At 09:16 PM 2/26/2005 +0545, bj wrote:
Hi !

I have a Red Hat 8.0 on a intel 2.4 machine with 512 MB .

I have kernel 2.4.20-30.8-legacy & 2.4.20-30.8-legacy bigmem.

I used to have all my directories /var , /tmp , /usr , /home under one
partition / .

Thanks to everybody , now I was able to re-partition my drive into extended
drives (drives < 4) and move my /var , /tmp into hda5 & ,my /usr , /home
into /hda6 .

For future reference, it is a lot easier to associate partitions with a single top-level directory than with multiple ones, as you have chosen to to. For example, if I assign a partition to /home, I can just mount it there in fstab, without needing to use the symlink indirection you use:

/dev/hda4 /home ext2 defaults 0 2

Bu I am facing one problem.

When I boot my system logger does not see the /var/log which has been moved
to the new location  .

The system just hangs .

At what point does it "just" hang? What is the last message on screen? And how long do you wait ... are you sure it is a true hang and not a problem that times out after, say, 3 minutes?

When I boot in single mode by passing an argument to my kernel that does
show in the dmesg in the new location .

In addtion when I run a command like 'clear ' it shows that it could not
find the library to run it .

Where does your system have (the "missing" library)? On my systems,it is always in /lib, a hard place to lose.

I have mounted hda5 & hda6 in my fstab .

I did create soft link for my new var  , new tmp & new usr to the the /var ,
/tmp , /usr as ffs :-

ln -s /mnt/hda5/var  /var
ln -s /mnt/hda5/tmp /tmp

ln -s /mnt/hda6/usr /usr

This should all work fine, assuming the symlinks are created immediately after the partitiions are mounted during the init process.

I moved the old files using the ff commands:-

cd source directory

cp -ax * /mnt/usr5/var


cd /src/dir ; tar cf - . | (cd /dest/dir && tar xvf - )

But still it does not work .

Please find attached the dmesg & library error and fstab.

I assume the dmesg example is from the single-user boot, not the one that "just hangs". So it doesn't tell us what is up with the hang. Next time, please also include the output of ...

        ls -l /

... and if you are reporting the results of two different boot/init sequences (single user and multiuser) please be VERY VERY clear about which attempt each result goes with.

Please advice.

Thank you for your help in advance.


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