I was honoured by a missive from Sanchet Surendra Dighe that said :

> One doubt - how does it crib about /dev/hdc. 

Sorry, dropped the "1" when copying theerror message (must have left numlock 

>You said that you
> had interchanged the primary and secondary IDE cables. Those will
> be your /dev/hda and /dev/hdb, right ? What is your /dev/hdc ?
> Does it contain the partition on which the user's home-dir resides ?

/dev/hdc1 holds the /home dir

> What is the configuration of the machine ? /dev/hdc seems to be
> existing. What is it ?

No, my config is /dev/hda for the first HD, /dev/hdb for the CDRom reader, 
and /dev/hdc for the second HD

I was also honoured by a missive from Richard Adams, that said :

> You make no mention to what work you have done or undone.? 

What I have done:

Took the computer apart to re-seat the memory chips, change failed cpu cooler 
and upgrade the video card.

On reassembly, I put the IDE cable to the wrong connector (mixed primary and 
secundary interfaces) and got a "no system" error when rebooting.

I unmixed them, tried to reboot again and get a message:

Checking filesystems
/dev/hda2 clean
/dev/hdc1 inode count in superblock is 65920 should be263368

and when I do that I get

e2fsck: Bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/hdc1
Try e2fsck -b 8193 <device>

I have tried the other superblock adresses (1 + N x 8192) with no better 
results ;-(

fdisk -l /debv/hdc1 shows the partition with the size it should have.

I have commented out the /dev/hdc1 partition in /etc/fstab; system starts OK 
then;  I can manually mount /dev/hdc1, the /home/mag dir is shown, but is 
locked/inaccessible even to root.

Any more advice ?


Ron the Frog, in disgrace on the banks of the Paraguay River.
             -I was born an Englishman, and I'll die an Englishman.
                     -Hoots, Mon, hae ye got nae ambition ?
              ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---
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