Linux-Networking Digest #995, Volume #9          Mon, 25 Jan 99 15:14:16 EST

  Re: Is there an application allow us to read MS Exchange mails in Linux ? 
  Re: Linux - Windows Network (David Kirkpatrick)
  Bridging two LANS (Gary Lake)
  Re: PPP internet connection problem (Clifford Kite)
  Re: DNS problem with IP Masq Gateway (Matthew Ho)
  Re: Name Mangling Problem!?!? (David Collier-Brown)
  Re: Sygate (Win 98) server to Linux client (Kevin Martin)
  Re: Can I get a News Feed? (=?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6rgen?= Lundberg)
  configuration of eth0 & ifconfig ("John K")
  Re: 2 Linux machines 2 nics and a hub and something is wrong? 
  Sygate (Win 98) server to Linux client ("Marv Woolard")
  Re: 3c509 problem (Matt Kressel)
  Re: Redhat vs. Slackware (James Youngman)
  PPP and hard disk problem (Alexander Walz)
  Re: Setup modem on Sony Vaio 505 notebook (John Alexander)
  Router/Proxy ("Daniel Kühner")
  Can someone tell me if a TN5250 emulation for Linux exists? ("Jocelyn Dionne")
  How do I limit the size of a home account? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  3c509 - device or resource busy - register value 6d00 (Andy)
  Login Summary for ISDN-Server ("Marco Grimm")
  Re: command ARP (Adresse Resolution Protocol) ? (Brian McCauley)
  TCP/IP+EtherTalk Mac-Linux link (nuno faria pires)
  Re: Caching nameserver under Linux with Masquerading... (Brian McCauley)


Subject: Re: Is there an application allow us to read MS Exchange mails in Linux ?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:41:34 GMT

In article <78d7ke$del$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> Does anyone out there know of such application -- where we can actually
> read our mail from the MS Exchange server (non-POP3) and it runs on Linux
> /or Unix ?

I use Linux to read mail from our MS Exchange server. First I had to convince
my company to turn on the IMAP4 capability of Exchange (that was the hard
part). Then I just pointed Netscape's Mail client to the exchange server and
it worked.

Exchange also does POP3, but I wanted IMAP4. There are even more client-side
choices if you want POP3.

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From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux - Windows Network
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:40:33 +0000

Routes can be lost if routed/gated are running.  Kill -4 xxxx.

David Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Have you:
>  setup /etc/smb.conf i.e. top config section and disk specific
> info below,
>  resolved which encryption you will set in /etc/smb.conf
>  setup passwords with smbpasswd.
> Can you ping by address AND >hostname<?  What is ipconfig /all
> and
> nbtstat -N  xx.xx.xx.xx and netstat -r?
> There is a common FAQ about loosing routes which may be
> happening.
> Do a netstat -r before and after your problem on each machine to
> see
> if its this problem.
> Whats in hosts on both machines /etc/hosts & c:\windows\hosts.
> Same
> for networks. You'll probaby have 192.168.1 in networks.
> Peter Limbach wrote:
> >
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > thanks for your advice.  For test purposes I have set up a small network
> > consisting of a 486 DX4 with a 540 MB Disk acting as a server.  The machine
> > has Slackware 3.0 on it with the 3.5 Network package.
> > The NIC is an NE2000 clone.
> >
> > On the other end I have my son's Win98 PC with a 3COM NIC.
> >
> > The Samba package is installed, but the Network behaves funny.
> >
> > On booting up I can ping in both directions with proper communication.  The
> > WIN98 PC however doesn't see the Linux machine in the network.  On the Linux
> > machine I can run the smbclient -L only once, as soon as I try to run it
> > once more the Linux machine refuses to communicate with the WIN98 machine.
> > The pings dont work also. Am I missing something important?
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > >Peter Limbach wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Hi all,
> > >>
> > >> I am planning a network for our company and have become interested in
> > Linux. ....
> > >>
> > >Yes, you can do this, see SAMBA.
> > >
> >
> > >
> > >Regards
> > >
> > >Mark Roberts
> --



From: Gary Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bridging two LANS
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 02:28:26 -0500

I have two LANS both phycially connected to the same ethernet hub(s).
Actually the first one is real and the second is in
eventually replace the first.  Maybe I'm going about this the hard way,
but I want to use a different IP addressing scheme for my new LAN.
Right now, the existing LAN in running ip's (all static
ip's) and I hope to make the new LAN use (and use DHCP)

The idea is that I need a way (if possible) to make the existing
workstations ( see hosts in the new developing net (i.e.  that way I can build replacement pieces and phase them
in over time, and eliminate existing pieces of the current LAN one at a

Can I do this with a linux (or another way)
if so, do I need multiple ethernet cards, special kernel options not
enabled by default.
Can I do it with oine ethernet card and masqerading or aliasing ?

