Linux-Networking Digest #14, Volume #10          Wed, 27 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Redhat 5.2 PPP-server & win95 (Maurice)
  ftp scripts? (Michael Benedict)
  Re: Linux 5.1 DNS returns non-authoritive answers ("Tom Hulley")
  Re: Compatible CDRW Drive Recommendations?? ("Christopher Cox")
  Win95<->Linux: ftp but no telnet? (Gordon Dailey)
  Redhat 5.2 PPP-sever for win95 (Maurice)
  Re: Redhat 5.2 PPP-server & win95 (Nelson Yan)
  NICs ("cInDeR")
  Re: Nt & linux ("Levon Barker")
  Re: two ip addresses / two gateways / one machine? ("Jeffrey S. Kline")
  Re: setting up cable modem (Joel Nelson)
  Re: PPP Setup for Dial in ("Jeffrey S. Kline")


From: Maurice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat 5.2 PPP-server & win95
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 23:28:41 +0100


I`m trying to set my Redhat 5.2 box to act as a ppp-server for win95 .
I use mgetty and pppd
Mgetty works fine, it detects the call and it starts up pppd bij de
AutoPPP entry in login.conf
The pppd seems to make a connection but then It hangs up at the point
where i should get a name & passwd popup window in windows95.
Mij ppp/options file looks like this at the moment, I experimantated a
lot with ppp-options, but nothing seems to help.


this is my options.ttyS1

wich should work for my machine with ip

this is my  pap-secrets

# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses
    *             *      ""                        *

this  is what my mgetty.ttyS1 log looks like

01/26 14:56:03 yS1  send: ATA[0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1  waiting for ``CONNECT''
01/26 14:56:03 yS1   got: [0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: RING[0a]ATA[0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: ATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found **
01/26 14:56:17 yS1  send:
01/26 14:56:17 yS1  waiting for ``_''
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   got:  28800/V42[0d]
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: CONNECT 28800/V42
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: found: 28800/V42[0a] ** found **
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
}7}"}&} }*} } }%}&} [ac][92][a2]}'}"}(}"}-}#}&t[9f]~
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    looking for utmp entry... (my PID: 492)
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   utmp + wtmp entry made
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   getlogname (AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
01/26 14:56:20 yS1    login: use login config file
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'*** hit!
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', argv[]='pppd'
01/26 14:56:20 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=492, caller='none',
V42', n
ame='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CALLER_ID=none'
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CONNECT=28800/V42'

Then here is my log messages with kdebug 7 debug

Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid 0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Modem hangup
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Connection terminated.
Jan 26 14:56:50 maurinux pppd[492]: Exit.
Jan 26 14:58:14 maurinux last message repeated 2 times
Jan 26 14:58:20 maurinux kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully

You can see the hangup after the connect of ppp0 and ttyS1
At that point I should get the pap auth
I made sure that i`m useing a pppd without shadow passwd capababilty
because Red HAt 5.2 doesn`t have shadow passwd configured standard.

I tried everything (that i could think of) but I can`t find out what is
going wrong here
Maybe I just need some extra pppd options

If somebody knows how to solve this or has some suggestions I would be
very grateful.

Maurice Mahieu

If you got an answer please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance


From: Michael Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ftp scripts?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 00:45:17 -0500

I couldn't find info on this on or in the man pages,
so I am wondering if anyone knows how to do ftp scripts (or if they can
be done).  Basically, I am trying to create a shell program that will be
run daily and update my ip (I am on a dhcp cable modem network) to a
page on my website.  Grabbing the info to do so is easy, but entering
the ftp program automatically stops the script from completing.  I am a
newbie, but did pretty much the same thing on WinNT fairly easily (by
calling ftp with an arguement to include a seperate script that ftp
would run).  The current ftp clients installed on my machine are ftp,
ncftp, and tftp.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Benedict


From: "Tom Hulley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux 5.1 DNS returns non-authoritive answers
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 16:49:02 -0500

Reiner Miericke wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Tom Hulley wrote:
>> Hi..
>>     I just set up a Linux 5.1 system and set it to be  primary name
>> It seems to work OK, except with nslookup, it always says it is a
>> Non-authoritave answer. It should be authoritative for my domain.
>> Where does it determine for what domain it is authoritative?
>To answer a query, your nameserver will first try to get the answer
>from the cache. If this is successfull, the answer is marked as
>non authoritative.

