Linux-Networking Digest #958, Volume #10         Sun, 25 Apr 99 02:13:33 EDT

  LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Networking using 3com 905b (Sjoerd)
  Re: Samba (John Hornblow)
  Re: What Would Be A Very Capable... (Vidar Andresen)
  Re: Bridge, router, firewall (Vidar Andresen)
  LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests ("digitalklown")
  Re: Configuring MTU on eth0 at Boot (Jon)
  Re: SMC1211 Driver -- unresolved dependency! (Vidar Andresen)
  Re: crappy phoneline/chat and minicom (James Lee)
  nfs Linux->IRIX broken (dude)
  Re: FTP access for root (jason)
  Re: Linux <--> Win95 networking: urgent guru-level help needed (Bob Jones)
  Re: Read Only NFS (Jorge Garcia)
  ISP News server un obtainable ("tdy-bear")
  Samba Problem (Connection Refused) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to do secure X11: NT Workstation SP4 (SecureCRT v2.4, Exceed v6.1), Redhat 
Linux 5.9.7 [Starbuck]:  SSHD v1.2.26 (Karl J. Runge)
  Re: Machine name themes - what do you use? ("Ron Hagerman")


Subject: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:50:13 GMT

 i keep getting this:

Apr 19 22:02:42 localhost kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0
(dynamic channel allocation)
Apr 19 22:02:42 localhost kernel: PPP Dynamic
channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
Apr 19 22:02:42
localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Apr 19 22:02:51 localhost
kernel: registered device ppp0
Apr 19 22:02:51 localhost pppd[823]: Using
interface ppp0
Apr 19 22:02:51 localhost pppd[823]: Connect: ppp0 <-->
Apr 19 22:02:51 localhost pppd[823]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1
<magic 0x72856888> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 19 22:03:18 localhost last message
repeated 9 times
Apr 19 22:03:21 localhost pppd[823]: LCP: timeout sending
Apr 19 22:03:21 localhost pppd[823]: Connection terminated.
Apr 19 22:04:12 localhost pppd[823]: Exit.
Apr 19 22:04:51 localhost
ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/modem at 115200
Apr 19 22:04:51
localhost pppd[874]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Apr 19 22:04:52
localhost chat[876]: abort on (BUSY)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost chat[876]:
abort on (ERROR)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost chat[876]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost chat[876]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Apr 19 22:04:52
localhost chat[876]: abort on (Invalid Login)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost
chat[876]: abort on (Login incorrect)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost chat[876]:
send (AT&F^M)
Apr 19 22:04:52 localhost chat[876]: expect (OK)
Apr 19
22:05:11 localhost chat[876]: AT&F^M^M
Apr 19 22:05:11 localhost chat[876]:
Apr 19 22:05:11 localhost chat[876]:  -- got it 
Apr 19 22:05:11 localhost
chat[876]: send (ATDT*70,3533539^M)
Apr 19 22:05:11 localhost chat[876]:
expect (CONNECT)
Apr 19 22:05:11 localhost chat[876]: ^M
Apr 19 22:05:42
localhost kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully unregistered
Apr 19
22:05:51 localhost chat[876]: ATDT*70,3533539^M
Apr 19 22:05:51 localhost
pppd[874]: Serial connection established.
Apr 19 22:05:51 localhost
chat[876]: CONNECT
Apr 19 22:05:51 localhost chat[876]:  -- got it 
Apr 19
22:05:51 localhost chat[876]: send (^M)
Apr 19 22:05:52 localhost kernel:
PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
Apr 19 22:05:52 localhost
kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
19 22:05:52 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Apr 19 22:06:01
localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
Apr 19 22:06:01 localhost pppd[874]:
Using interface ppp0
Apr 19 22:06:01 localhost pppd[874]: Connect: ppp0 <-->
Apr 19 22:06:01 localhost pppd[874]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1
<magic 0x3b328b5c> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 19 22:06:28 localhost last message
repeated 9 times
Apr 19 22:06:31 localhost pppd[874]: LCP: timeout sending
Apr 19 22:06:31 localhost pppd[874]: Connection terminated.
any help?
also tried: CONNECT '/d/c'

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sjoerd)
Subject: Re: Networking using 3com 905b
Date: 24 Apr 1999 21:05:27 GMT

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 14:45:00 +0200, Sean G Humphreys wrote:
>Okay here goes,
>being totally new to linux i wish to set up a small test network using two
>pcīs connected over a HP minihub using the very ordinary 3com 905bīs a
>both pc given static ipīs &
>subnet as follows:

Look okay to me.

