I've tried various things I can think of on a Debian system and searched the web a bit for information, but I'm still at a loss. I've moved a Debian machine that was on a dhcp network to a network that uses static addressing. I was hoping there is a way to rerun the network setup dialogue so that I can assign eth0 a static address and tell it where the gateway is. Is there a way to rerun it? If so, where and how?
I don't know offhand, though it is a good goess that there is some "dpkg-reconfigure" command that will do what you want. The fact that this setup is part of a install makes it a bit complicated.
The easy solution, though, is to hand edit (using vi, emacs, or whatever text processor you like) the file /etc/network/interfaces to remove the DHCP assignment and replace it with a static address. A sample stanza for this (taken from one of my workstations) is:
auto eth0 # comment out next line to remove DHCP assignment #iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway
All the networking setup program does is provide a front-end to editing this file.
So edit it, then run ...
/etc/init.d/networking restart
... and you should be set.
Do all this as root, of course.
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