My server is set as a primary. I'm not sure how the cache actually works,
but any computer name lookup in my domain returns a Non-authoritative
answer. If I lookup a remote system the first time it is authoritative and
then another lookup is Non-authoritative. that is probably the cache
working. I would think all my answers from a primary server would be
authoritative. In fact, this is a test server and my real nameserver acts
this way.  Any other ideas why all answers are non-authoritative for my


From: "Christopher Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compatible CDRW Drive Recommendations??
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:47:08 GMT

Speaks loads about the process

Christopher Cox

Landen Stoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> I need to install a CDRW drive in a linux server this week, for backup
> purposes. Can anyone recommend a good reliable IDE drive. Also is there
> any problems commonly encountered installing CDRW under linux, and where
> can I find any more information about CDR's or CDRW's and Linux?
> Thanks
> Landen Stoker


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 00:39:11 -0500
From: Gordon Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Win95<->Linux: ftp but no telnet?

I'm new to linux and I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem I am having
communicating between the two machines.  One machine is a win95 machine,
the other is linux.  They are connected over a two machine ethernet
using coax cabling (properly terminated, etc.).  I have set static Class
C IP addresses for both machines and I have an entry for the win95
machine's IP address in both /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts.allow.  Neither
machine is connected to the internet at the time the below problem

My problem is this: when I use telnet from the win95 machine to connect
to the linux machine, I first get a prompt for dial-up networking. I hit
the cancel button and then I see the welcome message from the linux
machine...but no login prompt!  I can type anything I want, but nothing
more happens and eventually the connection times out.

If I am already connected to the Internet via dial-upnetworking, then I
don't get the DUN prompt, but I still don't get a login prompt from the
linux machine.  I can telnet to other linux machines on the internet, I
get the prompt and everything works fine.  Also, when I telnet to the
linux machine from the linux machine, I get the login prompt and
everything works fine, but not when I try to come in from the win95

I can ping each machine from the other without a problem.  When I use
Windows ftp, I can log into the linux machine without a problem and I am
able to ftp files to the linux machine.

Does anyone have any ideas why (1) I don't get a login prompt from the
linux machine when I use telnet from win95 and (2) why do I always get a
dial-up networking prompt from win95 when I use telnet?



From: Maurice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat 5.2 PPP-sever for win95
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 23:03:58 +0100


I`m trying to set my Redhat 5.2 box to act as a ppp-server for win95 .
I use mgetty and pppd
Mgetty works fine, it detects the call and it starts up pppd bij de
AutoPPP entry in login.conf
The pppd seems to make a connection but then It hangs up at the point
where i should get a name & passwd popup window in windows95.
Mij ppp/options file looks like this at the moment, I experimantated a
lot with ppp-options, but nothing seems to help.


this is my options.ttyS1

wich should work for my machine with ip

this is my  pap-secrets

# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses
    *             *      ""                        *

this  is what my mgetty.ttyS1 log looks like

01/26 14:56:03 yS1  send: ATA[0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1  waiting for ``CONNECT''
01/26 14:56:03 yS1   got: [0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: RING[0a]ATA[0d]
01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: ATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found **
01/26 14:56:17 yS1  send:
01/26 14:56:17 yS1  waiting for ``_''
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   got:  28800/V42[0d]
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: CONNECT 28800/V42
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: found: 28800/V42[0a] ** found **
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
}7}"}&} }*} } }%}&} [ac][92][a2]}'}"}(}"}-}#}&t[9f]~
01/26 14:56:17 yS1    looking for utmp entry... (my PID: 492)
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   utmp + wtmp entry made
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
01/26 14:56:17 yS1   getlogname (AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
01/26 14:56:20 yS1    login: use login config file
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'*** hit!
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', argv[]='pppd'
01/26 14:56:20 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=492, caller='none',
V42', n
ame='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CALLER_ID=none'
01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CONNECT=28800/V42'