>both come through on a loopback test

You mean a ping to its own address?

>when I attempt to ping either machine no response, not even a "request timed

What does ifconfig show you? It there a eth0? 

>ps if itīs simple solution please donīt flame me as iīm very sensetive ;-)

Don't know if it's simple, but 1st I would check the above.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hornblow)
Subject: Re: Samba
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:12:28 GMT

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 14:01:02 -0700, "v4cal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a graphic version of samba


John Hornblow 
gliding page


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Subject: Re: What Would Be A Very Capable...
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:17:10 +0200

In article <7frbfv$ij7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"A Hilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Running what you want (just a dialup 56K instead of the cable modem) as I
>type from a 386dx/40 8MB RAM, 200MB HDD, D-Link ISA NIC machine as the
>gateway. It was my first Linux install too. Modem is kind of slow as
>compared when I had it running from NT Server/Proxy Server 2.0 before but I
>think I just need to tweak a few things to get the speed back up...if I can
>just find where to do that now! <g>

Fast (16550 or above) Uart on the 386?  If not it could limit the
speed on an _external_ modem to 9600.

If that is the problem, an I/O card with fast serial ports could work.

(I have not tried V90 or K56 on linux, so..)

Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb
Subject: Re: Bridge, router, firewall
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:54:50 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ron Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How can this be done ?


Claims to have some solution.  And yes, i have a bridge with up to 3
machines connected to it, in my personal privat network, 10Mbps only,
no kind of firewall, little security, i have to trust myself that
much.. so..

I use version bridgex-0.2 bridgex.tar.gz from september 1996.  I had
to install monkeylinux to compile it, and then transfer it to my
redhat 5.1... well.

How the 2.2.* kernel does this i dont know.

>We are concerned about security and do not completely trust the foreign
>network. We know that it has been compromised and want to prevent
>unauthorized entry into our systems via the foreign network.

I am not into that bit of it.

>The foreign network owners have provided us with a router and an ip
>address of  We have installed a linux box that routes
>between our network 192.168.101.x and the foreigners 10.3.204.x.  But we
>have trouble.  The PC's that access both networks use network addresses
>in the range of to they use a netmask of
> They point to gateways (our linux router
>box) and (the foreign router).

I dont know if it matters, but the netmask on the class A (10.3.204.*)
network above is not strictly after the book.  My win95 is providing,
semi-automatically, a netmask on ip-ranges as the 10.3.204.*
above. How dhcp handles this i dont know.


  For administrative reasons some time early in the development of the
  IP protocol some arbitrary groups of addresses were formed into
  networks and these networks were grouped into what are called classes.
  These classes provide a number of standard size networks that could be
  allocated. The ranges allocated are:

               | Network | Netmask       | Network Addresses            |
               | Class   |               |                              |
               |    A    |     |    - |
               |    B    |   |  - |
               |    C    | |  - |
               |Multicast|     |  - |

>Periodically we experience difficulties on the network wherein the
>connections to the nt server and the unix app servers are busted.  These
>problems are experienced by machines on both sides of the network. I
>suspect the problem has something to do with network noise/traffic.
>Maybe as a result of browsing and wins.

A 10Mbps (?) net shared withouth any switches between hungry machines..

On that (10Mbps ?) i guess a fast 486 with 4 nic's able to take
whatever comes could work as a cheap switch.  And, as the switch
demands promiscous mode on the cards, it will also give you a point
where you could listen on 'tcpdump -i eth2' or 'tcpdump -i eth0' or..
to see where the problem/noise/traffic are taking place.

Things like ntop, iptraf, and so on..

(I use 3com509b and a 486DX2-66. It performes well on 10Mbps.)

>How can we reconfigure the linux router box to make for easier browsing,
>more reliable and faster network performance while keeping unauthorized
>foreigners out. I'm sure that we can get a microsoft solution but our
>management team has asked for a linux solution. Is it possible for the
>linux box to be a bridge, a router and a firewall all at the same time.
>If so how ?


Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: "digitalklown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:53:11 GMT

hi i keep getting this:

Apr 19 22:22:03 localhost kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code
copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
Apr 19 22:22:03 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Apr 19 22:22:03 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
Apr 19 22:22:03 localhost pppd[473]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (BUSY)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (ERROR)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (Invalid Login)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: abort on (Login incorrect)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: send (AT&F^M)
Apr 19 22:22:04 localhost chat[478]: expect (OK)
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]: AT&F^M^M
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]: OK
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]:  -- got it 
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]: send (ATDT*70,3533539^M)
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]: expect (CONNECT)
Apr 19 22:22:23 localhost chat[478]: ^M
Apr 19 22:23:03 localhost chat[478]: ATDT*70,3533539^M
Apr 19 22:23:03 localhost pppd[473]: Serial connection established.
Apr 19 22:23:03 localhost chat[478]: CONNECT
Apr 19 22:23:03 localhost chat[478]:  -- got it 
Apr 19 22:23:03 localhost chat[478]: send (^M)
Apr 19 22:23:13 localhost pppd[473]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 19 22:23:13 localhost pppd[473]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Apr 19 22:23:13 localhost pppd[473]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <magic
0xb364558d> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Apr 19 22:23:40 localhost last message repeated 9 times
Apr 19 22:23:43 localhost pppd[473]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Apr 19 22:24:31 localhost xntpd[315]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum=0
Apr 19 22:24:53 localhost pppd[473]: Modem hangup
Apr 19 22:24:53 localhost pppd[473]: Connection terminated.

i tried
CONNECT '/d/c'



Subject: Re: Configuring MTU on eth0 at Boot
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 03:58:26 GMT

Juergen Heinzl wrote:

> You can use ifconfig, though I still do not understand why you want
> to do that, really. Even with PPP I am using 1500.

>From the tinkering I've done with network settings on my Win98 box, I've
found that I get much better internet throughput with MTU set at 576.
Although 1500 is the default, and seems to work great in point-to-point
connections (no internet); however, 576 is the standard internet MTU.  If I
could find a way for my Win98 box to work at 576 on my Win DUN connection and
1500 on the internal, I guess that would be better.  On the other hand, since
I do connect to the internet across my network (using WinGate on the Win98
box), the translation from 1500 to 576 and back would probably cause a speed

Thanks for the help.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Subject: Re: SMC1211 Driver -- unresolved dependency!
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 05:04:53 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hoyt wrote:
>> Jeffrey Rice wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > Opps, I goofed a bit.  The error I'm getting is "unresolved symbol", not
>> > dependency.  I'm missing an header file, right?  I'm lost...
>> I got this error message when I called my NE2000 clone driver "ne.o" instead
>> of just "ne" as an argument for insmod.
>> Hoyt
>Isn't the SMC1211TX a PCI card?  I think it may need the ne2k-pci.o file.

I have a Accton Cheetah found as SMC1211TX, and it uses the rtl8139
driver.  (If SMC1211TX and SMC1211 is two different cards, then this
will not help..)

     Cards using RTL8139 chips

         Allied Telesyn AT2550
         Genius GF100TXR (RTL8139)
         NDC Communications NE100TX-E
         SMC 1211TX (relabeled, with modified PC IDs)

Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: crappy phoneline/chat and minicom
Date: 24 Apr 1999 23:05:37 -0500

In comp.os.linux.networking James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Clearly, it is not resolving the domain names. But this does work over
: the previous ppp, so is ppp over minicom using /etc/resolv.conf in
: order to know where this dns is? Or is there something else I need to
: specify?

Oh stupid me.... glossed over the option defaultroute.
Now at least I can use ppp over minicom when the line is bad.


From: dude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: nfs Linux->IRIX broken
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:01:02 GMT

Hello people. I'm having trouble with nfs, exporting from linux, mounting on
SGI's IRIX's. The problem being that every command performed on a nfs mounted
fs takes forever to complete (2-6 min for a ls or pwd), and generally slows
the entire IRIX system down considerably. This is my first time around
setting up NFS ever, and quite frankly, I don't know where to look for

Some background info:  Server running RH 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36) client running
IRIX 6.3  The IRIX machine tries to mount exports using NFS version 3, gets
an error and  tries NFS version 2 successfully.  No uid/gid mapping is done;
they simply match between boxes.  Not running NIS, but I am sharing the same
dir's via samba to a plethora of other users ( locking errors ?? )  Running
on a 100Mb network.

Any hints, suggestions, log files to view, errors to check for would be ever
so appreciated.

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From: jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FTP access for root
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:50:50 -0400

There have been several similar posts in the last day or so.  In the future,
please search for your question before asking it.  My apologies if you did

Anyway, what you do is remove or comment out the line 'root' in /etc/ftpusers.
That file contains users who can NOT ftp into the machine.


(to reply via email, make the appropriate substitution in my email address)


From: Bob Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Linux <--> Win95 networking: urgent guru-level help needed
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 22:18:18 -0700

A small idea; why not use modems? Does your friend have a modem on her
laptop? She could use PPP and log in to your machine; that would work,
and even if the file transfer wasn't exactly quick, it wouldn't take
that long on a dedicated connection.

