Am Mon, 2002-08-26 um 00.40 schrieb Ray Olszewski:
> First, why not try installing Woody? Potato is no longer Debian-stable; 
> Woody is, as of about a month ago. Its installer may be new enough to solve 
> your problem.
I downloaded the woody install-disks and will give that a try. I use
potato because I have potato cds here and a 56k modem line without a
flatrate :-/

> Third, I'm curious as to how you created a working replacement kernel for 
> the bootdisk. Did you follow the instructions in the README file on the 
> rescue floppy?  If you did, then you should have a working replacement, so 
> why not just dodge the modules issue completely by compiling in the NIC 
> drivers you need (as newer bootdisks do with the tulip driver, for example)?
I read the README on the floppy and I think I now know how to put a new
kernel on that floppy so the question is how to build that driver-x.bin
> Finally ... if you have a working system, install the boot-floppies 
> package. In includes a script for creating the drivers disk set. 
my production-desktop is a SuSE(rpm-based). However I'll try to get that
.deb installed on it.
> The 
> drivers file is created as a single file, then put on multiple floppies 
> using a small c program called "floppy-split". I haven't used this myself, 
> but I doubt you can fake your way around it ... from a quick skim of the 
> source, it looks like the driver floppies don't have a real filesystem on 
> them, just parts of a file that can be reassembled by some app on the 
> rescue disk.
That sounds interesting I'll search for that floppy-split program to get
more information about how to create that one file as you mentioned.

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