Linux-Networking Digest #858, Volume #10         Wed, 14 Apr 99 19:13:45 EDT

  samba update
  Re: Setting up for multiple ISPs (Sandy Edwards)
  Re: PAP chatscript problems (ts)
  Re: Stable Linux versions (Jim Roberts)
  Re: Performance comparison of nt vs linux (Curt Timmerman)
  DNS for intranet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: all modem connections are sloooooooooow (Qozmoe)
  Re: MI/X X client question ("R.Charles Sweeten")
  Re: New Breed of Domain Name??? (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: 1 machine running Proxy and web server - How to? ("Curt")
  Re: PPP - SIGHUP (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Help ... smbmount fails???? (Richard Torkar)
  Re: Networking/Cable Modem (Jim Harper)
  Re: Masquerading / ISDN problem (Johann)
  Masquerading / ISDN problem (Bernd Eggink)
  Linux and NetBIOS??? (Jan Sevelsted)
  Linux/98/NT Network ("Chris")
  Re: Supra Express modem not resetting ("Bill Dunn")
  Re: Importance of securing systems (John Meissen)
  ftp setup ("j")


Subject: samba update
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:58:40 +0200

I want to update my samba-version to a version 2.0.3, but I do not know who?
I have tried to read the samba-howtos, but I canīt find anythink!

thank you



From: Sandy Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting up for multiple ISPs
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 20:02:30 GMT

Philip Nelson wrote:
> I have a need to set up the ability to connect to multiple ISPs,
> I've got the first one working (all the various config files set up correctly - 
>resolv.conf, chap-secrets / pap-secrets, options).
> But can I put the second ISPs details into the same configuration files and still 
>get it to work for both ?
> Example config files would be great.
> Philip Nelson
> Using OS/2 Warp and PMINews

Try this site.

Sandy Edwards (replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."


Subject: Re: PAP chatscript problems
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 17:11:23 -0400

Greetings Eric,
i have been experiencing this problem as well (the automation portion). I
have nearly exhausted all my resources trying to find out what is wrong. I
wanted to check everything before I sent a note to Mr. Unrah. I can connect
manually with no problem at all. Will keep you informed.


Eric Mak wrote:

> I also followed the instructions in
> supplied by ts and everything worked fine, but pppd fails with the
> chatscript automation, even when I simply copy out the pppd command into
> a script. Does anyone know the reason for this?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Roberts)
Subject: Re: Stable Linux versions
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 16:54:41 GMT

> Up to now, just about everyone has been using Linux kernel V2.0.36. This
> I think was the last stable version. Now it seems as if V2.2.5 is stable
> also, which means that people using 2.0.36 will want to migrate to
> 2.2.5.
> This brings up a question: Is there any documentation on the differences
> between stable versions of Linux? This will help to answer the question:
> "What will I gain by migrating from 2.0.36 to 2.2.5?".
One additional comment. The changes document that comes with the kernel
source lists the minimum requirments for the new kernel. 

And yes, the 2.2.X series have improved NFS as well as getting set for
various other changes.

Jim Roberts         Never enough time!


Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:01:10 -0800
From: Curt Timmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Performance comparison of nt vs linux

I tried to do a performance per dollar calculation to compare the operating
systems. I kept getting a "divide-by-zero" exception when I plugged in the
linux figures.


William Evans wrote:

> Has anyone seen this, and are there any comments. ?  (my comments are
> included below)
> Seems like the MS marketing machine has gone into action against linux.
> Mindcraft, Inc. conducted the performance tests described in this report
> between March 10 and March 13, 1999.
>                   Microsoft Corporation sponsored the testing reported
> herein.
> What is really noticable from this report, is there are no
> price/performance charts here.  If some one has the time it would be
> usefull to do this comparison.  No guesses as to who would win here
> though.
> 3700 requests per second is probably the level of activity you would see
> in a 10,000 user intranet web server.   20 hits per user per minute.
> The licensing for an intranet server with this number of users would
> probably cost you over 500,000 dollars in client access license fees.
> Though I have not had time to verify this, if some one else wants to
> verify this please do.
> William


Subject: DNS for intranet
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:59:40 GMT

I am slowly but surely converting our office from Windows to Unix (Linux and
others). Anyway, my latest project has been to setup a DNS for our intranet. I
followed the instructions in the appropriate HOWTO, but am having problems.
Keep in mind that this DNS is only for our local intranet and all calls
outbound to the WWW will be handled by the soon-to-be-setup proxy squid.

