I'm running RedHat 8.0 with gnome2. I managed to damage the gnome
pager (desktop switcher) so that gnome-panel crashes when loading, and
I'm caught in a gnome-panel crash loop, which makes X useless for root
and user accounts.

However a spare test account is unaffected. How can this be? How can
the damage affect both root and a user account but not another user

It was suggested that I uninstall gnome-panel and reinstall
it. Unfortunately, things are so interdependent that I'd have to
uninstall many applications, with little hope I'd ever be able to undo
the damage.

Is gnome's desktop switcher/pager an "applet"? Is it even an
application? If so, what is its executable's name? Without it I can't
locate it or get information on it.

What is the name and location  of the gnome-panel configuration file?
The gnome documentation is no help at all. At least I could attempt
some surgery on the configuration to prevent the pager from loading.
I have backups, but without any idea the name of the pager or the
gnome-panel configuration files, I've no idea what to restore.

Haines Brown  
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