Linux-Networking Digest #515, Volume #10         Tue, 16 Mar 99 06:13:50 EST

  Re: Telent Access ("Dr. Yuan Liu")
  Re: VNC (Paul Borgermans)
  Serial port - to - serial port networking ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? ("Wesley W. Garland")
  Kernel 2.2.3 - How do I set up static routes to hosts? (Daniel Bruce)
  Re: DHCP and 2 subnets ("Bill Somerville")
  Re: Linux 2.2.3 and Ultrix 4.3: incompatible NFS? (Fernando)
  Re: 3c509b (Thomas Lepkowski)
  Re: 3c509b (Eric Mosley)
  ISO: VT320 terminal emulator for Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: NIS and /etc/passwd. (Thorsten Kukuk)
  Re: HAVE I BEEN CRACKED? (Sami Yousif)
  HELP please  NFS - mount fails access denied ("Godfrey Nix")
  Re: ISDN and Modememulation (Henry Penninkilampi)
  Re: Newbie Questions General (Daniel Linux user)
  Re: Sendmail and masquerading (Andrzej Filip)
  3c905B (Eric Mosley)
  Re: Unable to mount NFS (L J Bayuk)
  Re: HELP please  NFS - mount fails access denied (Andi Vontobel)
  Re: can't ping Linux --> win98 ("Eriksson")


From: "Dr. Yuan Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Telent Access
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:21:32 -0500

ping wrote:
> Is there a way to restrict telnet access to only a local network using a
> machine connected to the internet.  I would prefer not to use a firewall.  I

TCP wrappers are designed just for that.  When you install Red Hat, tcpd
is already installed.
  man 8 tcpd 5 hosts_access
Play with /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow.

> Jim

Have fun. (Wrappers are not fool-proof, though.  Nothing really is, for
that matter.)
+--- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------- ---+
|         Dr. Yuan LIU           -     Chitech Technologies Inc.  |
+------- (514)281-0494 ------------------ FAX (514)281-0493 ------+


From: Paul Borgermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.solaris,comp.sys.sun.admin
Subject: Re: VNC
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:20:20 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is normal behaviour:

you should select the "request shared session" option when you start the
vncviewer, otherwise your other session(s) are indeed kicked out


Shu Chen Liu wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but I just tried it and it does not work.  When I
> start the second one (it does not matter who starts first) the first one gets
> kicked off.  The unix station reports: vncviewer: read failed
> Am I doing something wrong?  Thanks.
> "Timothy J. Lee" wrote:Multiple VNC clients can attach to the same VNC server
> session, for
> > "show and tell" purposes.  Basically the support person should:
> >
> > 1.  Start an X vncserver.
> > 2.  Use the VNC client to connect to it.
> > 3.  Tell the user to use the VNC client to connect to the same
> >     vncserver session.
> > 4.  Show and tell.
> > 5.  Shut down the X vncserver when done.
> >
> > While the way that Xvnc works may be less optimal for the situation
> > that you are using, it is more useful in situations where someone
> > is using VNC to create an "X terminal" without disturbing the console
> > user.
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Timothy J. Lee                                                   timlee@
> > Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.   
> > No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Paul Borgermans
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adr;quoted-printable:;;Dept W&D=0D=0ABoeretang 200;Mol;;2400;Belgium
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Paul Borgermans



Subject: Serial port - to - serial port networking
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:46:08 GMT

Hi, all -

I'm trying to resolve something that seems like it should be very simple...
and it's turned out to be a real bear.

I have two machines that I'm trying to connect - a laptop and a desktop -
without having to buy a PCMCIA NIC. The answer that pops up as being semi-
obvious is "use a null modem cable for point-to-point". Should work, right?

At this point, I've tried basically everything. I'm beginning to think that I
have no clue of how networks work (this, after years of being a net-admin :).

Here is where I am:

1) If I load the ppp module, run "pppd local noauth ttyS0", and try
"ifconfig ppp0 Odin pointopoint Loki up" (yes, both of those are defined in
'hosts'), I get something like
            SIOCIFFxxxx: Device not configured

Errr... *which* device? I've checked ttyS0, and according to "setserial",
it *is* configured. "ping", of course, reports "Network unreachable".

