Linux-Networking Digest #543, Volume #10         Thu, 18 Mar 99 19:14:18 EST

  Re: The truth about the Pentium III chip and ID --- **boycott info** (Curt Steger)
  Re: Where to get TCP/IP network programming info?? ("John Hardin")
  socket programming - vb client, linux c server ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape ftp, port numbers and ipfwadm (Tobias Reckhard)
  Re: Frontpage and ASP under linux? ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Realtek 8029 Ethernet Card PCI ("David Travers")
  Re: Linux and Windows NT server? (Brent Knotts)
  Frontpage and ASP under linux? ("Aaron Saikovski")
  Re: delayed login prompt thru' telnet ?? (Darren Durbin)
  Ip Masquerading, Routing different kinds of traffic. (edvb)
  Re: Slightly Off Topic?? Cisco 2511 and Packet Filters? ("Gary")
  ARP: called for own IP address (Steve Levoe)
  Networking and route.conf ("Phil Sumner")
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: Samba and WinNT client (Edward Lee)
  Re: NFS Hack Attack ? CERT says many linux systems vunerable! (Bill Anderson)
  Re: Compex RL100ATX (Brian)
  Re: The truth about the Pentium III chip and ID --- **boycott info** 
  Is there free Net2phone? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  delayed login prompt thru' telnet ?? (Ramesh Kumar)


From: Curt Steger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The truth about the Pentium III chip and ID --- **boycott info**
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 20:31:07 GMT

Quantum Leaper wrote:

> Michael Barnes wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Every MODEM has a MAC address your friends pc is nicless, but not
> >macless
> Interesting is over 15 years of using modems,  300 baud to 56K modems
> (hopefully a Cable or DSL modem in about a year or so),  I have NEVER heard
> that they have a MAC address?   So what command or how do you get the MAC
> address of a modem?   Does this only apply to Mac modems or all modems? One
> other question,  why would a modem need a MAC address?

Only if it is running on an Apple/Mac!

Any here I thought that a MAC address was a special address book that Billy-bum
kept for retaliation if he ever took over the world. ?:^)


From: "John Hardin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where to get TCP/IP network programming info??
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:24:57 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <7cps2c$mnt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I mean something like how do i use the command GetHostByName()


Type "man gethostbyname" at the command prompt?

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgpk -a finger://    PGP key ID: 0x41EA94F5
 PGP key fingerprint: A3 0C 5B C2 EF 0D 2C E5  E9 BF C8 33 A7 A9 CE 76 
    In the Lion
    the Mighty Lion
    the Zebra sleeps tonight...      (with apologies to Robert Johns)


Subject: socket programming - vb client, linux c server
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 21:37:44 GMT

Does VB send initial return characters when connecting to a socket?
If not then I don't know what is going on.

I have written a server on my RH5 system that reads a string.  When I use the
client that I wrote on the same system using C everything works perfectly.
The server's recv() statement even seems to wait till I send something before
it goes on to the next statement.

When I try and use the client that I wrote on my windows95 machine using VB5,
"nothing" seems to be getting sent to my server.  The log file the server
makes says that there was a connection from the VBclient but.. when it says
what data is recieved there is nothing.  But even if it says "nothing" there
must be something right?  b/c the recv() statement will wait till it gets

The only explantion that I can think of is that the recv() statement is
reading something from the VB client before it sends the info. ie. I was
thinking the VB connect control did something wierd.

Has anyone come accross this before?
I would really appretiate any advice.


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tobias Reckhard)
Subject: Re: Netscape ftp, port numbers and ipfwadm
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:12:11 GMT

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:33:06 -0000, "Duarte Cordeiro"

>david koski wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>When attempting to ftp with Netscape 4.04 (RH 5.1 server and ppp
>>connection to ISP) I cannot get through my firewall.  I noticed that the
>>port numbers reported on the status line of Netscape are 1025..65535
>>(high).  I can however ftp at the prompt.  The same thing is true on the
>>Windoze and OS/2 clients Netscape.  Ftp programs work on the clients
>>too, but not Netscape's ftp.  What gives?
>hehe... a strange think indeed...
>Ftp has two working models: passive and non-passive (someone called it
>I never know the order but:
>- One uses port 20 to connect and port 21 to send data (ftp-data)

That's normal FTP, but port 21 (server side) is used by the control
connection and 20 for data transfer. The data connection here is
initiated by the server.