I've read HOWTO's on firewalling and Bridging, but I'm not getting

TIA for any help offered


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: PPP internet connection problem
Date: 25 Jan 1999 10:05:38 -0600

tf49665 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Help!  I got my modem to dial my ISP but that's about it.  I can't seem to
: connect to their DNS, let alone accessing via a web browser.

: my /etc/resolv.conf is as follows:
: search .
: nameserver   (I obtain the nameserver from my ISP)


: my /var/adm/messages when pppstart was executed:
: ...
: ...
: Connect:ppp0<--->/dev/modem
: local IP address  ###.###.###.###
: Remote IP address ###.###.###.###

: Everything seemed good.  Once connected, I tried to ping the DNS (specified
: in /etc/resolv.conf) both by IP and my host.  Neither one worked.  It just
: hung.   Do I need to set my default route in my routing

If you have a local LAN then you should not have a default route that
points to an address on it - use a specific network route.  Pppd won't
replace an existing default route, even with the defaultroute option.

: table?  Did I enter the nameserver incorrectly or did I enter it in the

The nameserver is in the right file, but since you didn't provide the
actual address who can say if it's entered correctly?

Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* Governments should be changed like diapers - often and for the
 * same reason. */


From: Matthew Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DNS problem with IP Masq Gateway
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:07:41 -0500

Thanks for the reply

I've read the PPP-HOWTO, NET-3-HOWTO, IP-Masq-HOWTO and DNS-HOWTO but i
cannot find a solution.  I am using RedHat 5.2 and using a ppp-on script
to dial out to the internet.  The DNS Ip address i am using is the dns
of my isp and all of my hosts use the same DNS IP which works fine for
them.  I am able to ping internet address by IP but not by name.  My
hosts can ping the internet by both IP and Name.

Here shows some of my files in /etc

--hosts--  localhost    486dx33    matthew      earth       zx6r  


shadow:     files nisplus nis
group:      files nisplus nis

hosts:      files dns

services:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
networks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
protocols:  nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
rpc:        nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
ethers:     nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
netmasks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
bootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

netgroup:   nisplus

publickey:  nisplus

automount:  files nisplus
aliases:    files nisplus


David Kirkpatrick wrote:
> The problem is sometimes due to not having your ISP nameserver
> specified in /etc/resolv.conf.  See PPP-HOWTO and grep
> resolv.conf.
> Leave the default route open so PPP0 can use it.  You did not
> mention
> what your are running RH/Slack... etc or whats in hosts or
> networks.
> DNS resolution can have an order - its usually something like
> hosts,
> lmhosts and DNS - wins will be in there if your running MS
> machines.
> In RH you can specify this order.
> d
> David Moulton wrote:
> >
> > Matthew Ho wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > > applications like Web and ICQ.  However, my linux gateway cannot resolve
> > > internet domain name.  I can resolve names within the LAN thru. the
> > > hosts file.  Everytime i try "ping" there is no reply.
> > > when i try "nslookup", i got the following
> > >
> > > looks like resolver cannot talk to the dns i specified.
> >
> > Can you ping outside machines using the IP address and not the domain name?
> > It might be a routing issue.
> >
> > Also, just a suggestion, I set up my gateway to be a caching DNS as well.
> > This seems to speed up the lookups at least a little.
> >
> > dave
> --


From: David Collier-Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb
Subject: Re: Name Mangling Problem!?!?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:04:58 -0500

Dan Falk wrote:
> I have a Samba (2.0) server set up on RH5.2.  Everything work how it
> should ... I guess.  Why do filenames/directories get mangled in a
> different manner as windoze machines?  e.g.  the directory \longfilename
> in Linux becomes x:/longf~hi in Dos instead of x:/longfi~1 in Dos.  I
> understand this is how the Samba Team, god love 'em, have decided to do
> things ... but why?  More importantly, is there ANY way for a
> non-programmer, like myself, to implement the MS standard on a Samba
> server?  My problem lies in using a 16bit version of PVCS with long dir
> names.   Its looking for the "~1", "~2", etc mangled names.

