Linux-Networking Digest #456, Volume #10         Thu, 11 Mar 99 07:16:05 EST

  Re: Are you new to Linux? Thne read this ("Robert M. Taylor")
  Re: latest MS virus (Bob)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.3 Networking Performance Really Bad!?! (Jerry Gardner)
  Samba with win95 & win98 (Brent Rader)
  Re: ifconfig showing lots of errors ("比卡超")
  IP forwarding problems ("Iron Galaxy")
  Netscape Linux & Win: same Mailfolders? (Rolf Meinecke)
  Linux ppp server and Win98 client ("Ronald Hovens")
  Newcom 56K modem: cheap & Linux compatible! (Richard Kinch)
  Re: routing tables - just being curious (Patrick Paysant)
  samba slow network 8kps using NE2000 ISA cards (Ralph Wesseling)
  US Robotics Sporster with V90 upgrade (Thierry Francais)
  Re: Help: PPP dialup problem (Jean-Henry Berevoescu)
  How to set LAN RTL8139 to 10Mbps instead of 100Mbps? ("gwlin")
  How do I stop netscape from popping up "Repost from data?" window when I press 
reload???? (sasani)
  2 network boards problem ("Ovidiu Dressler")
  Re: CNet CN930E PCI (slave) Ethernet w/ RedHat 5.1/5.2? (Roger Lee)
  nfs crashes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [Q] Accton LAN Card? ("SungKook Kim")


From: "Robert M. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Are you new to Linux? Thne read this
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:32:54 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I think there is a newer version of Running Linux than what you
mentioned. I know the thing was in Second Edition last I looked. Check
O'Reilly Books  and click on the Linux button.


Enkidu wrote:

> Allen wrote:
> >
> > ...and I really need something in hard copy, so I can read it when
> > I CAN'T get the system to do what I want it to do, like get out of
> > vi, or change my rez in X, how to shut down properly, etc...  I
> > literally rebooted and re-installed 3 times this weekend, because
> > of little things like not knowing how to escape out of vi or some
> > man page I'd gone to, and for once, I;d really like to have hard
> > copy docs that were up too date, so I could read them even when the
> > system is down.
> >
> Hmm, you are aware of alternate consoles, aren't you?
> When you hit a snag, try hitting alt-f2 or alt-f3 and login again
> at another console.
> Cliff

Bob Taylor @home with Janet, Katie, Anna and
        Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)
        Kernel 2.0.36 on an i586

        Peregrine Login:

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

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I think there is a newer version of Running Linux than what you mentioned.
I know the thing was in Second Edition last I looked. Check&nbsp; <A 
Books</A>&nbsp; and click on the Linux button.
<P>Enkidu wrote:
<BR>> ...and I really need something in hard copy, so I can read it when
<BR>> I CAN'T get the system to do what I want it to do, like get out of
<BR>> vi, or change my rez in X, how to shut down properly, etc...&nbsp;
<BR>> literally rebooted and re-installed 3 times this weekend, because
<BR>> of little things like not knowing how to escape out of vi or some
<BR>> man page I'd gone to, and for once, I;d really like to have hard
<BR>> copy docs that were up too date, so I could read them even when the
<BR>> system is down.
<BR>Hmm, you are aware of alternate consoles, aren't you?
<P>When you hit a snag, try hitting alt-f2 or alt-f3 and login again
<BR>at another console.

Bob Taylor @home with Janet, Katie, Anna and
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kernel 2.0.36 on an i586
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peregrine Login:</PRE>



Subject: Re: latest MS virus
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 03:26:00 -0500

Andy Harrison wrote:

> <SNIP>
> >                     Smith discovered that Excel and Word
> >                     applications fingerprint files with an
> >                     identifying number.
> Sounds an aweful lot like Intel's new PSN crap.


>  The thing I don't get,
> though, is that not everyone has a network card

Microsoft programmers are taught to always assign a "reasonable default".
This is probably a random number if there is no net card. In practice it's

almost the same, since that number would be common to lots of cookies
and tied to an IP. It's still bad.

