Ankit Jain wrote:

well this is a very basic question but somewhat myu
concept is not clear

i am looking at system like before they were very slow
but in last few years in systems clock cycle has
increased at a rapid rate i.e system used t ocome with
speed of 350MHz then it raised 700 MHz and slowly 1
GHz now it is all in GHz

what actually this speed does ? what happens by making
this clock fast. does it say how many instruction it
can have in a clock cycle or something

Not exactly. The processor speed is an indication of how fast it can carry out instructions, but on CISC (complex instruction set computing) computers (x86, x86-64) some instructions take more than one clock cycle to complete. Intel has pushed the clock speed (as much for marketing as for any other reason - AMD produces processors that can do comparable work at a lower clock speed) just about as far as it can go - they are having severe problems with manufaturing the 3.6 GHz chips.

It is only an accurate speed comparison between chips in the same processor family - the last of the Pentium 3 chips were actually faster than the higher-clocked early Pentium 4 releases - and it's been that way ever since the 486 days. The 486DX4-100 was faster and more reliable than the Pentium-60 and Pentium-66 - that first Pentium design was actually scrapped because it was plagued with unresolvable heat and performance issues.

Clock speed is an indication of instructions per second only on RISC (reduced instruction set computing) hardware (PPC, SPARC, MIPS), since the goal of RISC is to have all instructions execute in one clock cycle. It makes the processor less difficult to design and manufature, since there is less silicon required for a smaller instruction set, but it makes the job of the compiler more difficult, since there are less instructions available to implement a program.

To be fair, a lot of the instructions in the x86 family involve legacy application support - the 8086 processor, the ancestor to all of the PC processors in existence today, was designed in the late 1970's - early 1980's. DOS has a lifespan only 10 years shorter than UNIX - and it's still in use in cash registers and industrial automation to this day, and modern processors still need to support those legacy applications.

So, processor speed is an indication of how fast the processor can do work, but it is only a fair comparison within a single processor family. After all, my 67 MHz POWER1 RS-6000 will blow the doors off a Pentum-133 in byte-for-byte math work - it's a toy compared to modern processors, but the comparison carries through. The POWER4 chip in the newest IBM pSeries is a rocketship - 1.9GHz dual-core chips that, processor-for-processor, can compete with the Opterons, and, especially in hard-core math, eat Xeons for lunch.

*sigh* if only there was enough room in my apartment for one of those babys -
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