Linux-Networking Digest #491, Volume #10         Sun, 14 Mar 99 14:13:53 EST

  Linux,Cgi,Java (Raymond Tong)
  Re: SUSE6.0 @ Pcmcia modem (Xordin)
  Re: ip-up troubles (Clifford Kite)
  Cannot config new NIC. ("¤ñ¥d¶W")
  Re: can't ping Linux --> win98 ("Prutser")
  Re: pcmcia freezes me to death (Rich Mulvey)
  Password problem! ("Matt Williams")
  Re: cable connection not working (Vincent Raffensberger)
  Re: Sextuple Boot ("advpcsol")
  Re: help  PPP script failing
  Re: How do I install SSH? (HO Soo-Khim)
  Re: PCI modems in linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Cannot FTP DIRs? (b3)
  Re: Linux=>internet via NTproxy ("John Q. Public")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (doole)


From: Raymond Tong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux,Cgi,Java
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 21:38:18 +0800

If you want to learn Linux,Cgi,Java...You have to buy some book about
it,Pls go to the below URL and find what you are finding:


From: Xordin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SUSE6.0 @ Pcmcia modem
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 17:03:52 +0100

Jos wrote:

> very funny
> ----------------
> erg grappig
> ---------------
> sehr witzig
> Het modem werkt intussen, maar ik weet nog niet hoe de ppp
> verbinding moet. Bij xs4all hebben geven ze een set files
> (ppp-on) etc met instellingen, die heb ik overgenomen. Maar
> wat je daarna moet doen om de verbinding daadwerkelijk tot
> stand te brengen weet ik nog niet. (pppd?)

ppp-on is een script, dat moet je uitvoeren :)
Tik "ppp-on" ....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: ip-up troubles
Date: 14 Mar 1999 09:32:54 -0600

Brad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I recently downloaded a great script ( that posts your
: dynamic ip address on a web page at your isp.  The scripts itself runs
: fine at the command prompt, but I can't seem to get it to work when it
: is part of ip-up.  My ip-up looks like the following

: #! /bin/bash
: sh /root/ &> /dev/null
: touch /tmp/script

You need to specify full paths in /etc/ip-up for pppd to execute them.
Don't know why touch works though.

: When ppp starts, ip-up is apparently run, because the last command
: "touch" occurs, however the first script doesn't run (my page with the
: ip address isn't uploaded).  If I type in /etc/ppp/ip-up at the prompt,
: the script will execute perfectly.  Does this make any sense?  Thanks
: for any help.

Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* The wealth of a nation is created by the productive labor of its
 * citizens. */


From: "¤ñ¥d¶W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cannot config new NIC.
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:27:20 +0800

I had config a NE2000 compatible NIC(0x300, IRQ 9) during installation of
Redhat. That is fine for this NIC !
Recently, I tried to add another new NIC and that the problem appear.
I follow the book Redhat Linux Unleashed's intruction to config an addition
NIC(3com 509 ISA, 0x270, IRQ 15) through netcfg under Xwindows.
Someone suggest me to add:
    append="ether=9,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x270,eth1"
to the file /etc/lilo.conf.
I did it ! What I received during starting the Linux box is:
    modprode: Can't locate module eth1
    eth1: unknown interface
I wonder whether there is something important I miss to do.
Would anyone give me any suggestion/information such as HOW-TO, etc ?


From: "Prutser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't ping Linux --> win98
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 14:30:02 +0100

Eriksson wrote in message ...
>Nothing wrong there. The cable is working. And the NIC is also working
>>you may also want to try to ping from win98-? linux
>Tried that to. Doesn't work. Same problem..
>More suggestions?

We'll have to check your network configuration now.
if you run ifconfig on your linux box, you should get the settings back from
your network card (called eth0).
If you don't have an eth0 section, your card did not initialise (check dmesg
and various messages at startup).How is your network card on linux
configured anyway?
If you have an eth0 section, check the params (same network address?) and
the LED's (if there are led's on the NIC), esp. when you run ping on the
linux box, something should flash. Also try to ping it's own ip on linux

don't worry, probably most of us had the same sort of problems, in a way.

good luck


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Mulvey)
Subject: Re: pcmcia freezes me to death
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:53:38 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 11:14:38 +0100, Mario Schrijver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When i relay the output to logfiles it only shows the module going in  for a
>restart... and then it stops.
> How to debug this?
>Anyone has a clue how to handle this.?

   How about reading section 3.2 of the PCMCIA-HOWTO?

- Rich

Rich Mulvey                                
Amateur Radio: aa2ys@wb2wxq.#wny.ny.usa


From: "Matt Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Password problem!
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:36:15 -0000

I successfully installed Linux 5.2 on my old P100 and can now log on as root
from my new Win98 PC.  However, although I can see the Linux machine on the
network, when I select it I am asked for a password for the resource
//'servername'/IPC$.  I haven't a clue what this is as it isn't mentioned in
the Win95 based Linux book I'm using.
I've tried my root password, no password and everything else I can think of
without success.
Can anyone help?


