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SecurityFocus Linux Newsletter #122

     1. Cryptographic Filesystems: Design and Implementation
     2. Windows Forensics - A Case Study: Part Two
     3. An Analysis of Simile
     4. Spam Wars Make Strange Bedfellows
     5. SecurityFocus DPP Program
     6. InfoSec World Conference and Expo/2003(March10-12,2003,Orlando,FL)
     1. Web-ERP Configuration File Remote Access Vulnerability
     2. GTCatalog Remote File Include Vulnerability
     3. File Local Stack Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability
     4. PY-Livredor index.php HTML Injection Vulnerability
     5. TCPDump Malformed ISAKMP Packet Denial Of Service Vulnerability
     6. File Utility Local Memory Allocation Vulnerability
     7. iPlanet 6.0 Log Viewing Utility Concealed Log Entry Vulnerability
     8. Sn ort RPC Preprocessor Fragment Reassembly Buffer Overflow...
     9. Typo3 Showpic.PHP File Enumeration Vulnerability
     10. Apple QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server parse_xml.cgi File...
     11. Sendmail Header Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
     12. iPlanet Log Analyzer Logfile HTML Injection Vulnerability
     13. Hypermail CGI Mail Open Relay Vulnerability
     14. Typo3 Log HTML Injection Vulnerability
     15. Typo3 Translations.PHP Remote File Include Vulnerability
     16. Typo3 Translations.PHP File Disclosure Vulnerability
     19. Hypermail Local Temporary File Race Condition Vulnerability
     20. Ecartis Hidden Form Field Password Modification Vulnerability
     22. Typo3 Runtime Error Page Information Disclosure Vulnerability
     1. Port 113 security (Thread)
     2. Red Hat Network updates (Thread)
     3. Reviewed the rhn code ..  Red Hat Network updates (Thread)
     4. Availability of Sendmail fix (Thread)
     5. chroot, scp and security on RedHat 8.0 (Thread)
     6. What Is hosts2-ns (Thread)
     7. Article Announcement: Secure MySQL Database Design (Thread)
     1. N2H2 Sentian
     2. iomart NetIntelligence
     3. PureSight
     1. DiskZapper v1.0
     2. pmacct v0.2.3
     3. GPassGuard v0.01alpha

1. Cryptographic Filesystems: Design and Implementation By Ido Dubrawsky

Cryptographic filesystems have recently come to the forefront of security. This 
article will discuss some of the background and technology of cryptographic 
filesystems and will then cover some example implementations of these 
filesystems including Microsoft's Encrypting File System for Windows 2000, the 
Linux CryptoAPI, and the Secure File System.


2. Windows Forensics - A Case Study: Part Two By Stephen Barish

This article is the second in a two-part series that will offer a case study of 
forensics in a Windows environment. This article deals with determining the 
scope of the compromise, and understanding what the attacker is trying to 
accomplish at the network level. Along the way, we'll be discussing some tools 
and techniques that are useful in this type of detective work.


3.  An Analysis of Simile
by Adrian Marinescu

Virus writers have always tried to develop new methods to make malware detection 
more difficult. For instance, encryption was a natural step in virus evolution 
when scanners started to use databases with scan strings for detection. When 
scanners started to handle encryption patterns generically, first oligomorphism 
(a limited form of polymorphism - the polymorphic decryptor can have a strictly 
limited, relatively small number of shapes) and then polymorphism were 


4. Spam Wars Make Strange Bedfellows By Jon Lasser

The open-source community is closer than ever to curing the spam problem, but 
they'll have to hold their noses and help out Windows users to get there.


5. SecurityFocus DPP Program

Attention Universities!! Sign-up now for preferred pricing on the only global 
early-warning system for cyber attacks - SecurityFocus DeepSight Threat 
Management System.

Click here for more information:

6. InfoSec World Conference and Expo/2003 (March 10-12, 2003, Orlando, FL)

Optional Workshops March 8, 9, 12, 13, & 14 Vendor Expo March 10 & 11

Solutions to today’s security concerns; hands-on experts; blockbuster vendor 
expo; the CISO Executive Summit; invaluable networking opportunities.  InfoSec 
World has it all!

Go to: http://www.misti.com/10/os03nl37inf.html

1. Web-ERP Configuration File Remote Access Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6996
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 01 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Web-ERP is a freely available, open source internationalized Enterprise Resource 
Planning package.  It is available for the Unix and Linux operating systems.

A problem may make it possible for remote users to gain unauthorized access to 
Web-ERP information.

