Linux-Networking Digest #436, Volume #10          Tue, 9 Mar 99 14:13:38 EST

  Netscape 4.5 does not work ob Radhat 4.2 (CAIS)
  Linux Ethernet analyser for IP Telephony ("Marc Hauswirth")
  Re: Telnet Problem (Clemens Heise)
  Re: Netscape 4.5 does not work ob Radhat 4.2 (Nguyen-Dai Quy)
  NFS performance (Bill Hay)
  Re: tunneling through a campus LAN ? ("Cameron Spitzer")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (Rick Onanian)
  Perl scripts in NT (Brent Corbin)
  Re: PPP (Clifford Kite)
  Re: appletalk si, TCP no! ("Ian Payne")
  Re: Tone activated Tel Exchanges (Leonardo L Díaz)
  Re: VPN and IP Masquerading ("John Hardin")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (Harry)
  Re: tunneling through a campus LAN ? ("Cameron Spitzer")
  3Com Officeconnect LAN Modem / Linux (David Burlage)
  Re: wvdial problem! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: DX _6_ Zone game through Linux IP Masquerade and IPFWADM not working 
  Automated mail printing RH5.1 via shared printer on NT/WIN98 (Scott Lillis)
  ISDN connecting over and over... ("Ron")
  Re: Multiple groups using a samba share ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Monitoring IP Traffic ("Jim Brown")


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Netscape 4.5 does not work ob Radhat 4.2
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 08:12:44 -0500

I have RedHat 4.2 running on my machine.
I installed netscape 4.5 but when trying to 
run the command:

/usr/local/netecale> ./netscape 

bash returns with the message:

bash: file or directory not found (or something like that :-) ).

I also noticed that the binary makes reference to /lib/ 
which I don't have on my system. I checked other binaries that work
and they want /lib/ which is on my system.

What does this lib file do ?
Where can I find it and is it enough to have it in the /lib  directory 
w/o recompiling the kernel or upgrading to a later distribution ?


Sergio Montano


From: "Marc Hauswirth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Ethernet analyser for IP Telephony
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 12:46:47 +0100


Did somebody now a Ethernet analyser that decode the H.323 & H.225 protocols
used for the IP Telephony ?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clemens Heise)
Subject: Re: Telnet Problem
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 14:08:39 GMT

On 8 Mar 1999 20:24:34 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I have Redhat 5.1 Kernel 2.0.34 installed and I can´t login with
>Even from the console I get "Login incorrect" all the time and with
>every Username that I set up.
>Is there something else I have to install?

T-Online refuses all Packets on Port 23. Means no Telnet with T-Online. :-)

Clemens Heise


From: Nguyen-Dai Quy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Netscape 4.5 does not work ob Radhat 4.2
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 15:31:32 +0100

CAIS wrote:
> I have RedHat 4.2 running on my machine.
> I installed netscape 4.5 but when trying to
> run the command:
> /usr/local/netecale> ./netscape
> bash returns with the message:
> bash: file or directory not found (or something like that :-) ).

Look at:
$ which netscape
$ locate netscape | grep bin

> I also noticed that the binary makes reference to /lib/
> which I don't have on my system. I checked other binaries that work
> and they want /lib/ which is on my system.
> What does this lib file do ?
> Where can I find it and is it enough to have it in the /lib  directory
> w/o recompiling the kernel or upgrading to a later distribution ?
> Thanks
> Sergio Montano


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Hay)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: NFS performance
Date: 8 Mar 1999 22:07:18 GMT

        I'm trying to find out about Linux's NFS server performance.
AIUI earlier Linux NFS  servers were slow (especially when interoperating
with Sun clients) because they ran entirely in user mode.  I believe some
effort was made to move part of the server into the Kernel during the 
2.1.x development.

1.Has this been carried forward into 2.2?
2.Where can one get an NFS server that takes advantage of this
kernel enhancement?
3.How does this new server compare performance wise with
older Linux implementations and FreeBSD?