From: Reggie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:35:24 GMT

I checked my logs today as I do everyday and the old logs have been
renamed with a ".1" extension and the new logs are empty. Is this
evidence of a security breach, or was it caused by a normal process.



From: Vincent Raffensberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cable connection not working
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:35:01 GMT

I just set up my @home connection.  I used the following for reference:

Hopefully this will save you some search time.

Some basic troubleshooting:

is the "pc" light on?  are the lights on your nic on?
dmesg | more    -look for nic i kernel..
cat /proc/ioports    -look for i/o problems..
route        -test your connection

Adam Crandall wrote:
> i have a 3com 3c905b 10/100 connected through to a cable modem.  I'm new to
> linux.  i have red hat 5.2
> i can't get any connection at all to the net, i have put in the ip, dns,
> host name, domain, netmask and gateway the same as they are in win98, but i
> just get that which ever server i attempt to reach does not have a name
> server address.(in netscape) and the ftp programs just say host unknown
> what can i do?


From: "advpcsol" <bilbla[remove]>
Subject: Re: Sextuple Boot
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 05:47:21 -0800

Here's my two cents:  System Commander will work. I believe LILO will do the
trick too. I;m fairly certain that NT's boot loader is not going to see the
Linux and SCO partitions.

Forrest wrote in message ...
>Well, I don't think you necessarily need System Commander to boot multiple
>operating systems.  On my computer at work I have win95, NT4.0 and
>Redhat5.0 and I was able to get them all to boot using the NT boot loader.
>I just pick which operating system I want and away I go.  I will say it
>was a sleight headache to set up though because the primary partition on
>my hardware is formatted NTFS, but its definitely workable.
>On 14 Mar 1999, David Efflandt wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:12:48 GMT, william stewart
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >        After having tried to install NT 4.0 on a slave drive by
>> >switching the boot
>> >sequence in an Award BIOS and finding out there is no way that I would
>> >be able to
>> >put a master boot record on a slave drive and after also switching which
>> >was slave
>> >and which was master, I have decided to buy a new cheap 300 MHz,4GB,64
>> >RAM system and buy System Commander so that I can put NT4.0 on one
>> >partition,NT 3.51 on another,SCO Unix on one,NetWare 3.12 on one,NetWare
>> >4.11 on one and Red Hat 5.1 on another.
>> >My question is: Will System Commnader actually be able to do this?
>> >       I understand all about the different files systems on different
>> >partitions.
>> >But does System Commander really able to put that many OSes on a Master
>> >Boot record?
>> >       Any comments would be appreciated.
>> >
>> >      Thank you,     Will H. Stewart
>> So, what's wrong with using LILO?  I boot to 4 different systems on 3
>> different IDE drives without having to change any jumpers.  All the OS's
>> do not go on the MBR, just pointers to where they are.
>> LILO can boot to any drive that shows up in CMOS setup (in which case you
>> can ignore the warnings).  Just make sure that CD or other removable
>> drives are last (especially if they do not show in CMOS).
>> Of course I have no use for NT or Netware, so I don't have a clue if they
>> boot any different from Win95.
>> --
>> David Efflandt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: help  PPP script failing
Date: 14 Mar 1999 17:31:41 GMT

Clifford Kite wrote:
> Flipper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : I Have attempted for the last month or so to connect to my ISP.
> : I Have tried several different scripts as well as 2 different modems.
> : MY current scripts are below.   My server is Bell Atlantic.  Windowze 
> : Says that it is using PAP however a PAP login does not work either.  I
> : Contents of "BELL.CHAT"
> : #!/bin/sh
> : /usr/sbin/chat -t 30 "" ATZ OK ATDT7179400 CONNECT
> Replace CONNECT with   CONNECT '\d\c'   to ward off potential problems.
> Drop the   -t 30  which defines a 30 second timeout, too short for some
> ISPs - the default is 45 seconds which is more conservative.
> : Contents of "Bell", or my dialer script
> : pppd kdebug 7 /dev/modem 115200 connect '/root/' \
> : crtscts noipdefault defaultroute user flipper refuse-chap
> Remove "kdebug 7" (very seldom is this needed and it makes the logs
> hard to read) and replace it with the plain debug option.  Add the pppd
> option "asyncmap a0000".  Check /dev/modem with "setserial /dev/modem",
> you should see spd_vhi set as a "Flag".  Check /dev/modem speed with
> "stty < /dev/modem", you should see "speed 115200".
> The setserial command should be in one of the /etc/rc.* files and
> you need to add spd_vhi if the check above shows it's missing.  Do
> a one-time "stty 38400 < /dev/modem" if the speed was not 115200 in the
> check above.
> Look for PPP link negotiation messages in /var/log/debug or another file
> in /var/log .  Something I suggested may make things right but to make
> better guesses more information is required.  The only things I got from
> the log you posted are that there is apparently a communication problem
> (the fcs errors) and that PAP authentication seems to have failed.
> If there are no PPP negotiation messages in a /var/log file then add
> *.=debug              /var/log/debug
> to /etc/syslog.conf, do "echo -n > /var/log/debug" to create the debug
> file, and then do " kill -HUP `pidof syslogd` ".  Try "man syslog.conf"
> for some enlightenment.
> --
> Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
> /* Microsoft is a great marketing organization.
>  * It _has_ to be */

It now WORKS.... Thank you.

