On Tuesday 06 July 2004 08:37 am, you wrote:
> I've been recently investigating booting Linux from USB drives.  From past
> experience, this list is not the ideal place to pose USB related
> questions, but I think at this stage my questions concern such fundamental
> issues that I can pose some here just asking that others more
> knowledgeable about Linux and computer operation offer corrections or
> clarification of my understanding of what's involved.  Let me start by
> pasting here an item on booting Linux from USB from the FAQ at
> http://www.linux-usb.org/ :
> "Q: Is it possible to boot off a USB Device?
> A:There are (at least) three things you need for this to be able to
> happen.
>    1. BIOS Support to boot from USB
>    2. Kernel support for USB Storage (including SCSI)
>    3. A patch to delay boot process
> The first of these is something outside your control, either your BIOS
> supports it or not. However, you could put your kernel and initrd on a
> floppy and then use a USB root file system to get around this.
> In your boot kernel or initial RAM disk you need to include support for
> all the needed items to support using a USB disk. These are documented in
> the Linux USB User Guide.
> You also need to patch this kernel to delay when it tries to open the root
> file system, as the USB subsystem takes longer than is allowed to
> initialise and make the device available to the kernel. You'll find a
> patch suitable for 2.2 and 2.4 here (although the 2.4 patch could be put
> in init/do_mounts.c:mount_block_root() instead of fs/super.c which would
> be cleaner). A patch may be added to kernels later than 2.4.20 (latest
> current released version as I type this) to remove the need for this
> patch, but this hasn't happened yet." (hyperlinks removed in pasting)
> First, the "three things . . . need(ed)" are not really all needed.  From
> the explanation following the list, I understand that if you don't have
> number 1, you might still be able to boot from USB with the aid of 2 and
> 3.  Am I correct in that understanding?  Doesn't the explanation seem to
> imply this?

Yes. The key to understanding is realizing that you arent really BOOTING off a 
USB device then, you are booting off another device and using the USB drive 
as the root filesystem. This poses two distinct problems:

1. How can I boot a kernel with USB support from x media? x being whatever 
your bios supports booting from that you want to fiddle with and install a 
kernel+bootloader on.

2. How can I make a USB device my root fs?

Once both of those problems are addressed you should have attained your goal. 

> If so, then some further questions on that.  I can't understand from the
> description whether the initrd is really necessary.  I think I understand
> about the kernel patch: the kernel is written to give some error or
> failure message if the root filesystem cannot be found within a certain
> timeframe.  The time it takes for USB handling components to load or
> initialize and for scsi emulation to start exceeds that built-in time
> limit.  The patch causes the kernel to wait some longer period of time
> before giving the error or failure message regarding the root filesystem.
> Do I understand that part correctly?

Yes. Thats correct. I know nothing about the patch, but your description 
sounds accurate. The patch is needed to let the USB subsystem initialize the 
disk. Something akin to sleep(10) or some number, before trying to move into 
the root fs. My SCSI disks have the same issue as your USB disk would have. 
It takes several seconds before the kernel detects and initializes all the 
disks on the controller. The difference between this and your USB system is 
that the kernel will wait until intializing the SCSI bus is complete before 
moving on. You need a patch to accomplish the same thing.

> If so, then the one remaining 
> unclarity concerns the initrd.  I know vaguely what an initrd is, and why
> it could be helpful in booting from USB: it is some initial filesystem and
> files that can be loaded into a ramdisk on bootup and that contains things
> like loadable kernel modules that the kernel could use to get USB going.
> Is that right?  In other words, there would be some USB module like
> usb-storage there, so when the kernel began loading and found a USB mass
> storage device, it could load the module in order to be able to use it.
> Does this sound correct?  Assuming it is, I would just further like to ask
> whether, given the right circumstances, the initrd is really necessary?

Initrd should only be needed if you compile support for your usb 
disk/controller as a module. If you can just compile it in, then initrd isnt 

Initrd has one purpose, helping the kernel get the rootfs. Really the biggest 
thing it does is modules...I know of no other use, other than POSSIBLY aiding 
network booting, which you are not doing.

> By "right circumstances" I mean the following: suppose I were to compile a
> kernel for a particular system that I wanted to boot from USB, and that I
> compiled it with all the necessary USB components (e.g., ohci,
> usb-storage, usbcore - and whatever else might be relevant) *not* as
> loadable modules, but as part of the kernel (i.e., select "y" instead of
> "m" for those items in the kernel config).  Suppose I did that, as well as
> applying the time-delay patch to the kernel.  Were I to do that, would I
> really still need to have an initrd?  Feedback appreciated.

Again, no you wouldn't need an initrd. Just configure /dev/sd(x) as the root, 
as USB hard drives are given a SCSI device name like that. Once you give the 
USB system enough time to initialize the disks, /dev/sd(x) will be available 
and read/writeable like any other hard disk.

Just make sure you understand the pitfalls of USB! The mapping of the actual 
hard disk to a /dev entry is predictable, but not at all stable depending on 
what other devices you might put into your system. And the obligitory dont 
unplug the rootfs while its running ;)


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