>- The other uses port 20 to connect and port > 1024 to send data.

Again, it's port 21 on the server for the control connection. But
you're right, a high port is used for data transfer. However, this
connection is initiated by the client.

>Don't know why, but ie or netscape, both use this later model, so the only
>way for you to let the data pass is to open incoming connections to ports
>>1024, I think...

Nope, it's the other way around. You need to allow outbound
initiations and transmissions, i.e. TCP packets with the SYN and ACK
bits set, but only need to allow packets with the ACK bit set back in,
going to and coming from the high port range for passive FTP's data
connection. This is actually more firewall-friendly than normal. The
normal FTP requires the masquerading module to make it work, because
that intercepts the PORT statement on the control connection, with
which the client tells the server which port on it (client) to connect
to for data transfer.

In ipfwadm syntax, passive FTP data can be enabled with the following
lines. Replace the shell variables according to your configuration:

ipfwadm -I -a accept -P tcp -S $INSIDE 1024:65535 -D 0/0 1024:65535 \
ipfwadm -F -a accept -P tcp -S $INSIDE 1024:65535 -D 0/0 1024:65535 \
  -W $OUT_IFACE -m
ipfwadm -O -a accept -P tcp -S $OUTIFIP 61000:65096 \
  -D 0/0 1024:65535 -W $OUT_IFACE

ipfwadm -I -a accept -P tcp -S 0/0 1024:65535 \
  -D $OUTIFIP 61000:65535 -W $OUT_IFACE -k
ipfwadm -O -a accept -P tcp -S 0/0 1024:65535 -D $INSIDE 1024:65535 \
  -W $IN_IFACE -k

>PS: If you find another way to resolve this, please tell me how :)

Always glad to help. :)



From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Frontpage and ASP under linux?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:43:18 -0600

The Lone Scribe wrote in message <7cr7m1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
|<7cq9qa$1gm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

|>Scribe, you must intend to live a monklike existence of deprivation and
|>spiritual purity.  In the real world, a place you seem not to have visited
|>recently, ASP is not only the most scalable and versatile of web/database
|>platforms, but the most profitably deployed

|Yup, yup, yup, eat up that yummy M$ food. Bill tells you it's good for you
|and so you eat it all up and lick the plate, and then ask for more. But in
|'the real world', where it's not all about DeGates' vision of 'how things
|really are', there are plenty of alternative and even highly superior
|solutions that work much better than ASP without violating security and
|privacy. Just because your 'real world' doesn't see that doesn't make your
|'real world' the 'only real world'. And 'free' does not necessarily mean
|inferior. Mebbe you need to skeddadle on back to the Micro$haft newsgroups,
|sonny boy, and don't slurp your Starbucks so loudly. People are listening.

   In The Real World (tm) Micro$oft customers pay people to run Micro$oft
products on That Internet Thing (tm) and you will proudly walk past it.  I,
however, will use any tool I am paid to use.  I will also advise people of
better tools, but...
   There are a lot of customers that want to use ASP.  There are a lot of
thousand page sites already coded in ASP.  This is a HUGE market, and still,
no one has answered  the question of can ASP be made to run on Linux/Apache.
Crawl back in your Ivory tower, and leave The Real World (tm) to those of us
willing to make money off it.


SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual,
not as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
solely responsible for my words.


From: "David Travers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Realtek 8029 Ethernet Card PCI
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:21:34 -0000

Have you got got "PnP OS Aware" setup in the PC's BIOS.

You may have to disable this for Linux.

I have three PC's all with Realtek 8029 cards, they work great (transfer
rates about 1Mb/s).

I compiled support for the card into the kernel by selecting PCI NE2000

Note you didn't say what version of linux you have or the kernel version.

I am using Suse 5.2 with kernel 2.2.3 and as I said it works great.