        Alas, MS code is different.  Somebody needs to reverse-engineer
        the algorithm and publish it... something that requires
        a cross between a programmer and a cryptanalist (:-))

David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   |
Work: (905) 477-0437 Home: (416) 223-8968 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Martin)
Subject: Re: Sygate (Win 98) server to Linux client
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:00:27 GMT

In article <xO0r2.112$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, it says "Marv Woolard" 
> I know I'm trying to do this backwards... :-) but can I access my isp
> through my sygate server?

Yep.  You're probably just trying too hard -- set the default gateway on the 
Linux box to point to the Sygate server.  Works for me (and for the last 
fellow who asked the same question)

> windows 98 machine with sygate server

So you'd add a line:

        route add default gw

You can put that at the end of your etc/rc.c/rc.local  (RedHat)  or 
equivalent startup file.

And yes, you ARE doing it backward.  The only reason I'm running Sygate is 
because I can't find Linux drivers for a DirecPC dish.  :-(


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6rgen?= Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can I get a News Feed?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:01:20 +0100

David Francis wrote:
> Hello:
> Can anyone help me out with access to a News feed? My ISP's service is
> *terrible*. I have posted to this group before and received the odd e-mail
> message in reply, the e-mail was the only way I could tell that I had
> actually posted to the group...
> I expect my use of the News feed will be temporary.
> Thanks in advance.




From: "John K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,comp,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: configuration of eth0 & ifconfig
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 13:29:14 -0500

Hello everybody,

A week now I've been trying to configure a RedHat 5.2 Linux computer to work
as a client machine so I can have internet under Linux. The proxy server,
where the Internet is connected, runs under wingate and its configured and
running properly.

I want to have internet connection on both computers but something goes
terribly wrong and the Linux (client) recognizes eth0, but doesn't want to

- Network is with a coax BNC cable and terminated at each end properly
- The hardware and connexctions itself works fine because I tested both
computers with a software that LinkSys provided to configure the ethernet
cards. I had to boot clean with the disquettes under ms-dos, configure the
cards and then test. Durring the dos test, connection was established on
both computers.

Both computers have a NE2000 compatible board and are both assigned at
io=0x340 and irq=3 without any conflics.

Proxy machine is
Client machine is

I configured everything in the client computer with "netcfg" as follows:
Under "Names" nameservers I entered the proxy IP:
Under "Hosts" I have 3 entries:, and
Under "Interfaces" I have 2 entries: lo as and eth0 as
Under "Routing" everything is blank

At the kernel configurator I have:

under type: eth0
under module: ne
under arguments: io=0x340 irq=3


under type: ne
under module: <blank>
under arguments: io=0x340

the other entries are for opt3, midi, sb and sound

At the Xterm I also entered :
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
ifconfig eth0 up

and when I press" "ifconfig" it lists 2 entries the lo and eth0 with all
numbers ok.

- when I ping lo from the clent ( everything is ok.
- when I ping or from the client the host is
- durring boot, Linux detects and probes the eth0 and everything is ok.
- after reboot, all entries that I entered previously for "ifconfig eth0"
ARE LOST. thus when I press "ifconfig" I get only 1 entry: lo
- after reboot, when I press "ifconfig eth0" ir detects the ethernet, but
everythibg is reset at 0: ie. inet addr bcast mask

- when from MS-DOS I ping client from the proxy, the host is unreachable
- when from MS-DOS I ping the proxy itself everything is ok.
- when from MS-DOS I ping the proxy loopback everything ok.

Do you think the problem is that Windows98 (as proxy) and Linux (as client)
are not compatible and can't communicate among them?  I remember that on the
win98 wingate (proxy) I had to set up IPX SPX protocols. Do I have to do the
same for Linux. If yes how? From where?

What else might be the problem for this simple 2 computer network connection
that doesn't work from the Linux (client) side.

I read:
- RH Linux Unleashed chapter 13
- Teach yourself Linux in 24 hours
- Linux for dummies ;-)
- The official redHat Linux installation guide

and all 4 books are *totally* useless on that matter. I like solving
problems on my own before writing newsgroups, but on this one... got

Thanks in advance.


Subject: Re: 2 Linux machines 2 nics and a hub and something is wrong?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:07:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Darren Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,  I am about to go crazy here with problems.   I have two machines
> both running Red Hat 5.0.  Both have NICs and are recognized during the
> boot process.  I reinstalled Red Hat on both machines to get a fresh
> start.  During the install I chose to set up networking for each
> machine.

