Linux-Networking Digest #600, Volume #10         Tue, 23 Mar 99 01:13:42 EST

  Re: Masquerading & can't connect some web sites?? (Chris Heinemann)
  Re: major minor for eth0 (Kyle Altendorf)
  Dial up Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  patch-bootprom : bootp ("Doug Herbert")
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? (TurboTex)
  Re: Reeeeeaaaallll sloooowwww FTP (Jim Jerzycke)
  Re: Anybody using the D-Link DFE-530TX? ("Raymond BLENKIRON")
  Re: Anybody using the D-Link DFE-530TX? ("Raymond BLENKIRON")
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? (Jon Gale)
  Re: 3Com 509 won't go (detailed!) (Ed Legowski)
  Re: samba encrypted passwords ("liam toh")
  Port Forwarding and dynamic IP (Preston F. Crow)
  Re: 3Com 509 won't go (detailed!) (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
  Addtron AE-360PCI Ethernet driver for Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Sorry for such a simple question ("Matt Anderson")
  Re: ip aliasing ("Dan Candela")
  Network sniffer program (Chad Stephens)
  Re: slakware 3.6 with ASUS P2B DS (adaptec 2940) and matrox millennium II AGP (Sasa 


From: Chris Heinemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Masquerading & can't connect some web sites??
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 20:51:18 -0600

I am not sure of your network configuration... but ... first guess is you are
not useing a "private" IP number.  If your internal subnet is the same as the
external then the addresses are confussed and won't resolve.  If these are OK
then I would think that it might be a time-out issue.  I hope that this leads
you in the right direction.

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, John Detch wrote:
>I use ipchains & masq. to connect a small home net to the rest of the
>net. This works wonderfully with a few exceptions. Some web sites I 
>get a "waiting for reply" that is endless. <I know, your thinking web
>site is busy..> However, I get this for, and a few other big
>sites (radioshack) that I know are up. I try this using lynx from the 
>linux gateway & can access the sites no problem. My question is why. :)
>I would like to fix this so that I can go to all websites, but don't 
>understand why. I'm hoping that a guru out there will fill me in. :)
>PS: Please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also.
>John Detch


From: Kyle Altendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: major minor for eth0
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 19:13:29 -0800

ok, sorry for the bother.  think i figured some stuff out...  my
/etc/rc.d/rc.inetd1 file was screwed up.  i setup the local ip info, but
forgot to uncomment the lines (duh!).  also found that you don't create
the /dev/eth0, ifconfig does during boot.  if you need some help skip,
i'd be glad to keep in touch personally at my yahoo account
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  other stuff isn't working yet, but i got past the
eth0 stuff.


On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Skip wrote:

> Sorry, this is not a reply to Kyle's question.  After reading his question,
> I realized I need the same thing, but for a DEC Tulip.  I thought since it
> was being detected at bootup that everything was ready to go.  So does
> anybody have the same thing for a DEC Tulip chip?
> Thanks,
> Skip Egley
> Kyle Altendorf wrote:
> > just wondering where i could find the info for mknod for an ethernet
> > device.  it's being detected as a ne2000 ethernet card, i just need the
> > /dev/eth0 file for it.  any help would be great.  thanks.
> >
> > -kyle


Subject: Dial up Linux
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 02:11:37 GMT

I have a problem with modem connect speed too slow. (24K) is too slow.

I have RH 5.1, Pentium 166 with 32 meg ram, Cyclades 4 port YOP (PCI) card,
ttyC0 and C1 are connected to 2 external USR V.90 Sportsters. I have pppd
working fine and setserial set to spd_vhi.  I have a 3Com card connected to my
Novell network which has MultiProtocol Router and a ISDN line conneted to my
ISP.  I run POP3 on Novell side with no problem.

WHY, oh WHY can I not connect at a faster speed than 24K??  I use USR V.90
(NOT Winmodem) on BOTH ends but the speed is still 24K.

Could someone give me some links (or friendly) advice?  I am open to any
Digital or analog solution.

I just need to be able to connect @ 40+K.  I am using this box for POP3 and
Internet access just like any ISP would do.  I work for a non-profit that
needs to give internet access to internal staff.

Please  help.  Thank you.

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From: "Doug Herbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: patch-bootprom : bootp
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:59:05 +1200

I am trying to setup a diskless machine using bootp on a Slakware 3.5.0
system.  kernel 2.0.34

I have searched everywhere trying to find this kernel patch

( patch-bootprom )

which seems to be required. Does anybody know where I can find this patch ??


From: TurboTex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Linux to install?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 22:35:58 -0600

        TurboLinux  Rules.....

Flying wrote:
> Too True ;-)
> Especially when places like
> has most distros for $1.99 ;-0
> WhiteFox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> <7d5omj$c35$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > I think I'll throw up if I read one more post like this: What is the best
> > XXX to install?.  As the original poster might be able to discern from
> the
> > eager replies, what's stopping you from testing the stuff and forming
> your
> > own opinion?
> >
> >
> >

M.H. Collins                   < LINUX: The Official OS >       < for the New Millennium >  

TurboLinux has a better idea!      Fear the Penguin.


