At 12:15 AM 5/13/2004 +0700, otok_otok1998 wrote:
RO> At 01:49 AM 5/12/2004 +0700, otok_otok1998 wrote:
>>Hello linux-newbier,
>>i want to know how to checking bandwidth on my coyote linux, i'm using
>>adsl connection, coyote on Pentium I as router.. thanx 4all

RO> Please be more descriptive about what exactly you want to check.
sorry ray.. im not giving the descriptive, i mean i want to check my
bandwidth size that my adsl isp told me, it's about 128kbps.. once more
sorry ray :) n thanx

For someone lacking in specialized equipment to test lines, and access to both ends of the connection, there is no *definitive* test I know of to determine bandwidth size. In practice, when I need to do this, I initiate a large transfer of some sort (usually ftp), and simply observe the transfer rate. A few considerations:

1. The transfer needs to be large enough to give you a good feel for average bandwidth ... not short enough to be influenced by transient effects. The larger the better, but as a general matter, something in the 60 MB range (a Linux kernel source package, for example) usually serves me nicely.

2. The source of the transfer needs to have a higher upload speed than the alleged download speed of the connections you are trying to test.

3. The source should be "close enough" to you that delays caused by intermediate steps in the route are unlikely to affect measurement. (This is usually the toughest requirement to meet, and I cannot give you any real advice about how to meet it.)

I haven't had occasion to need to do this in years, so I may be missing some other considerations that apply. If so, I hope others will jump in with some added suggestions. That's why I'm sending this reply back via the list rather then just privately.

You can probably observe the speed in the ftp client you use; most of the ones I'm familiar with display cumulative download speed for a transfter. If not, with a little care you can check total bytes transferred in a given time frame using either ifconfig or ip (whichever one coyote supplies).

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