It has been reported that Web-ERP does not sufficiently restrict access to it's 
configuration information.  Because of this, an attacker may be able to remotely 
access Web-ERP information, and potentially gain access to information that is 
sensitive in nature.

The problem is in the storage of the Web-ERP configuration file.  By default, 
configuration information is stored in the /logicworks.ini file. This file is by 
default accessible to any user that has access to the web server on which 
Web-ERP is hosted.  An attacker could gain information such as the MySQL 
username and password from this file.

2. GTCatalog Remote File Include Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6998
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 03 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

GTCatalog is software designed to maintain a catalog of products. It is 
implemented in PHP and is available for a variety of platforms including 
Microsoft Windows and Linux variant operating systems.

GTCatalog is prone to an issue that may allow remote attackers to include files 
located on attacker-controlled servers.

This vulnerability is as a result of insufficient sanitization performed on 
remote user supplied data. Specifically the PHP script file 'index.php' is 
vulnerable to this issue.

Under some circumstances, it is possible for remote attackers to influence the 
include path for files ending with '.custom.inc' to point to an external file on 
a remote server by manipulating the '$function' and
'$custom' URI parameters.

If the remote file is a malicious file, this may be exploited to execute 
arbitrary system commands in the context of the web server.

This vulnerability was reported for GTCatalog 0.9.1 and earlier.

3. File Local Stack Overflow Code Execution Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 7008
Remote: No
Date Published: Mar 04 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

file is a freely available, open source program available for Unix and Linux 
operating systems.

A problem with the program may result in the execution of attacker-supplied 

It has been reported that a stack overflow exists the file program. Although 
details of this issue are currently unavailable, it is likely that this issue 
could be exploited to execute code as the user of the file utility.

This vulnerability would require an attacker to create the malicious code and 
place it in a critical portion of the file.  Once a user executes the file 
utility against this file, malicious code embedded in the ELF header would 
likely be executed with the privileges of the file utility user.

It should also be noted that the file program may be executed by other 
applications on the system, some of which execute with privileges.  This is true 
of LPRNG, which executes the file utility in the master-filter script.  
Exploitation may also occur through applications such as less, which execute the 
file utility when loading a file into the viewer.

4. PY-Livredor index.php HTML Injection Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6997
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 03 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

PY-Livredor is freely available guestbook software. It will run on most Unix and 
Linux variants, as well as Microsoft Windows operating systems.

PY-Livredor does not adequately filter HTML tags from various fields on the 
'index.php' page. Specifically, an attacker may be able to insert malicious HTML 
code into the "titre", "Votre pseudo", "Votre e-mail", "Votre message" fields.

The attacker's code may be executed in the web client of users who view the 
pages generated by the guestbook, in the security context of the website hosting 
the software.

Attackers may potentially exploit this issue to hijack web content or to steal 
cookie-based authentication credentials.

This vulnerability has been reported for PY-Livredor version 1.0.

5. TCPDump Malformed ISAKMP Packet Denial Of Service Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 27 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

tcpdump is a freely available, open source network monitoring tool.  It is 
available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

A vulnerability in the processing of some packet types may result in an 
inability to further use the tcpdump application.

It has been reported that tcpdump is vulnerable to a denial of service when some 
packet types are received.  By sending a maliciously formatted packet to a 
system using a vulnerable version of tcpdump, it is possible for a remote user 
to cause tcpdump to ignore network traffic from the time the packet is received 
until the application is terminated and restarted.

The problem is in the handling of ISAKMP packets.  When tcpdump receives a 
maliciously crafted ISAKMP packet, the application enters an infinite loop and 
ceases to further monitor network traffic.  This could allow the passing of 
undetected network traffic that would typically be seen by tcpdump.

6. File Utility Local Memory Allocation Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 7009
Remote: No
Date Published: Mar 04 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

file is a freely available, open source program available for Unix and Linux 
operating systems.

A problem with the program may result in a denial of service, and may 
potentially allow the execution of attacker-supplied instructions.

It has been reported that a memory allocation issue exists the file program.  
Although details of this issue are currently unavailable, it is likely that this 
issue could be exploited to cause a denial of service condition, and potentially 
execute code as the user of the file utility.

This problem has been reported as a memory allocation problem.  Though 
unconfirmed, this vulnerability is likely either a heap overflow, or a 
double-free problem.  In either circumstance, it would require an attacker to 
create the malicious code and place it in a critical portion of the file.  Once 
a user executes the file utility against this file, malicious code embedded in 
the file would likely be executed with the privileges of the file utility user.