Anyway, here is my /etc/named.conf:

// Config file for caching only name server

options {
        directory "/var/named";

        // Uncommenting this might help if you have to go through a
        // firewall and things are not working out:

        // query-source address * port 53;

// NOTE: not needed since we are not serving outside domains
//zone "." {
//        type hint;
//        file "root.hints";

// NOTE: ditto here
//zone "" {
//        type master;
//        file "pz/127.0.0";

zone "wec" {
        notify no;
        type master;
        file "pz/wec";

Obviously, our domain is wec. For each office I figured it would be best to
assign the office id as the domain (ie., wec, clc, aec, zec). Is it better to
just give each office the same domain? (wec)

Here is my /var/named/pz/wec:
; Zone file for wec
; The full zone file
@       IN      SOA     ns.wec. hostmaster.wec. (
                        1       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                        8H              ; refresh, seconds
                        2H              ; retry, seconds
                        1W              ; expire, seconds
                        1D )            ; minimum, seconds
                NS      ns              ; Inet Address of name server
                NS      ns.wec.
                MX      10 mail         ; Primary Mail Exchanger
;                MX      20 mail.friend.bogus.   ; Secondary Mail Exchanger
1               PTR     localhost.
localhost       A
ns              A
mail            A

I have named running at bootup BTW. Okay, I try using nslookup and get:
[root@mail pz]# nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Server failed
*** Default servers are not available

Here is my /etc/host.conf:
[root@mail pz]# nslookup
order hosts,bind
multi on

And my resolv.conf:
search wec

Pardon the overload of information, but I think that this is all relavent to
my problem. Anyway, it seems to me everything is setup. Is there something I

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Qozmoe)
Subject: Re: all modem connections are sloooooooooow
Date: 14 Apr 1999 16:13:06 GMT

>Check the IRQ configured for the modem's device file and compare it to
>the IRQ that the modem actually uses.

ok, i know one way of checking the irq setting for my modem; using setserial. 
what i don't know is if this is the setting it actually uses or if this is what
is in the device file.  what is the difference between these two settings and
how do i go about checking them?


From: "R.Charles Sweeten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MI/X X client question
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:24:47 +0000

Everytime I used this software and tried to put it in a directory other than
it's default, it had trouble.  I never tracked down the problem, as I was
usually in a hurry.  If you're taking the default directory,  then I'm

Hope it helped.


Micke wrote:

> > I downloaded the free X client from the microimages web site for
> > installation on my Win 95 machine.
> >
> I got it yesterday and it installed without any error on a  win98.
> > I can't get the damn thing to install.
> >
> > I get the error message "Unable to update TNTPROC.INI".
> >
> > I read the FAQ and followed all the advice about not putting a space in
> > a directory name.
> >
> > Can any one help or is this software just crap.
> >
> So far I can judge..  It works just fine..
> So maybe you should try again with a new packet..


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Breed of Domain Name???
Date: 14 Apr 1999 12:12:08 -0400


> Hi there,
>        I got some junk mails. Those junk mails have some new breed domain
> name that I have never seen before. This is weird. Can anyone tell me what
> this is? Do you know how they can implement it? This works with IE 4.01. It
> does not work if you ping the name. This must be a new trick.
> Thanks a lot
> http://%31%31%39%30%37%32%38%32%38%35@3519642825/  - VIAGRA site
> http://3438189349/%64e/p%6ca%63%654%75/ - XXX site
> http://1190728285@3519642825/  - VIAGRA site

they're just playing around with the fact that an ip address is really just
a 32 bit number.  convert it to a 32bit binary number, split it up into 4
8bit numbers, convert each one back to decimal, and you'll have it in
dotted quad notation (ie, aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). 

the other %XX stuff is just encoded URL's.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5        i586 | at public servers
Most places distinguish them merely by using the appropriate value.
Hooray for context...
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: "Curt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 1 machine running Proxy and web server - How to?
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:52:59 -0500

You might consider socks.

