
   netbios name = NLHK034               (Netbios name)
   netbios aliases = HDKPRNT            (I also want to be known as...)
   lm announce = auto
   server string = Samba Server 2.0.0
   load printers = yes
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   printing = bsd
   guest account = guest
   max log size = 50
   security = share                     (don't need to do any authentication)
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
   wins support = yes
   wins proxy = yes
   dns proxy = yes

   comment = All Printers
   path = /usr/spool/samba
   browseable = no
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   printable = yes

Please follow-up with a cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence.      -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Onno Hardebol                                  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Tiseo)
Subject: Cable Modem problems
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:42:18 GMT


    All is good in linux land for me. All I have left (which is 
apparently the source of much pain to newbies) is sound and networking. 
So, here's a few questions for the more experienced:

    1. Do I need to include PPP and SLIP in my kernel if I have
       the one-way Mediaone cable modem whenever I get around
       to a kernel recompile?

    2. When I create an interface entry in the Network Configurator
       in RH5.2, it never seems to activate. Why?

    3. I looked into the DHCP HOWTO as it seems to be rather
       important for cable modems. (Got that out of the cable modem
       mini-HOWTO) The first thing one must do replace rc.inet1 in
       /etc/rc.d with a new script. Problem? I don't seem to have an
       rc.inet1 to replace! Does it have to do with an incomplete
       networking installation?

    So many questions, so little time...
Paul Tiseo


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 18:34:16 +1100
From: Iain Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: afpfs by Ben Heksters

Hello there,

Matthias Kattanek wrote:

> Have anybody seen or heard about this package lately.
> It used to be accessible at
> ""
> This site does not exist anymore. Did it move someplace else?

Thanks to the Linux Netatalk-HOWTO, I found this program at

Hope this helps,



From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: ";",comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SMP linux crashes badly !
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 09:58:06 +0100

Fred wrote:

I've compiled kernel 2.2.0-pre9 and everything seems to be fine ;-)))
I still have to test it though ...



Subject: Realtec 8019 PnP HELP!!!
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:54:13 +0000

        I have a Realtec 8019 PnP (Well that's what Win98 says it is-
came with the TRUST setup) card which I want to get working on my linux
system. I tried some drivers in the kernel, but no luck. Anyone got any




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Roznar)
Subject: Re: Do I need Samba ??
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 22:57:14 GMT

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:39:53 -0500, Edd Stanley

>I would like to know if it is necessary for me to install Samba on my
>Linux box in order to connect it with my Windows95 machine on an
>I only need to have ftp, telnet, and http connections

No...SAMBA is just to let you see the Linux/Win9x systems like Win9x
p-p networking. I did install Samba, but before that I was able to
share a cable modem connection using wingate. However, you will need
to install an ftpd on the Win machine to get the you may
find Samba (actually a small ap) is a better way to go.
           Dave Roznar - W6TGE             
              Portland, OR                
     email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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