Please reply by e-mail and I will sumamrise for the group.

Humorous Quote


From: "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tunneling through a campus LAN ?
Date: 9 Mar 1999 16:30:51 GMT

In article <7c382f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jeff Volckaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Switch marsbase and rebelbase and have marsbase route traffic for rebels.

Marsbase is a Solaris box.  If we run Linux on it, the router
does not boot.  Solaris does *something* to wake the router up.
We can't alter marsbase's routing table.
We can't add devices to it.  Its only job in this scenario is
to be a thing the ISDN router can talk to at boot time.
Therefore SPARC Linux is not an option.
Besides, marsbase cannot route frames to babylonstation.
Only earthmole can do that.

>Cameron Spitzer wrote in message <7c1dpn$idt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Marsbase can telnet to earthmole and earthmole can telnet, FTP, and HTTP
>>to bablylonstation through a proxy.  Other ports are not open
>>in the routers, except for DNS.
>>"Marsbase" cannot telnet to the world because of the firewall,
>>and the world cannot telnet into anything behind the firewall.
>>We have:
>>       [marsnet]                       [earthnet]        [Internet]
>>rebelbase --+-- router ==[ISDN]== router --+-- firewall --+--+--+-- bablylonstation
>>            |                              |
>>            |                              |
>>        marsbase                        earthmole
>>Can this be done?  What do we run, where?  Which HOWTOs cover this
>>kind of tunneling?


From: Rick Onanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 11:53:58 -0500

John Thompson wrote:
> DanH wrote:
> > Robert Bentley wrote:
> > >
> > > All I want to know is what this has to do with linux , and this newsgroup
> > > Peyton Bay wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > > >childsplay wrote:
> > Well, it is a good way to break the ice and wake people up about what M$
> > is doing and opening that there are "other" operating systems out there.
> But if they're reading in the "comp.os.linux..." newsgroups
> chances are they already know this...

I believe this was in response to the large amount of posts lately by
microsoft lovers who randomly come into a linux group and post something
like "Linux is just like Windows in safe mode!"... 

Who cares...
> --

  rick - a guy in search of raw (ISO) cd images of SuSE and Slackware
My opinions don't exist, and as such, are not anyone elses. I do not 
represent anyone, not even myself, and especially not my employer.
Looking for a 1968 Camaro SS convertible, black interior, 
beat-up rustbucket that is in need lots of restoration and TLC.
To email me, take out the papers and the trash


From: Brent Corbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Perl scripts in NT
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 11:17:16 -0600

Can anyone tell me how to get Perl scripts to work on an NT Server?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: PPP
Date: 9 Mar 1999 10:28:30 -0600


: When I try using eznet PPP it takes about 15 -20 seconds for my modem to
: initialize. then it  finally dials out. After about a minute or two, I
: get a time out error. Is this due to the fact that I am also using this

This means that the Linux device file configuration has the wrong IRQ set,
i.e., it's not set for the IRQ the modem actually uses.  It's usually set
by setserial in one of the boot-up files /etc/rc.* .  Don't know eznet
so can't help with using it.

Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* Governments should be changed like diapers - often and for the
 * same reason. */


From: "Ian Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: appletalk si, TCP no!
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 16:43:00 GMT

Michael Cox wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>ok...i'm frustrated...
>i'm running RedHat 5.2 on a P133 with a Linksys Ne2000 card, PNP disabled,
>and cant get out of localhost
>i have a Win98 box, a Mac 7200, and the Linuxbox, all networked thru a
>LanPro hub
>linuxbox is, winbox is, Mac is,
>IPv4 is off, proto is none,


IP is off? Don't you think that's the problem?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leonardo L Díaz)
Crossposted-To: uk.telecom,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Tone activated Tel Exchanges
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 17:39:46 GMT