From: Jim Jerzycke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reeeeeaaaallll sloooowwww FTP
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 18:50:39 -0800

In the famous words of Homer Simpson: "DOH!"!!!
On a whim, I swapped cards from the #2 Linux machine into the Win95
machine, and now it transfers at 900,000+ kb/sec.
I just sent StarOffice from the Win95 box to Linux#1 in about 55secs.
I think it's working O.K.
Geee......just when you think you're somewhat competent.....along comes
Thanks for the help.
Regards, Jim


Subject: Re: Anybody using the D-Link DFE-530TX?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 12:14:31 +1000

I have read some pages on the web that may be a useful lead. Check with

Minh Doan wrote in message ...
>Just wondering if anybody who uses the D-Link DFE-530TX 10/100 Fast
>adapter with RedHat (I have 5.2) could tell me how they set it up?
>I can't seem to find it among the network adapters cards available.


Subject: Re: Anybody using the D-Link DFE-530TX?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 12:14:31 +1000

I have read some pages on the web that may be a useful lead. Check with

Minh Doan wrote in message ...
>Just wondering if anybody who uses the D-Link DFE-530TX 10/100 Fast
>adapter with RedHat (I have 5.2) could tell me how they set it up?
>I can't seem to find it among the network adapters cards available.


From: Jon Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Machine name themes - what do you use?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 20:55:04 -0700

We used the names of volcanoes.  (and yes we stole them from the OpenGL 3D Text 
Screensaver from
NT4 [type 'volcano' as the displayed text in the 3D Text screen saver control panel])

- Vesuvius
- Lassen
- Brokentop
- The Three Sisters
- Garibaldi
- Shasta

Jon Gale
systems co-admin


Subject: Re: 3Com 509 won't go (detailed!)
From: Ed Legowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22 Mar 1999 22:33:05 -0500


>       I recently bought two used 3Com 509s with the intent of starting to
> get my computers at home networked.  (I bought them at an "employee hardware
> sale" where I work.  At first the guy running the sale didn't want to sell
> me them because he said they'd been using them to do network installs of Red
> Hat on some of the machines.  Yes, that is important to know; it implies that
> they were working shortly for _somebody_ shortly before I got my hands on 
> them.)
> (snip)
> ps  A plague upon the house of 3Com for making cards that aren't configurable
> any way except via software, which helps you not at all if the configuration
> is already too screwed up for the machine to recognize the card...

Get a copy of the 3com configuration utility for the 3c509 card 
(3c5x9cfg.exe), available at the 3com web site.  Boot to Dos, then
run 3c5x9cfg.  You will be able to set I/O port and IRQ, either
automatically, or manually, and perform some simple tests to verify
that the card is working.  The auto-config option usually works 
very well, automatically selecting ports and IRQ which are not used
by any other device.

Ed Legowski
Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (personal)
         [EMAIL PROTECTED]       (work)
Voice:   (724) 941-5211        (home)
         (412) 494-1759        (office)


From: "liam toh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: samba encrypted passwords
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 19:52:11 -0800

I found, after reading "samba integrating unix and windows" by john blair,
that the password file smbpasswd that was created with the command:
cat /etc/passwd | >/etc/smbpasswd
had null or some kind of default password templates, it didnt write the
passwords off my /etc/passwd file into the new smbpasswd file it created.
What it had instead of the passwords were 32 X's (looks like
:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:) this file can be edited so I went in and
set the password to NO PASSWORD (looks like :NO
PASSWORDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:  the character string must be 32 characters
long so the X's are added after NO PASSWORD). Now the shares were available
in windows and I subsequently went in and changed the password from no
password to a good password in linux.

Alan Mead wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 00:20:01 -0800, "liam toh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Im new to linux, using redhat 5.2  2.0.36 with samba 1.9.18p10
>>I have the network working good, just 1 win98 system networked to 1 redhat
>>linux system. I have just one user account (besides root) on the linux.
>>user account directory on linux was accessable in network neighborhood
>>before I tried to configure encrypted passwords. I tried to set up the
>>encrypted passwords,
>I looked at the encryption docs and decided to see what else I could
>do.  It turns out that if user-level security is not an issue (which
>it isn't with me on my small LAN), you can just make the shares public
>and use share level security.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Preston F. Crow)
Subject: Port Forwarding and dynamic IP
Date: 23 Mar 1999 04:37:40 GMT

I have a single real IP, behind which I have my home network, with a
typical IP Masquarade solution.  I would like to use port forwarding
to forward port 6001 on the outside machine to port 6000 on an inside
machine (so that I can make X connections to it from the outside).
Port forwarding appears to be the ideal solution.  In fact, it works
great!  I use a command line like:

        ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 6001 -R 6000

Now the only problem is that my IP number is dynamic--DHCP can change
it at any time.  So for a robust solution, I need to somehow specify
'eth0' instead of the IP number currently assigned to it.  I tried
using, which is sometimes used as a wildcard address, but it
doesn't work.

