
i've a problem with my XFree86 on my T23 Notebook. I want to use a
secound monitor. But i don't know, how to configure two monitors to work
with only one graphic card. 
first i have tested a configuration for each monitor for its own and it
works fine. then i created a XF86Config-4 with Sections for each monitor
(monitor0 and monitor1), screen and display.
at last i've created the following server layout section:

        Section "ServerLayout"
                Identifier      "Multi Head"
                Screen  0       "screen0"       0       0
                Screen  1       "screen1" RightOf       "screen0"
                InputDevice     "Generic Keyboard"
                InputDevice     "Configured Mouse"
                InputDevice     "Generic Mouse"

that doesnt work and i cant figure out why. I've googled around and
looked at xfree85.org, but i cant find a good help. If anyone had solved
a similar problem at any time, it would be nice, if he could help me or
tell me, where i cant find a good help.


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