On Tue, 09 Mar 1999 10:07:48 +0000, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Graham Shepherd wrote:
>> Matt wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> >
>> >Could someone mail me with the name of the software or hardware that is
>> >used
>> >by a telephone then the user is asked to enter a tone to activate a
>> >service.
>> >
>> >ie..
>> >
>> >ring, ring...
>> >Welcome..
>> >If you are using a tone telephone press star (*)"
>> >Press 1 to acivate service x...
>> >Matt
>> >
>> The autoanswer software is usualy part of the telephone switch software and
>> is supplied by the equipment manufacturer. If you're talking about software
>> to generate tones after dialling to one of these systems - I hope you're not
>> thinking of trying aht I think you are...
> And what would that be ?
War dialers?  Old stuff by now.  But I think the idea would be to
build your own messaging system under Linux.  That could be perfect.
Free OS, low footprint, minimal resources.  

But I will really be interested in getting to recognize those tones
from my machine.  I remember reading many (too many) years ago in
Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar about the decoding chips.  Has anybody stayed
up-todate on that?  Is any card around with one of those chips that
will just tell me which button was pressed?


From: "John Hardin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VPN and IP Masquerading
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 09:19:17 -0800

Ketil Z Malde wrote in message ...
>Since we're on the topic of VPN....
>I'm connecting to the internet with an old Linux box as a router,
>using masquerading, forwarding and TOS - pretty cool, really.
>I now need to connect behind the company firewall, which uses IPsec
>(FW-1), and I'd really like the linux box to handle that - just route
>addresses to the internal company net over a VPN connection.  Is this
>possible, and in particular, is it possible with Linux 2.2?
>I really don't want to ditch my ipchains setup and go back to 2.0.36,
>although it does look like I have to from all the documentation (while
>very good and nicely cross referenced, the docs *could* be a bit
>clearer on what kernels they refer to, since there's been a bit of
>change there - you listening, John? :-)

Zzzzz...  >snort<  Wha...?

Sorry about the kernel confusion, I'll see if I can clear it up any.

The current state of thing is this:

I am still living in 2.0.x-land, and have just barely begun to look at the
2.2.x kernels.

Gordon Chaffee has written a PPTP Masq patch for 2.1.x, and William Avery
has ported it to 2.2.2, but it doesn't have Call ID masquerade. This means
it'll work for a single client or for masquerading a server, which is a
large part of the market. As soon as I can grok the 2.2 masq code I will
add the Call-ID masquerade and the support for IPSec and ISAKMP masquerade
that are in the 2.0.36 patch and the 2.0.37 standard release.

A patched 2.0.36 kernel, the latest 2.0.37pre, and 2.0.37+ kernels support
masquerade of PPTP and IPSec.

I believe that Gordon has the 2.2.x PPTP Masq patch on his site at

The Linux VPN Masquerade home page is at:

When I start producing 2.2.x stuff, you'll see it announced there. (Maybe
it should be added to the Daily Diffs...) It may be a while, though. Sorry.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgpk -a finger://    PGP key ID: 0x41EA94F5
 PGP key fingerprint: A3 0C 5B C2 EF 0D 2C E5  E9 BF C8 33 A7 A9 CE 76
  If you spend any time administering Windows NT, you're far too
  familiar with the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) ...
                            - "MSDN Flash" email newsletter, 2/9/1999


Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 09:48:45 -0500

I've never believed that large corporations are eithical things, but
I'm beginning to feel that I need more and more evidence that 
Microsoft can behave itself without close scrutiny and legal 

Thanks for bringing this to the attention of people in this forum - 
this information is of value to everyone who logs on and uses the 



From: "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tunneling through a campus LAN ?
Date: 9 Mar 1999 16:54:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Rick Onanian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If I'm reading you right, you're stuck behind a restrictive firewall,

We're stuck behind TWO restrictive firewalls.  Firewall 1 is
the pair of ISDN routers between marsnet and earthnet.
Firewall 2 is between earthnet and the Internet.