Harold Henry wrote in message <7cp30n$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I had to replace my ISA ne2000 ethernet card due to failure. So I bought
>a Realtek 8029 PCI ethernet card. The problem is how to I get linux to
>find it and use it. It did not work with the ne module so I tried  ne2k-pci
>. When it boots It detects the card but complains the IRQ of 0 will not
>work(of course). My PCI BIOS is neptune and I went in to the PCI setup and
>set the IRQ to 12 but linux does not see this. I boot to 95 it does not
>the IRQ that it is using  but just the I/O address and of course networking
>works there so I know the card functions. The howto says it should work
>but I think my neptune BIOS does not report the IRQ to linux. Is there a
>step I am missing or something else I can do (like force the IRQ like you
>can for ISA cards) ? Thanks


From: Brent Knotts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and Windows NT server?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:34:27 -0500

> agm wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >I've set up a home network with one computer running Windows NT4
> >server (PDC) and the other one Linux with the 2.2.0 kernel and Samba
> >2.0.0. The problem is that it's only possible to connect to the Linux
> >computer from Win NT. When I try to connect to Win NT with smbclient
> >-L <hostname>, I get error message "access denied" after typing the
> >password.
> >I've edited the registry of NT to enable plain text password.
> >
> >I was able to make a good network connection from Linux to Win 98 in
> >the past with samba, what am I doing wrong this time?

are you using the -U option to specify the username?


From: "Aaron Saikovski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Frontpage and ASP under linux?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:02:56 +1100

I am an internet developer, primarily using microsoft tools and WinNT.
Is it at all possible to have frontpage extensions and the ASP engine
running under linux to as to
allow my existing sites to be ported from NT to linux?
Also what is a decent database to use for dynamic web content?

I have heard of php..can anyone give me more info on this...Thanks

Aaron Saikovski


From: Darren Durbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: delayed login prompt thru' telnet ??
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 21:42:52 +0000

Ramesh Kumar wrote:
> I m trying to setup a telnet session to a RedHat Linux 5.1 machine.
>  I m able   to connect there but the login prompt comes after a
> long wait, maybe 2mnts.. ??
> Is there a way to get around this problem ??
> thanks,
> Ramesh

Try adding the IP address of the machine you are telneting from to the
/etc/hosts file on your Linux machine

Darren Durbin                   'I know that this is vitriol, no solution,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     spleen venting, but I feel better having
                                screamed on you..." - R.E.M


From: edvb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ip Masquerading, Routing different kinds of traffic.
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:15:43 -0500

I am setting up a linux box as a router for 2 or 3 boxes.  2 of the
machine will be (One 95, one NT) that only need an IP address and to
access the internet.  The other one will need to be a 95 box that will
need to interact wityh a Novel network,  (Office applications and such
are installed on the network.  Can this box be behind the router or does
it need to be paralell?  Can I route such ipx traffic?  Also I want this
amcine to look EXACTLY like a 95 box on the network if possible. The
Router will be a subnet off of a larger LAN. I plan to disable telnet,
ftp etc and only allow SSH.  Could you let me know if this is posible?
Thanks.  Via Email if possible please.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slightly Off Topic?? Cisco 2511 and Packet Filters?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 99 22:38:57 GMT

You need to set up access lists, using the ip packet numbers for the packets
you want to filter.
Bear in mind that anything not SPECIFICALLY permitted is DENIED.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Levoe)
Subject: ARP: called for own IP address
Date: 18 Mar 1999 16:00:21 GMT

I am receiving a constant stream (a couple a second) of the following
message on the console:
ARP: called for own IP address
Any clues on what I should look at to find out what is wrong?
RedHat 5.2 Intel, 3C509B


From: "Phil Sumner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Networking and route.conf
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:42:25 -0000
Reply-To: "Phil Sumner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ok - I'm just looking for confirmation of what my route.conf should look
like here.

I am connecting thru a university network, thru gateway -
My IP is

What *should* my route.conf look like?  I'm thinking: eth0

Well... if that's right I get an error when booting:

SIOCADDRT: Address already exists
then an error like:
error while adding:
      (info above)

My network card is recognised during bootup no trouble.
Anyone got any advice?