I have noticed after setting up the /var/log/debug.... file and 
syslog.conf files that the messages and debug files have basically the 
same info in them....  

I appreciate the help,  the books I have mostly RH material, never 
discussed some of those options you gave me.  I'm dissecting them as i 
write this to figure out what made it work.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Re: How do I install SSH?
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 22:08:09 +0800


Probably you've got the SSH up and running.

Anyway just need to read the README file, likely to involve only

# ./configure
# make
# make install


HO Soo-Khim

GenaBlu wrote:

> Howdy!
> I just downloaded SSH 2.0.12.  I have the file ssh-2.0.12.tar.gz and the
> signature file.
> This sounds kind of stoopid but, can someone please tell me what the parameters
> for tar or gunzip should be so I can decompress and install SSH?
> Also...  Is there a good, comprehensive HOW-TO for SSH anywhere?  I tried
> checking out the companies marketing SSH but they have almost no information on
> how to install SSH (obviously they want us to buy the real SSH).  Help?
> Thanks!
> G


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PCI modems in linux?
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 18:01:03 GMT

All PCI modems are NOT "winmodems"... winmodems can be ISA or PCI.
The reason they are windows only modems is not because of the BUS type,
but because the engineers who designed them found a way to eliminate
some of the hardware components of the modem and burden the processor
with those chores.  In other words, they bog your CPU down because they
wanted to save a few dollars on parts!  This type of implementation only
works under Windows because it takes special drivers to make the CPU do
the work.

There are non-winmodem PCI modems.  Whether or not they can be made to
work under Linux is a different story...

In article <7c6hcr$ont$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Richard Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, that is incorrect
> Hello,
> My name is Richard Nelson, and I am a Technical support engineer for
> Actiontec Electronics, INC
> We do have a PCI modem that is NOT a "Win" modem, it is controller based,
> and uses the Lucent Venus chipset.
> I need as much help as I can possibly get for this, as I would like it to
> become the first officially supported PCI modem for Linux, and I repeat,
> it IS CONTROLLER based, NOT windows based, etc....
> My direct number is 408-548-4772
> and my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thank you
> Eugene wrote:
> >
> > AFAIK all PCI modems are winmodems
> >
> > Doug wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > >Can a PCI modem be used in linux?  If so how?  Something called a modem
> > >enumerator is installed in windows along with the modem itself and i
> > >dont know what that is.  Its creative modmeblaster DI5630 v.90.  Its
> > >being used as PnP right now but there are jumpers on it I dont have the
> > >manual so im trying to find out if com and irq can be hard set..
> > >Thanks for any help and please email me a response if possible at
> > >ratchet at tir dot com
> > >Doug
> > >
> >
> >
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

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Subject: Cannot FTP DIRs?
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:12:56 -0500

I have the same network set up at home and at work.

I have Red Hat 5.2 running a server with the same configuration (except
different users)

When i connect via FTP (from windows with CUTE FTP) on my home server i
can transfer WHOLE DIRs at one time. When i try this same process at
work, the server will not alow me to send a DIR. I need to create new
DIR on remote server and then open newly created DIR and THEN transfer
the files i want to send. This is a pain in the ass... 

I think it must be some kind of PERMISSIONS problem, but I have the DIRs
on both systems set for all access to everyone. 

Please advise... i'm still a semi-newbie :-)

thanks for all your help!

West Islip High School
Long Island, NY


From: "John Q. Public" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux=>internet via NTproxy
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:40:35 -0500

It is possible that you have the NT Challenge / Response Authentication
Method enabled on your proxy server. This check that only users logged onto
the NT domain and that have been authorized to access the Internet can do
so. To change this, you must alter the Authentication Method.

On the MS-Proxy Server, run the Microsoft Management Console and select the
properties fo the Default Web Site. Under Directory Security, modify the
Authentication Method on the to Allow Anonymous Access. This will permit any
client, running any brand of web browser on your internal network to access
the Internet via that proxy server.

You can stop and restart the Web Proxy service to implement the changes, but
if possible, I recommend restarting the server to ensure that the changes
have been applied.

Roeland Marco Drupsteen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>Hello all,
>A friend of mine is trying to access the internet on her Linux
>workstation via the NT-proxy on her network. This doesn't
>seem to be possible because the Linux station doesn't logon
>to the PDC. Is there a possebility to make the NT server grant
>the Linux station access to the proxy?
>Thank you!
>R.M. Drupsteen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (doole)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:54:29 GMT

"Rufus V. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> apparently said this:
>The point is that sometimes innocent people need their privacy.

>From Authorities? Why??



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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