2) If I run "slattach -L 9600 ttyS0 &" (I think that's the syntax...) and
"ifconfig sl0 Odin pointopoint Loki up" followed by "route Loki" (as well as
the obvious complement on the other machine), I get no errors - but "ping"
just sits there, and when I ^-C out of it, reports 100% packet loss.

What I'd like to do is have a basic PPP connection between the two machines so
that my gf and I can play various network games. These machines are both on a
boat, so that they will never be hooked to the Net or anything other than each
other, so security is not an issue. I've tried using the cable via Norton
Commander in DOS - yep, works fine, I can transfer files, etc.

Anybody have an idea? I'd be really grateful...

Ben Okopnik

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From: "Wesley W. Garland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Machine name themes - what do you use?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:45:19 -0500

Stuart Jeffrey wrote in message ...
>In article <0pbH2.6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andrew Hargreave
>>We use Cartoon/Comic book characters....  <g>
>When i have finished setting up my small network then i shall call the
>server "simpson" and then follow on with "bart" "lisa" "marge" etc.

We use characters from the series "Incarnations of Immortality", by
Piers Anthony on our internal (non-internet-accessible) LAN.

The domain we use internally is, and machines have names
like Charon, Thanatos, Clotho, Gaea, Atropos, Mars, Nox, Satan,
God, Jehova, etc.

Naming machines by function with their character names makes it
easier to remember what they do, as well. The Windows machine is
called Satan. The gateway to the 'net is called Charon (Charon is
the boatman who minds the River Styx, which is the crossing point
between purgatory and hell).


PS: It might be interesting to call the server "Marge", and see
    how long it takes the feminists in your company to react.

Wesley W. Garland                 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Director, Product Development     | Pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PageMail, Inc.                    |
Kingston, ON Canada               | Voice: (888) 247 6246


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:00:49 -0800
From: Daniel Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel 2.2.3 - How do I set up static routes to hosts?

    Almost there with 223. I still need a way to set up static routes to
particular hosts. With the kernel doing the routing dynamically, they
either get dropped or change interface. I am currently running 2.0.36
with Gated for this purpose. I can drop gated if I can get this working.


    I need to get to a ISP news server via ppp0 only. With 2.2.3, if
ppp0 is not up I get no such interface. If ppp0 is up, it adds the
route. Then when ppp0 drops, the routes revert to another interface.
I've looked at iproute2 and ip route but I'd like an example. PLEASE.
BTW Does anyone realize were getting routing code from Russia
( I also tried the gated R36A2 patches but I haven't
gotten them to work (config/compile fails) .


* --------------------------------------------------- *
* Daniel Bruce - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* P.O. Box 7167 , Tahoe City Ca. 96145
* --------------------------------------------------- *


From: "Bill Somerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP and 2 subnets
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 03:04:26 -0500

This smells like you need a static route for one or both of your subnets.
Take a look at the DHCP HowTo.  I had to add (for my MS clients):

route add -host dev eth1

to allow DHCPOFFER packets to be routed back to the client.

Dublin School Administrator wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Redhat 5.2 linux box with two ethernet cards running DHCPD. DHCP
>works fine on the first card but I can not get it to work with the second.
>Out put
>% dhcpd -d -f
>% DHCPDISCOVER from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx via eth1
>% DHCPOFFER on to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx via eth1
>% sendpkt: Network is unreachable
>I know the network connection is fine because when I assign a static IP the
>client and server can see each other.]
>                                                        Jeff


From: Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.ultrix
Subject: Re: Linux 2.2.3 and Ultrix 4.3: incompatible NFS?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:37:27 +0100


I've got an Ultrix 4.2A (rev47) at work and I want to know if it's Y2K compliant.
Can somebody help me ???