It should also be noted that the file program may be executed by other 
applications on the system, some of which execute with privileges.  This is true 
of LPRNG, which executes the file utility in the master-filter script.  
Exploitation may also occur through applications such as less, which execute the 
file utility when loading a file into the viewer.

7. iPlanet 6.0 Log Viewing Utility Concealed Log Entry Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 04 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

iPlanet is an HTTP server product. It is available for a number of platforms, 
including Unix and Linux variants and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

A vulnerability has been reported for iPlanet that may conceal malicious log 
entries from the 'View Access Log' and 'View Error Log' utilities. The problem 
occurs due to the utilities' parsing of the 'Format=' string, which is typically 
used to specify log entry formatting.

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by generating a log entry using a 
hostname which is prepended with the 'Format=' string. Because the data supplied 
as the 'Format' will not be recognized by the said utilities, the log entry will 
be not be shown.

It should be noted that viewing the log data with other utilities, such as a 
text-based editor, will disclose the malicious entries.

8. Snort RPC Preprocessor Fragment Reassembly Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 
BugTraq ID: 6963
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 03 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Snort is an open-source network intrusion detection system.

A vulnerability in the Snort network IDS has been discovered that may allow for 
remote attackers to compromise hosts using the system.  The vulnerability is due 
to a programmatic flaw in the RPC preprocessor.

The condition is in the procedure "ConvertRPC()" and occurs during the 
reassembly of fragmented records.  This operation uses a loop that iterates once 
for each fragment copied to a buffer.

A check put in place to ensure that the total amount of data copied is not 
greater than the size of the buffer is flawed:

        if(length > size)
            DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_FLOW, "WARNING: rpc_decode
calculated bad "
                        "length: %d\n", length););
            total_len += length;
            index += 4;
            for (i=0; i < length; i++,rpc++,index++,hdrptr++)
                *rpc = *index;

The expression, "if(length > size)", only verifies that the length of the 
current fragment is not greater than the total buffer size.  The amount of data 
already written to the buffer is not checked.  Consequently, it is possible to 
write beyond the buffer and over potentially sensitive memory:

            for (i=0; i < length; i++,rpc++,index++,hdrptr++)
                *rpc = *index;

Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by transmitting malicious packets 
across a network monitored by Snort.  Successful attacks may result in the 
execution of instructions on the IDS system with root privileges.

9. Typo3 Showpic.PHP File Enumeration Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6982
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

TYPO3 is prone to a vulnerability that will allow remote attackers to enumerate 
whether or not files exist on the system hosting the software. This issue exists 
in the 'showpic.php' and 'thumbs.php' scripts and may be exploited by submitting 
a malicious request for a file (including the relative path).  These scripts 
will return information about whether or not a file exists.

This type of information may be useful in mounting further attacks against the 
host system, since the scripts will reveal information about the layout of the 
host's filesystem.

10. Apple QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server parse_xml.cgi File Disclosure 
BugTraq ID: 6990
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Administration Server is server technology which 
allows you to send streaming QuickTime data to clients across the Internet.

A file retrieval vulnerability has been reported for QuickTime/Darwin Streaming 
Server (SS). The vulnerability exists due to insufficient sanitization of some 
parameters given to the parse_xml.cgi script. Specifically, directory traversal 
sequences are not sanitized from the value supplied to the 'filename' URI 
parameter. Information obtained in this manner may be used by an attacker to 
launch more organinzed attacks against a vulnerable system.

An attacker may exploit this vulnerability by making a request to the 
parse_xml.cgi script containing dot-dot-slash ('../') sequences followed by a 
filename. When the malicious request is processed, the Streaming Server will 
disclose the contents of the file to an attacker.

This vulnerability was tested on SS for Microsoft Windows systems. Linux 
versions of Darwin SS are reportedly not vulnerable to this issue.

11. Sendmail Header Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6991
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 02 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Sendmail is a widely used MTA for Unix and Microsoft Windows systems.

A remotely exploitable vulnerability has been discovered in Sendmail. The 
vulnerability is due to a buffer overflow condition in the SMTP header parsing 
component.  Remote attackers may exploit this vulnerability by connecting to 
target SMTP servers and transmitting to them malformed SMTP data.

The overflow condition occurs when Sendmail processes addresses or lists of 
addresses in fields such as "From:" or "CC:".  One of the checks to ensure that 
the addresses are valid is flawed, resulting in a buffer overflow condition.  
Successful attackers may exploit this vulnerability to gain root privileges on 
affected servers remotely.

It has been reported that this vulnerability may possibly be locally exploitable 
if the sendmail binary is setuid/setgid.