> The closest you
>have to freedom is if you telnet out of your firewall into a friendly
>host that you have root access

And that is why this isn't a simple IP tunneling application where
we could use term or slirp or tia as they are documented in the HOWTOs.
We have a *user* account on a machine on the network in the middle,
and we are allowed to do this if we can figure out how to do
it without bothering the staff, but we don't have root.

> on that can do what it wants. You want
>Slirp was designed to emulate SLIP access when all you've got is shell
>access. This was used primarily for people with a cheap $10/month dialup
>connection who didn't want to pay $50/month for SLIP (this was back a
>years..:). It ought to be adaptable to what you want, methinks.

I wrote: 
>> Marsbase can telnet to earthmole and earthmole can telnet, FTP, and HTTP
>> to bablylonstation through a proxy.
>> "Marsbase" cannot telnet to the world because of the firewall,
>> and the world cannot telnet into anything behind the firewall.
>>        [marsnet]                       [earthnet]        [Internet]
>> rebelbase --+-- router ==[ISDN]== router --+-- firewall --+--+--+-- bablylonstation
>>             |                              |
>>             |                              |
>>         marsbase                        earthmole

So the question is, how does one configure/invoke slirp/term/tia
to run in two sessions:  slirp
session A running from rebelbase to earthmole and
session B running from earthmole to bablylonstation?

In other words, is it possible to run a slirp *gateway*
on earthmole, entirely in user space?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Burlage)
Subject: 3Com Officeconnect LAN Modem / Linux
Date: 9 Mar 1999 15:30:16 GMT

I have a 3Com Office Connect Lan Modem, essentially a router,
working under Win98 and I'm trying to get it working under Linux.

It appears thatmt ethernet card is detected during bootup, but I
don't know how to verify that is actually working correctly.

I use Slackware 3.5. When I do a ifconfig, I see the eth0 entry
in additon to loopback. I think the problem is with my routing.
Slackware has a script "netconfig" that asks for the following

name of my machine (I used blackbeard)
domain (I used, my dialup ISP)
IP address of my machine (I have a dynamic IP account)
gateway (I used, the address of the router)
netmask (I used and also teired
nameserver (I used the address of one of my ISP's DNS)
What should I use for the above?

I can't ping It tries but just sits there. No error
message, just sits there until I Ctrl-C

Clues welcomed!



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.dial-up,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: wvdial problem!
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 15:38:01 GMT

On Mon, 08 Mar 1999 18:40:04 +0100, The Passenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Wvdial disconnects, so I've checked /var/log/messages, and found this:
>[Chat779]-Can't restore terminal parameters: invalid argument.
>Can someboby help me out with this?
Try putting "Stupid mode = yes" in wvdail.conf.
I don't know if this will help, but it's worth a try.
I was using wvdial on an isp, and it would disconnect
for seemingly no reason.
It seemed that I was being asked for pap twice
as I was handed off from one machine to another.
If wvdial sent the conventional login to the second machine, it
would just disconnect.
"Stupid mode= yes" tells wvdial to only send pap-secrets
when asked to login.
It works for me. It's in the wvdial docs.


Subject: Re: DX _6_ Zone game through Linux IP Masquerade and IPFWADM not working
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 03:57:09 GMT

  What kernel version are you using?  Is the  outwars machine the machine
that connecting to the internet (remote address)?

In article <79qqrl$e4e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <JfIv2.38$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Wadels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, after no answer and more searching, I found a solution that so far has
> > worked 98%. These commands in Linux do it. I recommend putting them in a
> > shell script which you'd run only before getting on the zone. This bypasses
> > some of your firewall's security, but it lets you play your 15-30 min game.
> > My home network can take a bit less security for this kind of window. After
> > you're done, run ipautofw -F to flush these rules, which (as far as I know)
> > should restore full security.
> >
> > ipautofw -A -r udp 1000 5000 -h [address of your Outwars machine]
> > ipautofw -A -r tcp 1000 5000 -h [address of your Outwars machine]
> > ipautofw -A -r udp 47624 47624 -h [address of your Outwars machine]
> > ipautofw -A -r tcp 47624 47624 -h [address of your Outwars machine]
> >
> > The 2% that doesn't work for me is this: my latency value (from a ping) does
> > not show up in the zone, so people think my connection must be terribly slow
> > (so they don't want to be in my game), and only 1 machine on my internal
> > network can play at a time. I can certainly live with this. I think that one
> > Mike Miller was the one who posted this solution. Thanks, Mike.
> >
> > Note, I've only played 2 or 3 people in Outwars on the Zone with these
> > settings. I don't know if they all had DirectX 6 or if (and when) it
> > matters. Good luck all.
> Where can we get IPAUTOFW?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Lillis)
Subject: Automated mail printing RH5.1 via shared printer on NT/WIN98
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 16:59:36 GMT