I can use `redir` in user space, but then I don't have control over
who connects to me (not that using xhost is all that secure, but

The only other option I can think of is to do a two-step process where
I use fwmark to mark the packets, and then use `ipmasqadm mfw` to
forward them as desired.  This seems more complicated than should be
necessary (but I'm building a new kernel now to test it).



Segmentation fault


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
Subject: Re: 3Com 509 won't go (detailed!)
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:07:22 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb in Nachricht
<7d6vgt$74a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> I recently bought two used 3Com 509s with the intent of starting to
>get my computers at home networked.  (I bought them at an "employee
>sale" where I work.  At first the guy running the sale didn't want to sell
>me them because he said they'd been using them to do network installs of
>Hat on some of the machines.  Yes, that is important to know; it implies
>they were working shortly for _somebody_ shortly before I got my hands on


>"Corporations can't teach hacking.  It has to be in you."
> --Emmanuel Goldstein

Get rid of them (perhaps back to your company) and buy yourself new cards,

if  10 MBit - are ISA-NE2000-compatible AND jumperconfigurabe,
if 100MBit - are PCI-cards with the Digital 21140-Chip on it (shoundn't cost
more than 20 $ each).

I only use on 10MBit : ISA - (old) Digital DEPCA-cards, Longshine 8634LCS
                                     PCI - Longshine 8034PTB (PCI-NE2000
with Realtec RTL 8029)
              on 100MBit : PCI - Longshine 8038TXD (Dec 21140 - Tulip under

and never had the trouble, many people with 3com-cards have.

You should only follow all those treads in several newsgroups,
where the kids are screeming about those cards.



Subject: Addtron AE-360PCI Ethernet driver for Linux
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:24:22 GMT

Has anyone found a driver for this card? Mine is not the NE2000 compatible
model. The drivers from the Addtron site have "Linux" drivers. which were
written in 1996 and do not work AT ALL (read: won't even compile) with new
kernel and libraries.
I am running Redhat 5.2 with 2.2.3 kernel.
Please, has anyone had success with getting this to work?

Thank you very much,
remove underscores to reply.

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Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 04:56:57 GMT

Can I see Linux through NT 4.0 so I can back it up?


From: "Matt Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sorry for such a simple question
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:50:09 -0500

I'm quite new to linux and even newer to networking.  What I need to know is
(go ahead and flame, i deserve it) when setting up IP addresses on the linux
box (between win98 and linux), is the Linux box the host computer or is it
the win box?  Also, could somebody post or email me a list of all the files
i need to edit/settings to change under linux (RH 5.2)?  Thanks a million

Matt Anderson
Let the Flames Begin


From: "Dan Candela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ip aliasing
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:50:13 GMT


Running that script wasn't helpful.  What kernel are you using?


>Dan Candela wrote in message ...
>>I'm running RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.2.2.  I've configured the kernel to
>>statically link the network aliasing and ip aliasing modules.  My ethernet
>>card is a intel ethernet pro 10/100.
>>I've followed the IP-Aliasing mini-howto, but have been unable to get ip
>>aliasing working.  After issuing the following command:
>>/sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up
>>ifconfig did not show an interace for eth0:0 and there isn't a
>>/proc/net/aliases file.
>>Sound familiar?  Any ideas?
>Looks like you are missing one step. You need to have another line for
>/sbin/route add -host dev eth0:0
>With that said here is a nice script I used and it worked the first time.
># Add as many or take away the number of IP-Aliases you want.
>  /sbin/ifconfig ${NETTYPE}:${i} ${ALIAS} \
>                         broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask ${NETMASK}
>  /sbin/route add -host ${ALIAS} dev ${NETTYPE}:${i}
>Hope that helps and answers all your questions.


From: Chad Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Network sniffer program
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:56:01 GMT

I am looking for a Linux network sniffer program to monitor the=20
communications between two IP addresses.

Any ideas on something that will work???

Thanks for any and all help!!!



From: Sasa Ostrouska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: slakware 3.6 with ASUS P2B DS (adaptec 2940) and matrox millennium II AGP
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 19:23:48 +0100

Hi Gilles !
                I use Slack 3.6 and i recently installed the kernel 2.2.3 and
for now it works very fine.
I have some questions for you.

1. What version of kernel are you using and what version of kernel you want to
recompile ?
If you have the 2.0.35 then try to patch it to 2.0.36 and recompile it.

2. Do you have the latest XFree or you have the 3.3.2 which comes with
the dist. ?
If you have the 3.3.2 you have to download at least the Xserver from suse
which has the support for the Matrox G200 and Millenium II AGP.

Bye Sasa

Gilles Chrzaszcz wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some problems to make a kernel on my computer and to config XFree86.
> I have a ASUS P2B Ds motherboard and two scsi disk, a scsi cdrom (Toshiba
> XM-6201TA), a scsi CDRW (Yamaha CRW 4260), an ensoniq PCI sound card, an
> ethernet card (3Com 509b) and a ViewSonic G790 monitor.
> When i use the kernel aic7890.s, my computer work correctly but if i config
> the kernel to use my ethernet card i do not obtain a kernel that work
> correctly. This new kernel does not recognise my scsi drivers.
> Plus, I can not create a XF86Config file that work with my computer
> Thank you very very much



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