Versions 5.2 to 8.12.7 are affected.  Administrators are advised to upgrade to 
8.12.8 or apply available patches to prior versions of the 8.x tree.

12. iPlanet Log Analyzer Logfile HTML Injection Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 7017
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Mar 04 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

iPlanet is an enterprise web server software package with a built-in tool for 
viewing webserver logs.  It is available for Microsoft Windows, Unix, and Linux 
operating systems.

iPlanet does not sufficiently sanitize HTML when logging requests.  If malicious 
data containing HTML and script code is logged and then viewed using the log 
viewing software, exploitation will occur.  Through exploitation of this issue, 
it will be possible to falsify log information and execute arbitrary script code 
in the web client of the user viewing the logs.

This issue has been demonstrated when the log analysis software renders a 
malicious hostname which contains hostile HTML or script code, which was logged 
when the server did an inverse lookup of hostname data.  This is only one 
possible scenario, and it is likely that data other than the hostname is not 
sufficiently filtered.

This issue occurs when viewing logs in both HTML and text mode.

13. Hypermail CGI Mail Open Relay Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6973
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 27 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Hypermail is a freely available tool that converts email into HTML format.

It has been reported that Hypermail's CGI-based mail program is prone to a 
condition that may allow attackers to abuse the service as an open mail relay.

This may allow attackers to send mass mails through the vulnerable software. It 
may also be possible to forge a source address to masquerade as a trusted email 
user in an attempt to gather information that may be useful in further attacks 
against the vulnerable system.

Full details of this vulnerability are not currently known. BID will be updated 
as further details are disclosed.

14. Typo3 Log HTML Injection Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6983
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

TYP03 logs all system and access related errors in the TYPO3 database and 
provides a facility for administrators to view this information from the web.  
However, data is not sanitized of HTML before being logged.  As a result, remote 
attackers may inject malicious HTML and script code into log files.  When these 
logs are viewed, the hostile code will be interpreted in the web client of the 
user viewing the logs.

This may allow for theft of administrative cookie-based authentication 
credentials and other attacks.

15. Typo3 Translations.PHP Remote File Include Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6984
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

TYPO3 is prone to an issue that may allow remote attackers to include files 
located on attacker-controlled servers.

This vulnerability is as a result of insufficient sanitization performed on 
remote user supplied data used by a URI parameter of the
'translations.php' PHP page.

Under some circumstances, it is possible for remote attackers to influence the 
path for an include file to point to an external file by manipulating the 
'$ONLY' URI parameter.

If the remote file is a malicious file, this may be exploited to execute 
arbitrary system commands in the context of the web server.

16. Typo3 Translations.PHP File Disclosure Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6985
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

TYPO3 does not sufficiently sanitize input submitted via URI parameters of 
potentially malicious data.  This issue exists in the 'translations.php' script. 
 Specifically, variations of directory traversal sequences and null characters 
(%00) may be specified as a value for the 'ONLY' URI parameter.  By submitting a 
malicious web request to this script that contains a relative path to a resource 
and a null character (%00), it is possible to retrieve arbitrary files that are 
readable by the web server process.

Successful exploitation will permit the attacker to gain access to sensitive 
information that may aid in mounting further attacks against the system hosting 
the software.

17. Typo3 Webroot Folders Information Disclosure Weakness BugTraq ID: 6988
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

It has been reported that TYPO3 installs, by default, several directories into 
the TYPO3 webroot. These directories are reportedly readable or lacking 
sufficient authentication mechanisms and contain log, configuration and script 
files. This weakness may result in the disclosure of sensitive system based 
information to malicious web users.

The following directories and files have been reported to be prone to this 
issue: /install /fileadmin/ /typo3conf/

The information gathered as a result of this weakness may be used in further 
attacks against the system.

18. Typo3 HTML Hidden Form Field Information Disclosure Weakness BugTraq ID: 
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system. It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

Clients of TYPO3 systems may access potentially sensitive data that have been 
obfuscated through hidden form fields. Such fields may contain potentially 
sensitive information which may provide determined attackers with valuable 
information which may be useful in exploiting other known issues in the 

This vulnerability was reported for TYPO3 3.5b5.

19. Hypermail Local Temporary File Race Condition Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 6975
Remote: No
Date Published: Feb 27 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Hypermail is a freely available tool that converts email into HTML format.

A problem with Hypermail may make local symbolic link attacks possible.