Many thanks in advance!
Phil Sumner
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |comp.lang.c
Phil-99 on #chatquiz1,   |*       | ICQ # - 3320949
                      "Faith Manages"


From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Linux to install?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:55:17 -0600

Eric Larson wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

|I was much impressed with SUSE, however I have a Thinkpad 365 Laptop
|on which the X config utils for SUSE failed miserably. To get it
|working I 1) installed RedHat 2) saved the X config files to a floppy,
|3) reinstalled SUSE, copied the files over.

|For a newbie who might have a hardware collection that is off the
|Linux mainstream, I might recommend RedHat. The big disadvantage to
|this is no KDE. From what I have seen Gnome 1.0 isn't ready for prime

   You can use Linux Mandrake.  It is Red Hat with KDE, and more, I believe,
but I have little experience.  Also Project Independence.  It is a Red Hat with KDE, and many other easy to
use tools, as well as quick start guides and much more GUI help.  It also
has a modified cron for systems not on 24/7. :-)  <Yes, I am somewhat
connected with this one>


SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an individual,
not as a representative of any company, organization or other entity.  I am
solely responsible for my words.


From: Edward Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba and WinNT client
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 13:25:32 -0800

I had the same problem until i got rid of the services packs 3 (or 4) on NT.

I know this is not the perfect solution, but it is good enough for me.
My NT station is very stable, as long as i do Netscape, Telnet, FTP, and
Samba only.
It still crash once in a while with Visual Studio (VC++), but that's work
and how i get paid.

attilio bernardi wrote:

> I am a new Linux user .
> I have installed the RedHat ver 5.1 and Samba ver on a server
> machine and I have the
> following problem :
> when I 'm logging by a win95 client  I can free access to my home
> directory .
> The same thing I can't do if I 'm using a winNT 4.0 workstation.
> I'm logging by the same account and password as under win95 but when i
> try to open my home directory another window asks me to type my password
> again.After and only after I can access to my home.
> Is there any answer ?
> Thank a lot
> Bernardi Attilio


From: Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NFS Hack Attack ? CERT says many linux systems vunerable!
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 20:56:37 +0000

"M. Buchenrieder" wrote:

> BTW, please adjust your quoting style. It's pretty much annoying
> having to scroll down first, just to find out what you're
> commenting onto.

Actually, many people (myself included) prefer to have the follow-up
after the quote.
For us, it is quite annoying to read the response, then scroll down to
find out the question or quote.
Different strokes, different folks.
> >> Daniel Bruce wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >> >
> >> >    I was recently testing 2.2.3 Kernel. Soon after boot and ppp
> >> > connect, I get this on the log:
> >> >
> >> > Mar 13 18:58:12 linux1 mountd[97]: Unauthorized access by NFS client
> >> >
> >> > Mar 13 18:58:12 linux1 mountd[97]: Unauthorized access by NFS client
> >> >
> >> > Mar 13 18:58:12 linux1 mountd[97]: [truncated] Blocked attempt of
> >> > to mount
> >> > P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P
> Someone tried an unauthorized NFS access. Mounting was denied.
> End of story.
> >>
> >> You may have been cracked.
> Actually, the above quoted messages make this highly unlikely.
> A successful cracker would have deleted any traces immediately.
> >> It's safest to assume they succeeded.
> [...]
> The safest way is not running unneeded services in the first place.
> Mihael
> --

Funny thing is, the machine being used for these attacks is running a
vulnerable system ....hint hint.



Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 17:15:13 -0600
Subject: Re: Compex RL100ATX

I have the Compex 10mbps Ethernet card.  With your disk that came with
it, it should have a program called flpnpsnap. (assuming your card is
ISA, not PCI)  When it finds your network card, take it out of PNP mode
and set an IRQ and I/O port for it.  I used IRQ 5 and I/O 260.  Then in
Linux, go to Linux Config under server properties or whatever and set
the card up under Adapter 2.  Use your IRQ you specified and your I/O.
Set your I/O up as 0x260.  Even if it says 260-27fh, you still start out
at 0x(then the base number)

Roman Dirgelas wrote:

> Hi,
> is anyone working with a Compex RL100ATX/PCI 100MBit card?
> Any ideas how to install that bloody cheap thing?
> R.