        Hi all,

        I have a task that I need to get done, and just wanted some     
              opinions on the best way to go about doing it.

        I am running a small NT Network, whith 2 RH5.2 systems atached
        1 for packet filtering, one for Mail/DNS server. I would like 
        the system to check a mailbox on my mailserver say every 5 
        minutes and if there is any mail to print them out on a         
             network printer. (Which is connected to a WIN98         
        workstation with        share permissions set).

        I'm pretty sure I need to use Samba to do this, but would 
        apperiate any suggestions on other possible ways.

                                        -Scott Lillis

(Remove XX's when e-mailing)


Subject: ISDN connecting over and over...
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 16:45:24 +0100
Reply-To: "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I finally got ISDN running on:
 RH Linux 5.2
Kernel 2.0.36

It took a while to make ppp understand to disconnect, but that sort of works
However, every time I disconnect, ppp starts connecting all over again!
Even after giving "dialmode ippp0 off" like someone suggested.

Could it be that the DHCP-daemon (dhcpd-0.70-2) I'm running on the local net
is getting in the way?
I have to say that dhcpd occurs in the ppp-log...

I'm starting to get baffled here, I wanna get rid of the MS-things, but I
need Linux to run very reliable before I can do that;-)




Subject: Re: Multiple groups using a samba share
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 15:30:52 GMT

In article <RCXE2.10094$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. make sure the permissions of the directory are set to drwxrwxrwx (And it
> should probably be owned by root:root).

Thanks Eugene. However setting the dir to drwxrwxrwx (owned by root:root) now
makes the dir accessible for ALL users, even the ones that don't have rights
in the dir...

> 2. I'm not sure about how exactly samba interprets the config file, but if
> you want only group1 to read the share, it would be a good idea to disable
> public access. Similarly, if you want only groups 1 and 4 to write to the
> share, say writable = no. You might want to add group 1 and 4 to read list.

You're 100% right about this. Well I'm still stuck with the above problem.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
> <7c0mhk$2gi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I want to use samba shares for different (unix) groups at the same time, so
> >group1 has it's own group, so has group2, but I also want peolpe in group 2
> to
> >be able to read the content of the share of group1.
> >
> >I have set something like this in smb.conf
> >___________________
> >[documenten]
> >   comment = Ops Only
> >   path = /home/documenten
> >   public = yes
> >   writable = yes
> >   printable = no
> >   write list = @group1 @group4
> >   read list = @group2
> >____________________
> >
> >The directory documenten in /home is currently owned by root and group1
> >
> >Somehow users in groups 2 and 4 cannot even access the share.
> >
> >Does anyone have any suggestions?
> >
> >thanks in advance,
> >
> >niels
> >
> >-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> >       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: "Jim Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Monitoring IP Traffic
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 09:41:18 -0600

Try Netwatch.

Clemens Heise wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello !
>I´m looking for a useful (Perl/C) tool for to monitoring IP Traffic on al
local network. What I want is, to count the
>Traffic to predfined hosts in our LAN. The result should be a list which
tells me how many kbytes were sent to/recieved
>by the hosts. I tried sniffit und tcpdump, but I cant get it work for my
>Any experince or tips ?
>Clemens Heise



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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