Then here is my log messages with kdebug 7 debug

Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid 0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Modem hangup
Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Connection terminated.
Jan 26 14:56:50 maurinux pppd[492]: Exit.
Jan 26 14:58:14 maurinux last message repeated 2 times
Jan 26 14:58:20 maurinux kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully

You can see the hangup after the connect of ppp0 and ttyS1
At that point I should get the pap auth
I made sure that i`m useing a pppd without shadow passwd capababilty
because Red HAt 5.2 doesn`t have shadow passwd configured standard.

I tried everything (that i could think of) but I can`t find out what is
going wrong here
Maybe I just need some extra pppd options

If somebody knows how to solve this or has some suggestions I would be
very grateful.

Maurice Mahieu

If you got an answer please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance


Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 14:05:18 +0800
From: Nelson Yan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat 5.2 PPP-server & win95

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=RESERVED
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Maurice wrote:

> Hello,
> I`m trying to set my Redhat 5.2 box to act as a ppp-server for win95 .
> I use mgetty and pppd
> Mgetty works fine, it detects the call and it starts up pppd bij de
> AutoPPP entry in login.conf
> The pppd seems to make a connection but then It hangs up at the point
> where i should get a name & passwd popup window in windows95.
> Mij ppp/options file looks like this at the moment, I experimantated a
> lot with ppp-options, but nothing seems to help.
> auth
> +pap
> -chap
> login
> modem
> crtscts
> lock
> proxyarp
> detach
> this is my options.ttyS1
> wich should work for my machine with ip
> this is my  pap-secrets
> # Secrets for authentication using PAP
> # client        server  secret                  IP addresses
>     *             *      ""                        *
> this  is what my mgetty.ttyS1 log looks like
> 01/26 14:56:03 yS1  send: ATA[0d]
> 01/26 14:56:03 yS1  waiting for ``CONNECT''
> 01/26 14:56:03 yS1   got: [0d]
> 01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: RING[0a]ATA[0d]
> 01/26 14:56:03 yS1    CND: ATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found **
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1  send:
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1  waiting for ``_''
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   got:  28800/V42[0d]
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: CONNECT 28800/V42
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1    CND: found: 28800/V42[0a] ** found **
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
> ~[ff]}#[c0]
> !}!}!}
> }7}"}&} }*} } }%}&} [ac][92][a2]}'}"}(}"}-}#}&t[9f]~
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1    looking for utmp entry... (my PID: 492)
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   utmp + wtmp entry made
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
> 01/26 14:56:17 yS1   getlogname (AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1    login: use login config file
> /usr/local/etc/mgetty+
> sendfax
> /login.config
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'*** hit!
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', argv[]='pppd'
> 01/26 14:56:20 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=492, caller='none',
> conn='28800/
> V42', n
> ame='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CALLER_ID=none'
> 01/26 14:56:20 yS1   setenv: 'CONNECT=28800/V42'
> Then here is my log messages with kdebug 7 debug
> Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
> Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: registered device ppp0
> Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid 0
> Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Using interface ppp0
> Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
> Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Modem hangup
> Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Connection terminated.
> Jan 26 14:56:50 maurinux pppd[492]: Exit.
> Jan 26 14:58:14 maurinux last message repeated 2 times
> Jan 26 14:58:20 maurinux kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
> un
> regist
> You can see the hangup after the connect of ppp0 and ttyS1
> At that point I should get the pap auth
> I made sure that i`m useing a pppd without shadow passwd capababilty
> because Red HAt 5.2 doesn`t have shadow passwd configured standard.
> I tried everything (that i could think of) but I can`t find out what is
> going wrong here
> Maybe I just need some extra pppd options
> If somebody knows how to solve this or has some suggestions I would be
> very grateful.
> Maurice Mahieu
> If you got an answer please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks in advance

It seams that you can't login. Just remove the file pap-secrets in
/etc/options/, then it will use the file /etc/passwd, even /etc/shadow.

