I received very generous help from several people, but nevertheless
can't get to first base installing KDE.

1. ran rpm -qip kdelibs*.i386.rpm
   I have version 2.0.1, but not installed
2. Downloaded a set of stable KDE packages from SourceForge, for Red
   Hat 7.0. (arts, kdeaddutil, and kdesdk not available in stable
3. Ran rpm -Uvh qt-2.2.2-2.i386.rpm and installed it. 
   If I now run gnorpm, , verify says no problems, but inquiry says
   that my install date is 24 hours in future (tomorrow). If I
   run rpm -qip qt*, it says qt not installed. Even after
   running /sbin/ldconfig -p, still not installed.
4. Ran rpm -Uvh kdelib* kdesupport*
   or include the beta: rpm -Uvh art* kdelib* kdesupport*
   or just rpm -Uvh kdelib*
   and get 2-3 dozen failed dependencies.
5. These error messages take the form:
   libjscript.so.2 is needed by kdebase-1.1.2-48
First, I'm not tring to install kdebase yet, and so why kdebase failed
dependencies? I didn't try to install kdebase yet.

Second, in each case, the needed library is already installed. For
example, if I run /sbin/ldconfig -p, it returns the line:
        libjscript.so.2 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libjscript.so.2

It is my understanding that running this command registers the library
in the database, but running the rpm install afterward running
ldconfig makes no difference. 

There is indeed a /usr/lib/libjscript.so.2.0.0 with the symlink there
from libjscript.0.2. 
All this done by root.

Haines Brown

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