Ray and others,
Sorry, I should have explained more thoroughly. My SSHD Daemon is already installed, and I have had users generate key pairs using a combination of OpenSSH for Windows and WinSCP3, in order to connect to our RH9 Linux server from their home computers. I am not certain if the SSH daemon itself has a key pair assigned to it - where might I check this and how?
If you are getting ANY response from sshd, then you have a server keypair created. It is what sshd uses at the very beginning of the connection. But to answer the question you actually asked ... it should be wherver your other ssh config stuff is ... probably /etc/ssh/ ... in a pair called ssh_host_?sa_key and and ssh_host_?sa_key.pub (where ? = d or r, depending on which type of key you chose to use ... or you may have both).
In my testing, I ran everything internally only, assuming I could jump to external connections later as I learned more about SSH. Therefore, I am able to connect internally after setup using the aforementioned client, and after some fanagling, getting key pairs to work. In this case, I set up the keys in each user's directory, their default start directory.
Does "internally" mean you are running an ssh client on the same server that runs sshd? Or does "internally" mean from a different host on the LAN (rather than the Internet)? In the rest of my response, I'll assume you meant the first.
What I didn't realize, and have since figured out as of my last email, is that for external connections, /etc/hosts.allow must have entries for EACH IP address for which we will open external secure shell access. IE, if my external is, then an entry in hosts.allow would read as SSHD:
Nah. That's one way to do it, but not the best, unless you want to allow connections from a very small number of machines. Read "man 5 hosts_access" for the other options. Personally, I wouldn't use hosts control for ssh; I'd use SSHD: ALL in hosts.allow .
So far so good. I am no longer being asked for a mystery password. However, now I am being asked for my directory password; I want to be asked for my key pair passphrase instead, and am never prompted for such.
When you say "directory password", do you mean your normal Unix password? (If not, what do you mean?) Below, I assume this is the case.
Where might I find - or put, after creation if none exists - a key pair for this external connection? Does this still reside in each user's directory?
Yes, unless you change the sshd config file to something different (see one of the excerpts below). That is, you put the public-key half in the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys; the private half stays on the client end (and I believe that usual practice is to generate these keypairs on the clients, then put only the public-key halves on the server.)
I am not sure of this since the fingerprint is entirely different from the ones I *thought* I knew. Where does this one come from?
I don't know what this means ... neither these two sentences as a whole nor the specific "this" in the second one.
In the sshd config file (probably /etc/ssh/sshd_config), what authentication options did you enable? To do passphrase authentication (not the right technical term, BTW), you need to enable (say "yes" for) one or both of these:
RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes #AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
Similarly, the ssh client needs to have one or both of these enabled in (probably) /etc/ssh/ssh_config . If both sides do not have a usable key-based authentication method enabled and keys present, and the server does allow userid/password authentication via --
# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! PasswordAuthentication yes
-- then authentication will failover to userid/password.
The man pages for ssh and sshd cover all of this stuff pretty well, BTW. I referred to them a couple of times in writing this, to get details I tend to forget, like exact file names, right.
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