> NOT a 32-digit number (it's not even a 32-*bit* number, it's
> 48-bit, so it's not like it's a typo or something).
> --
>           .==,_
>          .===,_`\                                Andy Harrison
>        .====,_ ` \      .====,__
>  ---     .==-,`~. \           `:`.__,     __
>   ---      `~~=-.  \           /^^^      / /    __  _  _  _  _ __  __
>     ---       `~~=. \         /         / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
>                  `~. \       /         /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
>                    ~. \____./           ...for IQs GREATER than 98...
>                      `.=====
>                   ___.--~~~--.__
>         ___\.--~~~              ~~~---.._|/  (remove the obvious
>         ~~~"                             /    to e-mail me...)
> --


From: Jerry Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.3 Networking Performance Really Bad!?!
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 08:25:34 GMT

Jerry Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Several people replied and suggested that the new 2.2 kernels have
> better network performance. I downloaded 2.2.3 and installed it on my
> machine. Now throughput on the same ethernet (with no load) is down to 
> 52 kB/sec!!! This is a drop in performance of over an order of
> magnitude!

It turns out that one of my 3C905 boards was set to full-duplex
mode. For some reason, it runs like a dog in this mode.

I ran the 3COM configuration utility, put the board in half-duplex
mode, and now my FTP throughput with Linux 2.2.3 is 1050 kB/sec. This
is more like it. ;-)

Jerry Gardner     | "Bill Clinton has all the steely resolve resolve
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | of a kamakaze pilot on his 37th mission."


From: Brent Rader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Samba with win95 & win98
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 03:27:52 -0600


I have the older version of win 95 on two machines (the version without
encrypted passwords).  I just got a win98 machine also and would like to
access my Samba shares with it.  So, my question is:  If I enable
encripted passwords on the Linux box with Samba will that mess up the
win95 clients?  If so, can I make the win95 boxes send encrypted
passwords to fix the problem?



From: "比卡超" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ifconfig showing lots of errors
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:29:35 +0800

I want to ask why your nic [eth0, eth1] both use interrupt: 10.
they are just different in Base address ?
Ying Zhang 撰寫於文章 <7c7qab$sq8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi, I installed a new 10/100 NIC into my system and it works fine, but
>checking my ifconfig I see a ton of errors:
>lo      Link encap:Local Loopback
>        inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
>        UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric:1
>        RX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>        TX packets:0 errors:6343 dropped:46 overruns:0
>                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
>eth0    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:29:15:61:42
>        inet addr:xx.xx.xx Bcast:xx.xx.xx Mask:xx.xx.xx.xx
>        RX packets:3207 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>        TX packets:0 errors:22836 dropped:336 overruns:0
>        Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6100
>eth1    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:C8:D8:32:84
>        inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
>        RX packets:739 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>        TX packets:0 errors:100116 dropped:566 overruns:0
>        Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6000
>Errors start occuring immediately after bootup (well, as soon as I can get
>a prompt to type ifconfig there are errors already).  The number of errors
>shown above is after maybe 10 minutes of uptime and a small ftp (incoming)
>session. Any idea what would be causing them? I don't remember seeing this
>happening before.  My transfer speeds are about 4.25MB/s outgoing and
>incoming (after everything is cached in memory).
>In my dmesg, I see this:
>eth1: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0x6000, 00:80:c8:d8:32:84, IRQ 10.  eth1: MII PHY
>found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link 40a1.
>  PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64
>That last line is a bit disturbing but I've tried changing everything in my

>BIOS but I still see this message.  I have the same NIC in another box and
>works fine, no errors and no complains about the PCI latency timer.
>Here is my system configuration (for the box that seems to be acting up):
>Cyrix 6x86-PR166+ on a Gigabyte GA-586ATE
>eth0: SMC Etherpower PCI (or something like that, uses tulip driver)
>eth1: D-Link DFE 530TX (using the via-rhine driver)
>Kernel: 2.2.3
>I have CONFIG_PCI_QUIRKS set in my kernel config, but with or without it
>problem persists.
>Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
>Ying Zhang


From: "Iron Galaxy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP forwarding problems
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:45:21 GMT

I have just configured a Linux Box as my internet proxy between my home
network and the @Home cable modem service.  Both the network cards (one for
the cable modem and one to the hub for the internal network) worked fine
under Linux and the entire setup worked fine under windows 98(using

I tried using the IP-Masqurading program and Ping works fine from any node
on internal network to the Linux Box and gateway is fine too....the DNS is
right too.....(well I can get on to internet from within the Linux Box ).
But when I tried to ping from the nodes on the internal network to the
outside world, it doesn't work.  Nor Netscape, icq....etc.

