At 04:02 PM 3/28/2005 -0500, Eve Atley wrote:

Hello! I want to write a very simple script that once daily (via cron) will
set permissions to 777. This is to override any permissions set on files
uploaded by other people, so everyone who already has access to the group
will have rwx access to the file(s).

So I'm double-checking if the best route is to create my script, then run it
in cron as necessary. Or is there another way I should be handling it?

Here's the script:

#set_permissions: simple routine to set permissions of directories to be
#accessible by everyone who already has specific group access.
#written by EMM - 3/28/2005
      cd /home/shared/hr/
        chmod 777 -R *
        cd /home/shared/public
        chmod 777 -R *
#put an exception here for /scans and /cd however
        cd /home/shared/accounting
        chmod 777 -R *

Thanks much,

Eve --

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "has access to the group" ... specifically, what the "group" is. In normal Unix/Linux terminology, user accounts (userids) are associated with one or more groups, through either the /etc/passwd entry (for an account's main group) or /etc/group (for secondary group affiliations).

If that's what you are talking about, you shouldn't be using mode 777 ... which gives read-write-execure access to *anyone* with an account on the system, not just to members of a specific group. You should be using 770, or maybe 775, depending on your specifics. Maybe you also need to change the group settings of the files to the common group, again depending on details you have but I don't.

I assume you've decided for some reason that handling this by changing umask entries (I think we discussed that in an earlier thread you started) is unsuitable for your site for some reason I've forgotten.

Aside from that, the script looks fine (unless the "Fi" line is meant to be part of it; that won't work) ... since I don't know what the comment about exceptions means, I can't suggest how to implement it. You could shorted nit by skipping the "cd" lines and just writing (for example) "chmod 777 -R /home/shared/hr/*".

The script will probably need to run as root (or perhaps some other account that has the ability to change permissions for all the files involved, if you have such an account). If Red Hat (you use RH, right?) has the ability to run scripts from /etc/cron.daily, you can do it that way ... otherwise, use crontab as root to set t ups as a root cron job.

(BTW, if the details of modes are not already clear to you, "man chmod" will tell you a bit. "man 2 chmod" will (or should, if it is on your system) tell you a good bit more, albeit in harder to read form.)

Hope this helps.

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