It has been reported that Hypermail is vulnerable to a race condition error. 
Under some circumstances, Hypermail creates files in the temporary directory. 
However, it may be possible to create a symbolic link in a crucial point of 
program execution that would result in the overwriting of files pointed to by 
the link. This will only occur if the files are writeable by the Hypermail 

Successful exploitation may cause local files to be corrupted. If files can be 
corrupted with custom data, this may result in privilege elevation.

Full details of this vulnerability are not currently known. The BID will be 
updated as further details are disclosed.

20. Ecartis Hidden Form Field Password Modification Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 27 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Ecartis is a mailing list management package for Linux, BSD, and other Unix 
variant operating systems.

A vulnerability has been reported for Ecartis that may allow attackers to modify 

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by first saving a form locally and 
modifying hidden fields in the saved HTML pages and submitting them. This will 
allow an attacker to authenticate as a privileged user of Ecartis and modify 

It is also possible to use tools such as curl to post arbitrary form data.

This vulnerability was reported for Ecartis 1.0.0-snap20021013. It is likely 
that other version are affected.

21. Netscape Communicator Password Disclosure Weakness BugTraq ID: 6981
Remote: No
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

Netscape Communicator is a combined web browser and e-Mail Client developed for 
a variety of platforms including Microsoft Windows, Linux and Unix variant 
operating environments.

It has been reported that the Netscape Communicator roaming profile function may 
store sensitive user credentials in the 'prefs.js' configuration file using 
plaintext or easily disclosed format.

This weakness may result in an attacker accessing sensitive user credentials 
that may be used in further attacks launched against the system.

Conflicting details have been reported suggesting that perhaps this issue may be 
due to a user initiated configuration change and that password data may be 
encrypted using a trivial XOR based encryption algorithm by default.

This report is closely related to the issue described in BID 6215.

22. Typo3 Runtime Error Page Information Disclosure Vulnerability BugTraq ID: 
Remote: Yes
Date Published: Feb 28 2003 12:00AM Relevant URL:

TYPO3 is a web-based content management system.  It is available for Microsoft 
Windows operating systems and Unix and Linux variants.

An information disclosure vulnerability has been reported for TYPO3. The 
vulnerability exists in several 'test', 'class' and 'library' scripts that are 
included with TYPO3.

These scripts may be forced to execute and generate runtime errors. When these 
errors occur, the scripts will output path information.

Information obtained in this manner may be used by an attacker to launch further 
attacks against a vulnerable system.

1. Port 113 security (Thread)
Relevant URL:


2. Red Hat Network updates (Thread) Relevant URL:


3. Reviewed the rhn code ..  Red Hat Network updates (Thread) Relevant URL:


4. Availability of Sendmail fix (Thread) Relevant URL:


5. chroot, scp and security on RedHat 8.0 (Thread) Relevant URL:


6. What Is hosts2-ns (Thread)
Relevant URL:


7. Article Announcement: Secure MySQL Database Design (Thread) Relevant URL:


1. N2H2 Sentian
by N2H2
Platforms: Linux, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP Relevant 

Sentian filtering software works with a wide variety of implementations to meet 
the needs of organizations both large and small. Whichever device you prefer, 
every Sentian product uses the categorized filtering database recognized as the 
most effective available.

2. iomart NetIntelligence
by iomart
Platforms: AIX, Linux, Netware, Solaris, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98, Windows 
NT, Windows XP
Relevant URL:

The NetIntelligence product consists of a main reports interface which is 
supported by easy to use administration tools. NetIntelligence has a deployment 
application which is purpose built for straightforward rollout of the product. 
Thereafter the main technical interface is via the administration console which 
allows the administrator to establish policies, user and machine groups- and 
delegate reporting authority to specified users within the organisation. Custom 
content allows bespoke fingerprinting as required. Web-blocking gives policy 
control over Internet Usage.

3. PureSight
by iCognito
Platforms: Linux, Solaris, Windows 2000, Windows NT Relevant URL:

PureSight Home is a powerful tool that helps parents and other concerned users 
embrace technology in their homes while safeguarding the family from intentional 
or accidental viewing of inappropriate content. PureSight Home provides maximal 
protection from objectionable materials on the web without the need for costly 
and time-consuming updates. Easily installed and customized, the 
password-protected tool can be readily set and modified according to parental 

1. DiskZapper v1.0
by Phil Howard
Relevant URL:
Platforms: N/A

DiskZapper is a Linux-based bootable (floppy or CD-ROM) tool intended to wipe 
all hard drives on the machine it runs on to binary zero. This is intended for 
uses such as making sure old computers or hard drives being sold or trashed are 
clear of any confidential data, and to be sure certain computers are clear of 
any unlicensed software in the event the software

[continued in next message]

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