Do-Hoon Kwon wrote:

> Hello, fellow Linuxers.
>  I need a guru-level (tm) networking help urgently. Here is the
> situation.
>  My friend has a notebook running Win95 with nothing fancy. It
> has a parallel port available. She wants to install something
> with the installation file size of about 20MB stored on a
> Zip disk.
>  I have a Win98/Linux-2.2.6 dual boot machine with a SCSI Zip
> drive, but I cannot use Win98 and its "direct cable connection" or
> whatever they call it to do the job because my numerial analysis
> code on Linux has been running for 2 days and it's expected to
> take 2 more days to finish. In short, I cannot afford to shut
> down the machine!
>  My Linux have the parallel port and the PC style parallel
> printer support as modules. I hope there's a way to do the
> file transfer using the parallel port.
>  What should I do?
> Do-Hoon Kwon


Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:11:38 +0200
From: Jorge Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Read Only NFS

You can't export a directory without specifing the host allowed to access it.

In the /etc/exports each line must contain
/directory/exported        net/mask(options)

by example


or other forms for indicate hosts (names en /etc/hosts, etc)

        Jorge García


> I have a little problem with my NFS, in
> our local Network. I installed Linux on my new Computer (PII/300)


From: "tdy-bear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISP News server un obtainable
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:17:06 -0500

Here's my problem...anyone think they can help?

   I am able to dial up using ppp and MS CHAP to log onto my local ISP.  I
can pull up my home page (on the ISP's domain).  I can pull and send e-mail,
but I can't see any of the usenet groups.  I can't even populate the
available newsgroup listing in Netscape (4.07).  It jsut sits there and
then, after a LONG wait, tells me that the server did not respond.
Sometimes it gives me a nameserver error.  But I am able to see the web
pages on the ISP's server with no problem.

  Now here's another interesting point to ponder...I cannot go to any link
outside of my ISP's domain from ANY page on the ISP's server.  It does the
same thing the news server is doing.  Just hangs for an extended period and
the reports a nameserver error.

This has really got me stumped...

I am running RedHat 5.2, Kernel 2.0.36, on a P166.  All hardware is behaving
fine (Imagine that!)  But this little hitch is really messing with my

Any ideas?


Subject: Samba Problem (Connection Refused)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 04:32:18 GMT

On RH 5.2 and Win95, I try smbclient -L hostname and get an error like:

error connecting to (connection refused)

I have allowed the Win95 machine to share its files and printers.  Also I have
setup the linux machine to have /home/samba to be seen by other machines, but
network neighborhood in Win95 doesn't see my linux box.

Any help is appreciated.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl J. Runge)
Subject: Re: How to do secure X11: NT Workstation SP4 (SecureCRT v2.4, Exceed v6.1), 
Redhat Linux 5.9.7 [Starbuck]:  SSHD v1.2.26
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 01:25:18 GMT

In article <01be883d$ab0dbf20$24921e18@test>,
 "tester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Topic sums up the configuration.. 
> I SSH (3DES encryption) into the Linux box with SecureCRT 2.4b1, and export
> DISPLAY to my NT Workstation.  
> Now do I make X11 *secure*?

Along with the other suggestions given to you by this group, you may
want to couple into your scheme the X SECURITY extension. I have been
using it for a few months (thru a ssh connection) and it is not too bad.

It help to restrict a person who has stolen your .Xauthority to do much
with it.

Another option in this spirit is to use VNC or XMX as a "helper server".
I.e. redirect ssh X to that server, not your base one. Not perfect, but
can be used to limit certain activities.




Karl J. Runge   -- Linux: it's the Real thing --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
111111111^2 = 12345678987654321                    


From: "Ron Hagerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Machine name themes - what do you use?
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 22:27:24 -0700

We use a naming convention nt-city-xx so a server in Renton would be
nt-rtn-01 through as many as they have. For workstations, we use Exxxxxx so
a workstation may be called E924029 or something similar. We are a HUGE
company with thousands of PC's and servers. Domain controllers are
pdc-rtn-01 type of naming convention

Paul wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 01:59:33 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Crane)
>>We started off using name of planets.  When we ran out of names we
switched to
>>the planets' moons.  When we ran out of moons we switched to
constellations then
>>individual stars.
>>Since the universe is pretty big we don't anticipate exhausting the supply
>>names until the Devil has to pee through the ice in his toilet every
>In various companies, I've used colours, fish, birds, animals, element
>names, planets, constellations, stars, US presidents and so on.
>That way, in a large corporate environment, each subnet has it's own
>naming convention, and, for the humour impaired (i.e. managers),
>there's also an alias with a rational, and hence pretty boring name



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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