From: Thomas Lepkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c509b
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:26:29 -0500


> Okay, here's the deal: I recently installed RedHat Linux 5.2 on my computer.
> I have a 3com 3c509b, but it doesn't work. I disabled PnP, made sure the irq
> and mem address settings are correct, and it still doesn't work The drivers
> are all compiled into the kernel. In the bootup, it says "using dhcp for
> eth0", then pauses for about 30 seconds, and says "failed." When I try to
> ping other computers on my network, it returns "network unreachable." Any
> Ideas?
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

  Check your /etc/conf.modules file for the right settings.
  For example my /etc/conf.modules has the following settings:

  alias eth0 ne
  options ne io=0x300 irq=9

  where ne is the driver file ne.o


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Mosley)
Subject: Re: 3c509b
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:50:23 GMT

I had the same problem, I could ping localhost but nothing else. You need
to get the latest 3c95x.c from NASA (URL is in the source of 3c95x.c) and
compile and replace the .o module on your modules directory.

It should work then, but it will only work at 10M..


: Okay, here's the deal: I recently installed RedHat Linux 5.2 on my computer.
: I have a 3com 3c509b, but it doesn't work. I disabled PnP, made sure the irq
: and mem address settings are correct, and it still doesn't work The drivers
: are all compiled into the kernel. In the bootup, it says "using dhcp for
: eth0", then pauses for about 30 seconds, and says "failed." When I try to
: ping other computers on my network, it returns "network unreachable." Any
: Ideas?
: -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
:       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: ISO: VT320 terminal emulator for Linux
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:29:41 GMT

 I'm building a system of Linux machines running on donated 486 hardware for
my local school and need to interface them with a VAX system running VMS over
a network connection (ie. telnet). I just need to telnet to it and use a menu
system, the problem is I lack any means to emulate the VT320 terminal the VAX
is wanting on my Linux system. Does anyone know of a decent emulator or
method of emulating VT320 on Linux?  Simply setting the TERM variable to
=vt320 will not work, BTW.


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From: Thorsten Kukuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NIS and /etc/passwd.
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:44:21 GMT


RedHat uses PAM with pam_pwdb, pam_pwdb couldn't do that. You need
to configure PAM correct for this.


Poole, Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to set up RedHat 5.2 to use a combination of NIS and /etc/passwd.

> I want the password verification to come from NIS, but I want home directory
> and shell information to come from /etc/passwd.

> If I do:

> [poole@zwolb006]$ ypmatch poole passwd
> poole:rkVKQEJEdQdb2:22116:3406:Thomas Poole:/users/guest:/bin/csh

> Which is correct for NIS.

> However, I want the Linux machine to set my $HOME and #SHELL
> correctly, based on information in /etc/passwd/, not in what
> is in NIS.

> On the Linux machine in the /etc/passwd file I have:

> [poole@zwolb006]$ grep poole /etc/passwd
> +poole::0:0:Thomas Poole:/bnr/users/u18/poole:/bin/csh

> However when I log into the Linux machine, my $HOME is set
> to /users/guest.

> NIS works file (since I can log in with my NIS passwd).
> It is just not picking up the $HOME from /etc/passwd.

> Can anyone help on this one?

> Thanks in advance,
> Thomas...

Thorsten Kukuk        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SuSE GmbH           Schanzaeckerstr. 10             90443 Nuernberg
Linux is like a Vorlon.  It is incredibly powerful, gives terse,
cryptic answers and has a lot of things going on in the background.


From: Sami Yousif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 02:02:16 -0600

Joe Beiter wrote:

> Ok how about this one:
> secure:
> --------------------
> Mar  9 03:04:52 xioa in.telnetd[711]: connect from
> Mar  9 03:05:02 xioa ipop3d[712]: connect from
> Mar  9 03:05:03 xioa in.telnetd[713]: connect from
> Mar  9 03:45:29 xioa in.telnetd[716]: connect from
> Mar  9 03:45:36 xioa ipop3d[717]: connect from
> Mar  9 03:45:37 xioa in.telnetd[718]: connect from
> ----------------------
> messages:
> ------------------------------
> Mar  9 03:04:58 xioa telnetd[711]: ttloop:  peer died: Invalid or incomplete mul
> tibyte or wide character
> Mar  9 03:05:15 xioa telnetd[713]: ttloop:  peer died: Invalid or incomplete mul
> tibyte or wide character
> Mar  9 03:45:29 xioa telnetd[716]: ttloop:  peer died: Invalid or incomplete mul
> tibyte or wide character
> Mar  9 03:45:59 xioa telnetd[718]: ttloop:  peer died: Invalid or incomplete mul
> tibyte or wide character
> Mar  9 04:02:02 xioa PAM_pwdb[759]: (su) session opened for user nobody by (uid=
> 99)
> Mar  9 04:03:45 xioa PAM_pwdb[759]: (su) session closed for user nobody
> -------------------------------
> I was not up at this time. This looks like someone was able to log in and
> su sucessfully.
> This was on kernel 2.0.36 and I have since upgraded to 2.2.3.

