At 12:11 AM 7/14/2003 +0530, Sanjay Arora wrote:
Network Scenario: RH 8 Linux Firewall Server using three ethernet cards, IPs (connected to Cable Ethernet ISP doing NAT), connected to an ethernet hub, & (presently not being used). Using a hub two lans are connected to, each presently having one machine each having IP addresses (Windows XP machine, having Gateway address of in TCP/IP settings) and (RH8 Linux Server, again having as GW address).

1. When I ftp from (WinXP) to (RH Linux File Server), the firewall shows an error message saying that WinXP machine is ignoring redirects to The transfer speed is also around 3.5 MB instead of full 10 MB which I get between the two Linux Servers. What's the reason? What do I do to correct this behaviour?

Hard to say from what you reported. Especially hard because the problems both involve an XP system, and my expertise (like most folks here) is in Linux. With that warning, I do have a thought.

1. What does the routing table on the WinXP host look like? The redirect message *might* mean that it does not know it has a direct (LAN) connection to, so uses the Linux Firewall ( as its route to The Linux firewall does know that the WinXP host has a direct route so sends a redirect message. Ignoring redirects isn't unusual, as they are a possible security problem.

2. If the WinXP host is using the Linux Firewall to reach the RH Linux FIle Server, then the slower ftp speed is at least approximately explained, since each packet has to traverse the LAN twice (once between the XP Host and the Firewall, the other between the FIrewall and the RH Linux File Server). The difference between 3.5 Mb (I suspect you mean b=bits, not B=Bytes, because "full 10 MB" has no real meaning, but "full 10 Mb" would mean something with 10 Mbit hardware) and 5 Mb is not remarkable when routing is involved.

If all this guesswork is right, then the fix is to modify the routing table on the WinXP host so it knows that it has a direct route to whatever network is on (and maybe make an analogous change to the RH Server's routing table0.

2. The RH fileserver machine is very underutilized. I am thinking of putting another ethernet card in it and connect is to the cable ISP and Firewall server using a hub. I plan to put a firewall on the new ethernet/IP address denying all outgoing packets and put a sniffer on it. What are the security implications of this? Mind the IP that sniffer is running on is denying all outgoing traffic and dropping all incoming traffic and providing no services at all. On the other hand the machine is inside the firewall.... a compromise here would provide direct access to all local network resources. Is a compromise possible on an IP that denies all traffic inbound and outbound? Should I waste one machine for this task on my proposed small network (less than 20 machines)?

What is your purpose in connecting the RH fileserver to the external side of the firewall? Do you *only* want it to act as a sniffer? If so, what you describe should be reasonably safe, especially if the "external" interface on the machine does not have a public IP address (I don't think a sniffer requires one). To be maximally safe with this setup, modify your Ethernet cable so the host can only receive packets, not send them, on the interface. At that point, your host is as safe as the kenrel itself ... if there is a flaw in the iptables code, it could still, just barely conceivably, be the basis of an exploit. But the risk seems small, and risks can never be reduced to zero with a working system.

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