I have used the same DNS and Domain setting in my win98 network properties
and I  have used the Linux Box IP ( as the gateway for the win98
nodes.  An IP (from -> was assigned for each of the
nodes and all looks fine....BUT IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!

Is it a problem in the Linux config. or Win98 config?  If so, what is the


From: Rolf Meinecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Netscape Linux & Win: same Mailfolders?
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:42:16 +0100


a friend of mine would like to use Netscape on Windows and Linux and
would like to use identical Mailfolders of course. As Windows can not
read the ext2-partition, we would like to have Linux-Netscape read and
write into the folders on the DOS-partition. The DOS-partition is
mounted under /mnt/dos as vfat. We tried to set Netscapes (Linux)
folder-directory to the appropriate directory on the DOS-Partition, but
the folders don't show up.

I know that there are some difficulties regarding the mounting of
vfat-partitions as a user, but shouldnt the folders at least be visible?

any help would be appreciated.

thank you,


PS: a CC: to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be very nice.

If you eat pasta and anti-pasta, will you still be hungry?
Essener Str. 29        44139 Dortmund         0231/1062550


From: "Ronald Hovens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.ppp,nl.comp.os.linux
Subject: Linux ppp server and Win98 client
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:48:23 +0100

I have a linux desktop and a win98 laptop. Thru samba, they work together
perfectly in my small home-lan.
I also can dial up into my linux box via a win comm. program that dials my
linux server, which uses mgetty to listen for activity on my modem.

I want to give my dial-up users network functionality as if they were
working on my local lan (map windows drives to linux folders, use linux
printers from win client etc.). For this purpose I tried to setup my linux
box as a ppp-server. I followed all the instructions in the ppp-howto (v3.0
mar 1997) and created a dial-up connection on my win 98 laptop of servertype
PPP:Internet, windows NT server, windows 98.

This SEEMS to work: I get no errormessages after succesfull connection by
using a valid username/password pair.

However, I cannot ping nor telnet my linux box once the link is up.
Furthermore, when I use a 'net use' statement from windows I get a message
that the computername cannot be found on the network.

My /etc/ppp/options file looks like this (derived from the ppp howto pages):


What can I do? Many thanks in advance.


From: Richard Kinch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newcom 56K modem: cheap & Linux compatible!
Date: 11 Mar 1999 08:39:53 GMT

I swapped a Newcom 56K V.90 external modem (56kefxspA--strange model number)
for the USR 5686 I had been using, and it's working great for Linux PPP
at about a third of USR's price.  I opened the case and found a Rockwell
chip set.

Office Max has this for $49.99, you can order over the Web at, and they'll deliver free the next day!  You have to order a
minimum of $50 for free delivery, so get the $10 Memorex mouse that you can
mail in a $10 MaxRebate for.

I don't usually plug merchants (I have no connection with any of them I've
mentioned), but this has me chuckling after finding nothing but pricey USR
units at all the stores.

Richard J. Kinch
Publisher, TrueTeX brand typesetting software.


From: Patrick Paysant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: routing tables - just being curious
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:50:48 +0100

Andy Jaworski wrote:

> My first question is: why is my local host not  It has
> been like this from the beginning (i.e. from original installation of
> RH5,2).  Does it matter? is a network address, as all address finishing with 0. So your local
host is

> The second question:  how did the line get into the routing
> table and what iis it for?

It's finishing with a 0, then it's a ... network address, yes. It means that all the

address 192.168.48.x have to be send on eth0 (your ethernet interface).

> Everything seems to work fine, but in order for this to work I had to add
> "route del default" line to my ppp-up script just before the pppd line.

You don't need a default route when you only have some PC. Default route
is used when all the other route are not correct. When ppp conection is up,
you need this default route to route all the unkown address to ppp0.