That looks like a port scan... The time the machine was scanned might have been
around the same time that the logrotate script was set to run..

One thing to check is the version of the pop3d that you have. It is usually
distributed in the same package as the imap daemon, and due to the dramatic
increasing number of scans that I have seen looking for either imap or pop3
recently, I am wondering if there is an "unannounced" exploit for pop3 out
there.....  [the pattern seen here as well seems to be exactly what was seen on this

Sami Yousif

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Personal HP.                         Amarillo Linux Users Group.

[eMail sent to any of my addresses is subject to the Conditions outlined

[Note: I no longer support ARNet ( as an ISP nor WTAMU
( as an educational institution nor LEK ( as a
Computer Supplier] {}

[heard somewhere: "You have the right to remain clueless. Anything you
know may be used against you in a court of law"]

Another day, so many more LARTS to go. [BOFH, BUFH, JOAT]

"Understanding is a three edge sword: Our side, Their Side, and the
Truth" Babylon 5

<time is on my side>

Tuesday, January 19th 2038, 03:14:07 UTC: Are YOU Ready?


From: "Godfrey Nix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP please  NFS - mount fails access denied
Date: 16 Mar 1999 10:05:41 GMT

I have a couple of entries in the /etc/exports file of a linux server
(RedHat 5.2)
Mounting one of them on a remote unix box has no problems, but the other
fails to mount with a message 
"nfs mount: linux:/path/to/exported access denied"

Anyone suggest a reason? I have restarted the nfs daemon, checked the
permissions on the exported directory   (rwxr-xr-x), and checked the
/etc/exports file contents
/spare1/dir1        (ro,insecure,all_squash)
/path/to/exported    (ro,insecure,all_squash)

first exported directory is mounted remote OK, but the second fails. Why?

all help appreciated


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry Penninkilampi)
Subject: Re: ISDN and Modememulation
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:29:12 +1030

Some folks shaped electrons to say:

>>And is it true that vice versa a Modem-Client canīt dial in on my
>>PPP-Server, when Iīm using mgetty waiting on /dev/ttyI0?

The way I see it is that an ISDN card contains a hardware implementation
of a communications protocol.  In Australia, we use ETSI ISDN (the same as
in Europe), so let's call it V.ETSI for now.  Anything dialling into the
card using V.ETSI can establish a V.ETSI connection, and hence transfer
data at 64Kbps.

Unfortunately, most/all ISDN cards don't support V.90, V.34 and other
normal modem protocols, and hence we have a situation where two devices
are unable to communicate because they can't agree on a language (don't
support the same protocol).

Now, Linux talks to the ISDN card just like it were any other serial
communications device - it enables and configures the capabilities of the
card, but it doesn't extend them (except, perhaps, as far as Multilink-PPP
type technologies go).  This means that it would be hard (but not
impossible) to develop software which takes the ISDN card's data stream
and runs it through a V.90 decoder/encoder.

(This is the same principle that was used by Apple with their GeoPort
modems - software implemented ITU V.blah standards - the hardware just sat
there and moved bits around.  They ultimately dropped the idea because
keeping pace with new protocols was too expensive, and the burden that was
placed on the CPU was excessive.)

