> /dev/hdc3              5119972   2181272   2938700  43% /
> /dev/hda4              7702924   2414140   5288784  32% /usr
> /dev/hdc2             12287644  11777212    510432  96% /usr/local
> My /usr/local/ is always about full and I need more space there. And I
> have about 8 Gigs free on / and /usr. I actually don't have any idea
> what to do besides installing everything new. All the filesystems are
> reiserfs.
You can probably shrink / and /usr using resize_reiserfs (on Debian,
this is part of the resierfsprogs package; I'm not sure about other
distributions. After that, use fdisk or cfdisk to shrink hdc3 and
hda4 (there are brief instructions in the resize_reiserfs manpage).
Ideally, you would want to tack this space onto hdc2, but I can't
see any way of doing that, so the best thing is probably to make another
partition or two in the space, copy a load of files from /usr/local
into that, and then mount on e.g. /usr/local/bin.

Resizing the root filesystem is likely to cause problems; you may need
to use a boot disk. There should be one included with your distribution.

DISCLAIMER: I have made no attempt at all to test this, and if it goes
wrong, your / and /usr will be trashed beyond hope of recovery. Take
full and careful backups.

Steven Smith,

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