Your clients on the inside will have to be sockified with sockscap or
somethign similar.
Netscape, IE, and MIRC are some clients that already support socks.

Cliff Etzel wrote in message ...
>I am looking for information or a how to on the following:
>I have an ADSL connection running 24x7
>Under Redhat 5.2, I want to run both a web server at a static IP address,
>and also have connectivity to the net for my workstation (via proxy)
>I have been told the best way to do this is using 2 NIC cards, one with the
>static IP address to the outside world, and the other for my LAN.
>I have tried Squid, tinyproxy and simpleproxy to get this to work
>with no luck.  The best I have gotten so far has been a VERY slow
>using Tinyproxy connected to a hub and using the same NIC card as what is
>serving on the net.
>I have also compiled the 2.2.5 kernel with both of the NIC cards in the
>kernel itself with no luck either.
>By itself, the server can access the net no problem, but I would like a
>little more security  for my workstation as the machine is on 24x7 and is
>serving pages all the time.
>The 2 NIC cards are an  ne2000 clone (PCI) and a 3COM 3x9xx (PCI).
>The 3com is attached to a Cisco 675 ADSL router
>Is there a way of doing this?  I have been relegated so far to having to
>NT server and Wingate proxy Server because of the problems I have been
>having with this.
>TIA for any responses - if needed please reply privately to save bandwidth.
>Cliff Etzel


From: (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: PPP - SIGHUP
Date: 14 Apr 1999 14:57:15 -0500

K Prabhakaran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I included this option also like this
:     lcp-echo-failure 3 lcp-echo-interval 780

Well I'd use something like lcp-echo-interval 3 and lcp-echo-failure 5 .
This requests the peer to echo-reply every 3 seconds and will terminate
the connection whenever there are 5 echo-requests sent and none received.

I haven't used this and might change one or both of these suggested
values after trying them out.  But these are good values to try.  Of course
even if the ISP responds with echo-replies then it still could disconnect
you by not counting echo-requests as activity.

: which is 13 min. But this is disconnecting after 30 minutes of inactivity.
: Anyway thank you verymuch. But i think this is due to my ISP.

Clifford Kite <>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* 97.3% of all statistics are made up. */


From: Richard Torkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Help ... smbmount fails????
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 23:06:13 +0200

Bruce Ritchie wrote:
> Redhat 5.2 kernel 2.2.4 with smbfs enabled
> mount version 2.8a
> smbmount version 2.0.1
> The problem occurs when I try to do the following command:
> smbmount //dj45/mov /mnt/mov -c brit -i ipaddress -n
> What I get back is mount error: invalid argument. When I look in the
> syslog file, it says:
> kernel: SMBFS: need mount version 6
> Has anyone gotten this to work???
> Thanks!!

You have noticed it yourself. The smbfs is for RH5.2 and older samba and
not with the newer samba or newer kernel.
You can d/l the latest samba-2.0.3 WITH smbmount and smbumount on
BTW make sure to remove the old smbfs before you install the samba-2.0.3

The it should work. D/l LinNeighborhood as well you will not be
disappointed :)

Richard Torkar

I _like_ using goto's every once in a while:  
it can often mess up the gcc optimizer just enough 
to get better code out of it.
                       (Linus Torvalds)


From: Jim Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.modems.cable,sdnet.cablemodems
Subject: Re: Networking/Cable Modem
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 21:56:21 GMT

Richard Preston wrote:

> Now here's a question of my own:
> I'm trying to connect to a cable modem using Linux too, but it's not working.
> I've been told it may be because the gateway address ends in 24 which is 11000
> in binary. I've been told that 000 is a reserved bit mask or whatever in Unix
> and that may be the problem.
> Does that sound like the problem and is there any work around?

The gateway address ends in 24 or the subnet mask ends in 24? The gateway
address ending in 24 shouldn't make a difference. (they usually end in 1 but
there's nothing stopping anyone from making up their own rules)

I would bet it's more likely a subnet mask of

What have you got for network numbers?

Jim Harper
"Linux... it's not just for breakfast anymore."


From: Johann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Masquerading / ISDN problem
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 21:01:39 +0200

Hi !