Nelson Yan
Technical Manager, Network System
Zi Corporation (H.K) Limited
Tel: +852 2525-5283 Fax: +852 2530-3526

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Maurice wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hello,
<p>I`m trying to set my Redhat 5.2 box to act as a ppp-server for win95
<br>I use mgetty and pppd
<br>Mgetty works fine, it detects the call and it starts up pppd bij de
<br>AutoPPP entry in login.conf
<br>The pppd seems to make a connection but then It hangs up at the point
<br>where i should get a name &amp; passwd popup window in windows95.
<br>Mij ppp/options file looks like this at the moment, I experimantated
<br>lot with ppp-options, but nothing seems to help.
<p>this is my options.ttyS1
<p>wich should work for my machine with ip
<p>this is my&nbsp; pap-secrets
<p># Secrets for authentication using PAP
<br># client&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; server&nbsp; 
IP addresses
<p>this&nbsp; is what my mgetty.ttyS1 log looks like
<p>01/26 14:56:03 yS1&nbsp; send: ATA[0d]
<br>01/26 14:56:03 yS1&nbsp; waiting for ``CONNECT''
<br>01/26 14:56:03 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; got: [0d]
<br>01/26 14:56:03 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CND: RING[0a]ATA[0d]
<br>01/26 14:56:03 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CND: ATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp; send:
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp; waiting for ``_''
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; got:&nbsp; 28800/V42[0d]
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CND: CONNECT 28800/V42
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CND: found: 28800/V42[0a] ** found
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
<br>}7}"}&amp;} }*} } }%}&amp;} [ac][92][a2]}'}"}(}"}-}#}&amp;t[9f]~
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; looking for utmp entry... (my
PID: 492)
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; utmp + wtmp entry made
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
<br>01/26 14:56:17 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; getlogname (AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; login: use login config file
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'***
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd',
<br>01/26 14:56:20 ##### data dev=ttyS1, pid=492, caller='none',
<br>V42', n
<br>ame='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'
<p>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; setenv: 'CALLER_ID=none'
<br>01/26 14:56:20 yS1&nbsp;&nbsp; setenv: 'CONNECT=28800/V42'
<p>Then here is my log messages with kdebug 7 debug
<p>Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
<br>Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux kernel: registered device ppp0
<br>Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid
<br>Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Using interface ppp0
<br>Jan 26 14:56:20 maurinux pppd[492]: Connect: ppp0 &lt;--> /dev/ttyS1
<br>Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
<br>Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Modem hangup
<br>Jan 26 14:56:49 maurinux pppd[492]: Connection terminated.
<br>Jan 26 14:56:50 maurinux pppd[492]: Exit.
<br>Jan 26 14:58:14 maurinux last message repeated 2 times
<br>Jan 26 14:58:20 maurinux kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
<p>You can see the hangup after the connect of ppp0 and ttyS1
<br>At that point I should get the pap auth
<br>I made sure that i`m useing a pppd without shadow passwd capababilty
<br>because Red HAt 5.2 doesn`t have shadow passwd configured standard.
<p>I tried everything (that i could think of) but I can`t find out what
<br>going wrong here
<br>Maybe I just need some extra pppd options
<p>If somebody knows how to solve this or has some suggestions I would
<br>very grateful.
<p>Maurice Mahieu
<p>If you got an answer please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<p>Thanks in advance</blockquote>
It seams that you can't login. Just remove the file pap-secrets in /etc/options/,
then it will use the file /etc/passwd, even /etc/shadow.
Nelson Yan
Technical Manager, Network System
Zi Corporation (H.K) Limited
Tel: +852 2525-5283 Fax: +852 2530-3526
<A HREF=""></A></pre>



Subject: NICs
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:37:09 -0000

hey does anybody know how to properly install to NICs and configure them in
LINUX w/out conflicts??



From: "Levon Barker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Nt & linux
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 16:24:03 -0500

Use Samba.