So, software-based modem emulation can be done, has been done, can work,
and could work - providing someone wanted to write it.  Whether it's been
done for Linux or not I don't know.  Whether the performance it is
acceptable, I don't know.  Machines are a lot, lot faster now than they
were a few years ago, so the performance impact is smaller, and will get
even smaller as time moves on.  It may very well be worth it, for
providing V.90 dial-up on a *very* small scale, but it would probably be
out of the question on a large (read ISP) scale.

It really depends on hardware issues beyond my expertise as to whether or
not software-implemented V.90 would even be accepted by regular V.ETSI
ISDN cards.  If the signal itself is crucial to V.90, then the mere
presence of the ISDN card could make a software-based solution impossible.

All that said and done, digital modem cards which support multiple
protocols (V.ETSI, V.90, V.34...) are used by ISPs all the time.  In
Australia, ISPs generally buy them in batches of 8 or 10, but I see no
reason why they couldn't be purchased individually.  The downside to this
is that these cards fit into proprietary slots (made by Cisco,
Livingston...) - whether or not any of these are available in a PCI form
factor with open-source drivers is anybody's guess.

I did a bit of surfing while I was writing this and came across some pages
that may be of interest:


I, personally, would love to see a PCI digital modem card which plugged
right into a basic rate interface (2x64K B-Channels, and 1x16K D-Channel),
supported V.ISDN and V.90 (and perhaps even V.34 for backwards
compatibility), and which was not proprietary so that drivers could be
written for Linux to control either channel independently - now *that*
would be cool.



From: Daniel Linux user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Questions General
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:30:29 -0800

Bobby Alexander wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a 2 PC setup home network setup on which both PCs were running
> Win95 and sharing a DSL connection using Wingate as a proxy server on
> PC1.  This setup worked well for a while but it seemed to be getting
> less and less stable, until last Saturday something on PC1 got corrupted
> by a blue screen of death and I was unable to reconfigure networking to
> again work.
> To make a long story short, I dumped the hard drive of PC1 onto PC2 and
> installed RedHat 5.2 on PC1.  I've spent this week trying to figure
> everything out and have made some good progress I think, but I am not
> where I need to be yet.  Right now, I'm set up so that either machine
> can use the DSL line by switching the plug from one to the other.
> PC1 is a P150 with 96mb ram, 1 gig HD, 2NICs (3C509B and NE2000) which
> are both now working.  I have a static IP address for PC1 which is
> assigned to the 3C509B and the NE2000 is  The static IP
> address has a name to go with it assigned by my ISP
> (  Does this have to be PC1's name as far
> as linux is concerned?

No, that will just be the gateway's name.

> Do I need to use some little name for my private network like

You don't have to, because if you set up IP Masq. your private network
will be transparent to the internet.  Names are for humans, numbers are
for computers.  DNS is to translate the human names to computer friendly
numbers. is a lot easier than (just pulled
that from the sky)to remember.
> Should there be a name affiliated with

Only if you want one.
> Where do I need to go in order to replicate the setup I had using Win95
> alone?  I played some with samba going but have not yet succeeded in
> using it to access PC1 from PC2. I have downloaded the latest RPM for it
> and installed it but haven't yet gotten it configured.  The physical
> networking is ok, as I can ping from one to the other just fine (On the
> Win95 PC it only works if I ping by number), but that's about all I've
> been able to do so far.

I am new to Samba myself, and couldn't tell you how I got it to work. 
Bear in mind you only need Samba for file and printer sharing between
Linux and Win95.  You can use the DSL without it.
> What else will I need to do?  Scanning the messages here it sounds like
> I need to set up IP Masquerading.  Or is there separate proxy server
> software I should use?  What about security as well.  Someone sent me
> towards squid but that looks to me like a web caching program, is that
> right?

Check the IP Masq. How-To for setting up your Linux box as the
firewall.  Once you have your Linux box secure, you won't have to worry
about the Win box.  
> I'd be grateful for whatever pointers you all can provide, thanks a lot.


From: Andrzej Filip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail
Subject: Re: Sendmail and masquerading
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 10:27:54 +0100

Dinky wrote:

> I'm having problems configuring sendmail to masquerade the domain name for
> outgoing mails to my ISP. At the moment, with the masquerading feature
> turned on, sendmail masquerades all mails, both internal and externals
> mails. I only want sendmail to masquerade mails to external domains, is that
> possible? Would appreciate if someone could help me out here. Thanks!