Check this page:


This problem is described there


From: Bernd Eggink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Masquerading / ISDN problem
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 19:48:57 +0200

My PC (running SuSE 6.0) has a ISDN card and is also connected to a
Notebook by an ethernet card. I have set up masquerading and it works
fine, except one annoying thing: Every time I log into my PC from the
notebook using the PCīs hostname, the PC dials out and connects to the
internet. The same happens when using rcp, rsh and the like. It does
_not_ happen with īping hostnameī, however.

I guess it has to do with name resolving, but I canīt see any reason for
this behaviour, as both /etc/hosts contain an entry for the PCīs
hostname, and /etc/host.conf contains

        order hosts bind

If I bring down the ISDN interface, the login still works without
complaints (and much faster), but then of course I canīt connect to the
outside world.

Any ideas how to avoid the senseless dialing?

Thanks in advance,

Bernd Eggink
Regionales Rechenzentrum der Uni Hamburg


From: Jan Sevelsted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and NetBIOS???
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 22:02:11 -0400

I'm pretty new to Linux and am trying to set up a (actually changing a
server from DOS (Lantastic) to a) Linux-server.
However (ahh, here comes the catch :-) ) I would like to keep
my other machines as they were for various reasons. As I already have a
working network, supporting my daughter's PC running DOS and Win3.11, my
own main-machine under OS/2 and my packet machine (DOS) monitoring and
controlling my remote packet-BBS.
Anyone who knows were to find the magic knowledge?
Thanks in advance.
Jan Sevelsted


From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux/98/NT Network
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 18:41:26 GMT

    I am completely new to linux. I have a small peer to peer network
between a NT workstation and 98 Box, I want to get the linux box to share
the it's drive with the rest of the network. and vice versa. I am using
RH5.2... where do i start?


From: "Bill Dunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Supra Express modem not resetting
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:23:11 -0500

    I've got an external Supra Express I used to dial out with WVDial. It
works great except sometimes when the phone line disconnects minicom may not
be able to re-initialize the modem. I have to unplug the power cord and
restart WVDial manually.
    At work we used to use external Supra 28.8 modems and had lots of
problems with them not answering. I used to have to check them every single
morning. When I found one that didn't answer I called and had someone turn
it off and back on.
    I've also got an internal ModemBlaster 28.8 modem and it was worse. When
initiating a connection with X Windows 90% of the time it wouldn't connect.
WVDial just showed a bunch of garbage on the screen half the time and
wouldn't redial. The external 56k Supra Express is much better. I wish my US
Robotics 56k was external now.

    Bill Dunn

Russell S. DiPesa wrote in message <01be85f5$fd208080$227bcdd0@PANTHER>...
>My Redhat 5.2 box is acting as a ppp and pop3 server.  If a dialup
>connection is aborted by the user midway through the handshake, the Supra
>Express 56K external modem that is connected to cua0 is not being reset.
>If you attempt to dial into the modem again, the modem will not pick up.
>It will just ring and ring.  Any ideas why?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Meissen)
Subject: Re: Importance of securing systems
Date: 14 Apr 1999 21:42:55 GMT

In article <7f17n0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Andreas Dilger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <7f0i1f$5jb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>John Meissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Since I got my cable modem and my machine is on the net 24/7 I see
>>fairly active attempts to connect. 
>......., from your logs, it doesn't look like serious attempts yet.
>If someone is going at 3 or 4 ports from the same source address, I
>would go after them...  One connect attempt can be written off as
>mistaken identity (eg their friend used to have that IP last week).

Actually, I have a fixed IP address (well, assigned via dhcp but it
hasn't changed since I got the connection last November).

I figure 99.9% are trolling....they downloaded something off a
hacker ftp site and they're scanning the net looking for something
that responds. I watch for patterns; three or more attempts from
the same address and I figure they have more than a passing
interest and I pass the information along to their ISP. 

Once I was probed from a school Web server, so I contacted the Webmaster
and they discovered the system had been cracked.

In general, I just keep a tight system, keep my eye on the logs,
and don't worry about it too much.



Subject: ftp setup
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 21:38:01 GMT

how do I setup ftp user account, so that each user only have access to his
own directory, and nothing else, certainly I do not want user a to see files
which belong to user b?

thanks for help



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