At 05:34 AM 11/20/2003 -0800, Ravi Kumar Munnangi wrote:


  When Iam working on my computer, suddenly I face
 problems using mouse and keyboard.
  Iam not able to do scrolling using the mouse.
  Though I keep hold a key down, the character is not
 displayed repeatedly.
  I don't why this is happening suddenly.

It could be happening for any number of reasons, ranging from physical failure of the keyboard/mouse or motherboard, through BIOS problems, or X problems (assuming this is happening in X), or problems specific to the application where this happens, or even user error (for example, a focus problem).

To get help, you will have to tell us more. For example:

What version of Linux (what distro, what kernel)?

Are the keyboard and mouse PS/2 devices, or USB? (Or AT and serial, if this is an old system?)

What version of X and what X driver (or if this is not an X problem, what display setting it occurs in)?

What application are you running when you see the problem? Has this SPECIFIC application worked properly with the keyboard and the mouse before? Is "suddenly" completely out of the blue, or did you just do a system update that may have loaded a new version of the app or apps in question?

How are you "scrolling using the mouse"? Are you referring to a scrool wheel or the use of scrollbars provided by the app?

Is the keypress problem happening with all (or a lot of) keys, or did you just encounter it with 1 or 2 keys (which ones)? Do single keypresses still work?

Is the system simply busy, so responding v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y? Even though it usually has high priority, the UI is still a process (actually, a whole set of processes), and if the CPU is heavily loaded, it can bog down. You might try running "top" in an xterm or over an ssh connection while this problem is showing up, just to check for this (admittedly, long shot) possibility.

There are so many other possibilities that I can't really frame good questions, so I'll end with a general one: Can you think of anything different between the situations where keyboard and mouse work the way you expect them to and situations where they do not? For *example*, are different uid's involved?

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