Subject: Re: The truth about the Pentium III chip and ID --- **boycott info**
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:19:56 GMT

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:20:04 -0700, "Michael Barnes"

true. but.  MAC addresses on your modem go no further than your isp.
in fact, your isp doesn't even use your modems mac address because you
are assigned an ip addres that already has the mac address of the
modem you connected to so yours never goes out into the net.

your network also has a mac address.  this address is used only by
your local network.  I machine on a different network send you info,
they only know the ip address, this is send to the router the router
only know the mac address and ip address in your local network.  If it
cannot find the destination, it forwards it the the next router which
again only know the mac address and ip address if its local network.
it does on the otherhand know which router to send it to based on ip
routing tables. this process is repeated until it finds the router
that knows the destination ip address and sends it to the isp's router
which then looks up the mac address and places the ip packet on th
ethernet with the destination ip and mac address only knowing the
source ip not mac.  mac addresses are NOT forwareded accross even

and just to show off, ISP equipment like an ascend or 3com total
control that has 48 modems, all 48 modems have the SAME mac address.
the modem server knows which modem to send it out on based on ip

>Every MODEM has a MAC address your friends pc is nicless, but not
>As far as I know you cannot network anywhere without a mac address since
>IP's map directly to machine addresses at lower levels to identify your
>particular machine on any network.  So, if your connected to any network via
>any hardware device (router, switch, modem, nic) those devices must have mac
>and modems are easy to replace compared to CPU's also...
>Bill Anderson wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Tim Roberts wrote:
>>> John Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >Kano wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Oh come on. Many other standard devices (ethernet cards, for example)
>>> >> have their
>>> >> own unique serial numbers that software can use at will. Get over it.
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >Yes - but ethernet mac cards are only broadcast over the lan, not over
>>> >the net (except by Office98, of course).
>>> The POINT here is that it is exactly as easy to embed my unique MAC
>>> in an Internet transaction as it is to embed my unique Pentium-III CPU ID
>>> in an Internet transaction.  Any software which will go to the trouble to
>>> fetch the unique CPU identifier and send it over the network to identify
>>> could just as easily be written TODAY to use a MAC address for exactly
>>> same purpose.  The CPU identifier is not significantly different in
>>> from the MAC address, and yet there has not been a hue and cry to boycott
>>> NIC manufacturers.
>>Ho wmany home users ar LAN connected to the internet?
>>oh, yeah, that's right, they dial up with a modem; no getting a MAC
>>address from a machine that does not have one.
>>> >And what do you mean get over it???  This kind of personal information
>>> >is valuable.  Business are willing to pay for it.  This kind of
>>> >behavior IS DOWNRIGHT THEFT!!!
>>> But whatever they could do with a CPU ID, they are probably already doing
>>> with a MAC address.  It is just as good as a unique identifier.  "Get
>>> it" is exactly the right attitude.
>>Can you explain how they would be getting a MAC address from my friends'
>>NIC-less pc?
>>A MAC address is not as good, in any event. NICs get changed mor often
>>than cpus (in most cases). IIRC MAC addresses can be changed, and there
>>have been cases of MAC addresses beinf reused?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Is there free Net2phone?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:25:07 GMT

Hi! All.        Is there any software which can let me dial to friends'
phones from my computer directly?  Netmeeting and Ipphone could only talk to
other computers and Net2phone charges me a lot for this service when I dial
to other countries.

        Could I find such a free software(both the server and client parts)?

        With the  client part installed in my machine and the server
installed in machines near my friends's location, i only need to pay for the
internet fee and local call.

        I think such a freeware will surely make Linux attracting to home users.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Ramesh Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: delayed login prompt thru' telnet ??
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:58:00 -0500

I m trying to setup a telnet session to a RedHat Linux 5.1 machine.
 I m able   to connect there but the login prompt comes after a
long wait, maybe 2mnts.. ??

Is there a way to get around this problem ??



From: Julio Olivares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:02:59 +0000


I have 2 PC's with rh5.2 connected by lan cards.
Until today, everything was ok, but I nstalled Samba and the samba
server gives the following msg eact time I try to access the other Pc:

trigger_send() - Called with the transmiter busy

I've removed Samba but te problem persits.

When the client pc try to ping the server, he get no reponse.

Can you help me ?

Thank's in advance.



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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