I use configuration in which genericstable masquerading is
disabled for some mailers/domains. It can be easily extended
to also disable standard masquerading. I have tested it
with sendmail 8.8.7 and it works OK in my "production"

It can not be achieved by *.mc file only.

Tell me if you are interested.

"Andrzej (Andrew) A. Filip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Mosley)
Subject: 3c905B
Date: 16 Mar 1999 10:20:30 GMT


I'm using the 3c905B with the module 3c95x v0.99H ...

However, even though I set the media type to be 100baseT in winNT it still
goes to 10baset in Linux.

It says in messages..
eth0: 3Com 3c905B Cyclone........
        Media override to transceiver type 0 (10baseT)
        Enabling bus-master transmits and whole frame receives.

Is there anything I can do to make it work at 100 under linux?


Subject: Re: Unable to mount NFS
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 06:28:25 GMT

>I have 3 machines running Linux all networked together. I am unable to
>mount one of the machines from either of the other two. I have made the
>appropriate modifications to /etc/export. From the machine in question,
>I can mount dirs on the other two and the other two can mount each
>When I attempt to mount the problem machine I get the following message:
>mounting: RPC: Program not registered

Make sure rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd are both running on all 3 hosts.
Use "rpcinfo -p [host]" to make sure both are registered with
portmapper too.


From: Andi Vontobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP please  NFS - mount fails access denied
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 11:16:20 +0100

I had the same problem and it's not really solved until know.
But I got just an idea now: try using Tab's instead of spaces.


Godfrey Nix wrote:
> I have a couple of entries in the /etc/exports file of a linux server
> (RedHat 5.2)
> Mounting one of them on a remote unix box has no problems, but the other
> fails to mount with a message
> "nfs mount: linux:/path/to/exported access denied"
> Anyone suggest a reason? I have restarted the nfs daemon, checked the
> permissions on the exported directory   (rwxr-xr-x), and checked the
> /etc/exports file contents
> /spare1/dir1        (ro,insecure,all_squash)
> /path/to/exported    (ro,insecure,all_squash)
> first exported directory is mounted remote OK, but the second fails. Why?
> all help appreciated

By sending me unsolicited commercial/political/religious/MailPush
E-mail message/s (known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to
pay me $500.-(plus any legal expenses incurred by my trying to
collect the amount due) per unsolicited commercial/political/
religious/MailPush E-mail message - for the service of receiving it.


From: "Eriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't ping Linux --> win98
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 11:36:54 +0100

>I assuming you have a 3C509 combo card.  If that's the case, boot into DOS
>recent version).  Get out your 3COM diagnostics disk.  Run.. whatever that
>file's called.  :-)  I think it's 3C509CFG.EXE.  Check to see what
>the card is set to use.  It's probably on RJ-45.  Change it to BNC (coax).
>would be my first guess as to what your problem is.

[This is a part of a message posted in the thread above]

When I try to configure the setting from "auto-detect" to "BNC (coax)" I get
the response "Your NIC is not connected to a BNC network" It doesn't matter
how high I shout "Yes it is!!" The comp doesn't get it... When I run the
program to auto-detect the network interface (what type of cable that is
used to connect the the network) I get the same error message.

BUT! The cable works! I've used the same cable to another comp and it woked
fine. The 3com NIC also works. I installed it in my win 98 comp. Works

I've tried different NE2000 NICs in my linux box. But it seems like non of
them works. Can't get an eth0 interface no matter what I try. On my
win98/linux comp the card works fine. The 3com card is the first card that I
can get an eth0 interface with on the older (linux, P60) computer.

I've tried to install win95 on the linux box. But there is conflicts I can't
resolve with win95. BUT I can get network connectivity up an running

One thing perhaps worth mentioning is that I can't use the built in SCSI
host on the P60 ( computer. I have to use a PCI Tekram 390 card
in order to get linux installed!




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