How about sending the results of ifconfig and route for both machines to the
group.  This might help in locating the problem.  Route is probably where the
problem will be found.

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From: "Marv Woolard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sygate (Win 98) server to Linux client
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 16:17:33 GMT

 I know I'm trying to do this backwards... :-) but can I access my isp
 through my sygate server? windows 98 machine with sygate server (tower.woolard) linux machine with samba installed ( RH5.1

 I've tried modifying resolv.conf without success and using the Network
 Configurator to modify nameservers, hosts and routing in several
 without success.

 my isp nameservers addresses are in the form:

will this work, if so what am I forgetting?



From: Matt Kressel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c509 problem
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:47:46 GMT

Lun wrote:
> I have install the RH 5.2 but I cannot setup my 3c509 card, when
> startup and shutdown, it shown a message "symbol for parameter I/O not
> found". Is my card's setup problem?? How can I fix it.
> Thank you very much

Sounds like you are passing the wrong parameter to the 3c509 module.  


+---------  Northrop Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY ---------+
+---------  TEL: (516) 346-9101 FAX: (516) 346-9740 ------------+


From: James Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat vs. Slackware
Date: 24 Jan 1999 22:36:03 +0000

Iven Connary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm looking to set up a firewall/NAT linux box for my network, and need
> to pick a distribution.

If it's doing firewall/NAT, are we talking about application level
proxying, or just ipfwadm-level packet filtering?  If the latter, then
the distribution doesn't matter since only the kernel code is involved.

ACTUALLY reachable as @free-lunch.demon.(whitehouse)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Walz)
Subject: PPP and hard disk problem
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 20:19:07 +0100

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have got a problem when accessing the Internet with 
Linux (more exactly SuSE Linux 5.3) and PPP. I can log 
in the Internet without any problems, but every time
data is transferred to or from the Internet, my hard 
disk runs. For example, if I open a telnet session 
and send or receive data from the terminal, the hard 
disk starts running as if data is stored to disk. If no 
data is transferred, then the hard disk slows down to
normal (no read or write operations).

Unfortunately, I am not a Linux expert. I use Kernel 
2.0.36 with the PPP component compiled into the kernel
(no modularization).

I will be very happy if you take the time to answer me.


Alexander Walz


Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 13:11:53 -0600
From: John Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setup modem on Sony Vaio 505 notebook

Go to

and look through the Mail section for Linux stuff. Talin set up a Vaio
notebook using RH 5.2 (if I recall correctly) and e-mailed his
experiences to Dr. Pournelle, who promptly published it on his site.

You may find a lot of good material there besides just the modem
problem. I read Dr. Pournelle's columns in BYTE for years; his Web site
is an even better source of information.


Felix Lam wrote:
> hi there,
> I have been trying to setup the 56K internal modem with
> redhat 5.1 and tried to make call using minicom.
> ATDTxxxxxxxx
> I have fiddled with the init string (ATZ, AT&FX3 ...etc)
> but still no luck. I checked the IRQ and stuff with setserial
> and appear fine (com2, i.e. on /dev/cua1).
> This modem works fine on my win98 setup.
> Thanks a lot in advance. This has been bugging me for
> nights now ... :(

John Alexander
Manager, Area Computing Services
The Capstone College of Nursing
School of Social Work
The University of Alabama


From: "Daniel Kühner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Router/Proxy
Date: 25 Jan 1999 16:22:26 GMT

Hallo !

Ich suche jemanden, der mir (außerhalb der Newsgroups) dabei helfen kann,
einen Router zwischen 2 Netzwerk-Segmenten und Internet per ISDN zu
installieren. Außerdem soll der Server/Router noch ein paar zus. Features
wie begrenzter Internet-Zugang für best. User und versch. Provider je nach
Tageszeit aufweisen.
Mein Linux-Rechner läuft übrigends unter SuSE 6.0 !

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar, da dieses doch sehr spezielle Problem in den
wenigsten HowTo's, FAQ etc. beschrieben ist !!!


From: "Jocelyn Dionne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can someone tell me if a TN5250 emulation for Linux exists?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:19:02 -0500

We have an AS400 and I want to connect to it with Linux.

If I use Telnet, it's not 100% compatible (Keys mapping, etc...)

That's why I'm looking for a TN5250 telnet for Linux.

Jocelyn Dionne
FF Soucy Inc.


Subject: How do I limit the size of a home account?
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:11:46 GMT

I'm creating a Linux/Apache server for a group of students on which each
person will have their own account. How do I:

a) Limit the size of their home directory to 5 MB?
b) Put a blank web page in each directory with only their name on the page?