Hope this help. There's a lot that I do not yet understand with network...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ralph Wesseling)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,nl.comp.os.linux
Subject: samba slow network 8kps using NE2000 ISA cards
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:54:11 +0100

I have set up samba so that my windows 98 computer cansee parts of my
linux computer.  File transfer from linux to windows is very, very slow. 
A little tcp viewer says that its only 8-10kps.  A few megabytes takes
minutes to move across.  If both machines are in windows this same amount
of info over the same network cards only takes a matter of seconds.  I
have set samba to read predict=true and set the read size to 8192 instead
of 2048 (default).  Is there anything else I can do?  I am assuming that
this is not normal.


From: Thierry Francais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US Robotics Sporster with V90 upgrade
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:43:53 +0100

I would like to use my Us Robotics V90 modem with the high speed mode.

How can i setup my linux system to use a 56 Kbits/s PPP connection.




From: Jean-Henry Berevoescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: PPP dialup problem
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:34:19 +0200

Clifford Kite wrote:

> tcgetattr almost always means that there is another process besides
> pppd that is contending for the modem IRQ.  Some examples are (1) an
> ethernet card that used the same IRQ as the modem, (2) a misconfigured
> ppp script that launched pppd twice, and (3) a mingetty that somehow
> had been configured for call-in.  If yours is different, I would be
> interested in adding to this list. :)

(1) is out of question, since I don't have an ethernet card on my computer

I'll check the other two [the second one seem to sound interesting, but
still then why the first instance doesn't succeed?]

I'll be more than happy to hear all other scenarios you might have in mind.


Jean-Henry Berevoescu ([EMAIL PROTECTED])      NetManage Israel
Phone : +972-3-578-8753                          Vita Building
Fax   : +972-3-578-8752                          11 Ben-Gurion Rd.
Home  : +972-3-524-6927                          Ramat-Gan 51260
WWW   :         Israel


From: "gwlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to set LAN RTL8139 to 10Mbps instead of 100Mbps?
Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:08:15 GMT

I have two notebooks with RTL8139 on board. (capable 100Mbps)
I can connect them with a twisted cable on 10 Mbps, (the other must
run Win95), but failed if 100 Mpbs.

The driver module is rtl8139.o.

Is it possible to set the LAN module to 10 Mbps only? 


- gwlin 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sasani)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: How do I stop netscape from popping up "Repost from data?" window when I 
press reload????
Date: 11 Mar 1999 01:16:10 -0800

WHen I press reload, Netscape gives me this window saying "Repost from data?".
How do I tell Netscape that I don't want this window to pop up?




From: "Ovidiu Dressler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2 network boards problem
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 19:56:34 +0200

I have the following problem and I don't know how to solve it:
I installed 2 network boards into my computer (I want to enable Masquerading
to my private LAN network).
Both network boards are NE2000 compatible.
When I put both boards into the conf.modules file as it is stated in the
Ethernet HOW-TO the computer recognizes only the last one declared.
Both boards work but they load only separately.
What should I do about this ?
I also tried to "append" to the lilo.conf file the commands ether=.......
but nothing happens.

Thank You


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Lee)
Subject: Re: CNet CN930E PCI (slave) Ethernet w/ RedHat 5.1/5.2?
Date: 11 Mar 1999 09:46:47 GMT

Roger Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I guess I found out too late that my card is not mentioned in the Linux
: Ethernet HOWTO...

After careful examination of the card, I see it has a complicated-looking
chip called RTL8029AS which the Ethernet-HOWTO believes to be an
ne2000 clone. Let's try again :-)

Roger Lee  x248270 G1184        | Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MP 146, IBM UK Laboratories Ltd | Notes: Roger Lee/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Winchester, SO21 2JN, UK.       | Tel : (+44)(0)1962 818270


Subject: nfs crashes
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 11:33:35 GMT

hi all,

i have a rh5.2 nis/nfs-server running kernel 2.2.2 (userlevel-nfs, not
knfsd yet). nis works very well, but nfsd crashes from time to time
without leaving a trace in log but the following line:

... nfsd[4994]: strange write req from <host>: count 8192 len 4096

<host> are solaris 7 and irix 6.5 clients. count and len vary.

does anyone have an idea what's going on here?


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From: "SungKook Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Q] Accton LAN Card?
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 18:30:21 +0900

I have Accton LAN card and installed RedHat 5.2 on my PC
How can I make Linux Networking by Accton LAN card ?
Linux(RedHat 5.2) does not support Accton LAN card , isn't it?
(Accton: Cheeptah PCI Adapter - 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet)


reply e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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