At 10:47 PM 6/6/2003 +0800, S. Barret Dolph wrote:
My modem now fails to initialize. It worked fine before but now hangs. The modem is fine as I can use it with my old box. From the KPPP manual it says I may have such problems if mgetty is using the same line. But in the sysguard I don't find such a process running. I did see mingetty but I don't know what that is.

This is hopeless without the details.

1. When it worked "fine before", was that on the system you are currently using or a different one? If the same one, what did you change recently? If a different one (the "old box" you refer to, say), what is different between the two? (BTW, is the "old box" also a Linux host?)

2. What are you trying to use the modem for? (A ppp connection to the Internet? A shell connection somewhere? An incoming connection of some sort?) In what app does it "hang"? I'm guessing KPPP, therefore a PPP connection, from what you wrote. When you "use it with my old box", are you employing the same application for the same purpose (e.g., kppp to connect to the same ISP)?

3. "Hang" is a vague term ... what are the symptoms? Is this use different from before when "it worked fine"? ("Initialize" is a fairly precise term, but are you using it correctly? Do you mean it does not send the "OK" that usually starts a dialing exchange? Or do you just mean that the connection attempt does not succeed?)

4. Do the system's logs report anything interesting? pppd usually logs a lot of helpful information, and I expect kppp doesn't change that.

5. The reference to mgetty in the KPPP manual is poorly written (at least as you paraphrase it). What you wan to check is to see if ANY *getty process is listening on the /dev/ttyS* device that connects to the modem. The fastest way to check this is by looking in /etc/inittab for lines that start *getty processes on ttyS* devices. mingetty is, as you seem to guess, a *getty process and so *might* be the source of your problem (depending on what devices it is accessing).

6. What does "setserial /dev/ttyS*" report back for whatever S* device you have the modem connected to? Does whatever userid you are using to start kppp have the required permissions for this device?

7. Using minicom (or some other terminal emulator of your choosing), can you access the modem and send it AT commands? If not, what happens when you try (as root and as whatever userid you are using with kppp)?

8. The basics: what Linux distro and version? What modem? If it is external, which serial port is it connected to? If internal, might there be an IRQ conflict (what does "cat /proc/irq" report about it)?

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