I'm running Red Hat 5.1 / Apache 1.2.6 and in case you didn't notice, I'm a
Linux rookie.

Thanks for your help!

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: 3c509 - device or resource busy - register value 6d00
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 16:17:06 +0000

I have a 3com 509 (ISA) network card under redhat 5.2
The module fails to load with device or resource busy.
I have disabled plug'n'play.
It does not seem to be a problem with IRQ's.

The error appears to be at  in el3_probe within 3c509.c:

        if ( inw(ioaddr) != 0x6d50)
                return -ENODEV;

The call to inw(ioadd) returns 0x6d00 _not_ 0x6d50  !!

This is confirmed by running the el3_diag program which returns

Generating the activation sequence on port 0x100 for card 1.
Activating the card at I/O address 300.
EEPROM contents:
 0060 8c95 dbe9 9050 bb51 0041 4157 6d50 0010 af00 0060 8c95 dbe9 3f20
0000 40a0
An ISA EtherLink III board was activated at I/O 0x300, IRQ 10.
The board was activated at 0x300, but does not appear in I/O space!
ID register at 0x300 is 0x6d00, status register at 0x30e is 00.
<------6d00 !!!! --------
Window 0: 6d00 9000 2f00 0000 af00 0100 ff00 0000.
Window 1: ff00 ff00 0000 0000 8000 0000 0700 2000.
Window 2: ff00 ff00 ff00 0000 af00 0100 ff00 4000.
Window 3: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0700 6000.
Window 4: 2300 0100 2000 0000 0000 a800 0100 8000.
Window 5: 0700 0700 0000 0700 ff40 0000 0000 a000.
Window 6: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 c000.
Window 7: 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 e000.
   Done card 1.
Looking for card 2.
Generating the activation sequence on port 0x100 for card 2.
Activating the card at I/O address 3f0.
No ISA EtherLink III boards appear to be at index 2.

Whats wrong??



From: "Marco Grimm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Login Summary for ISDN-Server
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:01:36 +0100

I'm running an ISDN-Server on my Linux machine. Now I need a summary which
shows the users who accessed my system in the last week, month and so on.

I know that there is a summary availaible for MSNs ("isdnrep").

I'm looking for an equal tool which lists users instead of phone numbers.

I'm looking forward....



From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: command ARP (Adresse Resolution Protocol) ?
Date: 25 Jan 1999 17:13:34 +0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chouki Aktouf) writes:

> I installed Linux (RedHat 5.1) and I have typed arp (to analyse
> Ethernet/IP addresses). It works but
> FEW minutes after typing the command?! 

Try using the '-n' switch.

If this solves the problem you have broken reverse-DNS config.
(Number one FAQ in c.o.l.n).

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nuno faria pires)
Subject: TCP/IP+EtherTalk Mac-Linux link
Date: 25 Jan 1999 16:58:44 GMT

I plan to link a Mac to a Linux/PC box via Ethernet. The Mac will have a
modem PPP connection.

I want to:
.Install print and file services on the PC.
.Get the Mac to be some kind of terminal of the Linux box.

The mess:
.The print services can be driven by the netatalk package.
.The terminal part can be solved by telnet over a TCP/IP connection.
.The file sharing part can be solved by netatalk or TCP/IP [FTP or NFS if
I can get a Mac client].

But, how can I put all this together?:
.Can EtherTalk and TCP/IP coexist in the same Ether?
.Can the Mac handle both the PPP link and the TCP/IP over Ethernet?


                                nuno faria pires
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
instituto superior técnico
universidade técnica de lisboa


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Caching nameserver under Linux with Masquerading...
Date: 25 Jan 1999 18:41:15 +0000

"Steven J. Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently got my caching nameserver working for the most part under Linux. I
> have only one problem remaining. I have one Linux box that is my firewall and
> my modem is hooked up to it. I also have the caching nameserver running on it.
> I have a second Linux box that I do all my stuff on, surf, etc. Netscape has
> no problems with DNS queries, however, I cannot use 'nslookup' it always says:
> *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent host/domain
> *** Default servers are not available

That's becase nslookup is crappy.  It insists that the server it uses
has a reverse DNS entry.  Nothing else cares, just nslookup.

My advice is ditch nslookup and use dig.

Alternatively if you really like nslookup make your nameserver
authoratative for and put the right stuff in

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |



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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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