If you have the Red Hat Distribution check out /etc/smb.conf

FireDragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>I have a question...
>We run a little NT LAN at home, and have recently aquired another machine,
>which is running Linux, which we would love to have on the LAN, but
>it just doesn't want to co-operate. I can telnet into the Linux machine
>one of the NT machines, but that is about it. Is it possible for us to get
>the Linux machine to actively participate in the rest of our domain, or
>it remain an outcast for ever?
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.


From: "Jeffrey S. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two ip addresses / two gateways / one machine?
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 19:05:01 -0600

Routing Luke.... Use the Routing....

Your routing table, if it yet even exists, is what bridges what goes to what

Routing Luke.... Use the Routing....

Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:

>     Can someone please help me out.  I have a linux box at work with one
> network card.  The computer resides on two networks, the internal
> network for the business (at and the Internet (at
>  I have no problem getting the computer to connect to
> either network individually through their respective gateways (at
> and, but I'd like to be able to configure eth0
> to claim both IP addresses at the same time (I've been able to set up
> IP-aliasing without any problems) and use both gateways at the same
> time, chooing the appropriate one to connect to either network.
>     It's setting up route to use both gateways that I've been unable to
> do, yet.  Is there someway to do this?  I've been throught the manpages,
> the how-tos, and have even visited the LDP, but I haven't found what I'm
> looking for.
>     This is what I've got so far:
> ifconfig lo
> ifconfig eth0 up
> ifconfig eth0
> ifconfig eth0:0
> route add -net
> route add -net dev eth0
> route add -host dev eth0
> route add default gw
> No problems so far...  My computer sees the Internet with no problems.
> Now how do I go about setting it up so it can see the internal network?
> I've tried:
> route add -net dev eth0:0 but I get the error "SIOCADDRT:
> Invalid argument"
> Anyway, I'm stumped.  Any help would be apprecated.
> Adam K


From: Joel Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setting up cable modem
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 05:02:28 GMT


When you say you get isolated does that mean you work for awhile and
then stop working? I have a similar setup with @Home. Linux is my router
and I have an NT Server and Win95 pc on my internal private (
network using IP Masquerading. I had a little trouble getting the 3com
card working but after that I just followed the IP Masquerade HowTo and
everything is perfect.


Jim wrote:
> I set myself up static as well.  @Home permits this.  I work for a cable
> system supporting two cable modem services.  @Home and Bresnanlink.
> Bresnanlink will kill users attempting to go static.
> It's easiest to configure in x.  Try typing netcfg & at the root prompt.
> Perhaps you can answer something for me.  I continue to get isolated from
> the network via @Home with my Linux box.  The Windows 98 machine on the
> other had does fine.  I can ping to the router but not beyond.  Do you find
> yourself having this problem?
> Clayton Summers wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >I cheated.  Instead of using DHCP, I used static IP addresses.
> >
> >This works for the @home network, don't know if it will help on MediaOne
> >
> >
> >
> >XUnKoWnX1 wrote:
> >>
> >> i an new to linux, and i am trying to setup my cable modem. i was able to
> do
> >> this pretty easlly in win 98, but linux is alot differnt. My isp is
> MediaOne. I
> >> have been to some sites but those havent helped to much, if anyone can
> help me
> >> i can explain more or you you know of a good web site that i can look
> into that
> >> would be great. Thank you


From: "Jeffrey S. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP Setup for Dial in
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 19:06:28 -0600

I agree....

    GET A REAL ISP and hack off with these ISP wannabe's


John McKinney wrote:

> Werner wrote:
> > Clayton Haapala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Here's the "blow-off" email I got from uswest when I asked about
> > > connecting linux.  I have followed up with them to ask specifically
> > > about "Tell me what I am dialing -- I'll take care of the rest, but
> > > haven't gotten that answer yet.
> >
> > Why on earth would you pick an ISP run by people thousands of miles away whos
> > tech support people have expert training on reading flow charts?
> >
> > I'm sure there are many local ISPs whos tech support people actually use Linux
> > and could help you off the top of their heads.
> Netcom and Earthlink both have webpages in thier support areas that address this.
> They also have tech support folks that seem to know what they are doing but it may
> take awhile to talk to them (you always have to go thru the guy who checks to see
> if your plugged in first).  Your mileage may vary.



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