At 07:02 PM 3/29/2005 +0200, J. wrote:
On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Mike Turcotte wrote:

> That would be great if someone knew and could tell us how to set default
> permissions on a specific directory.

In the case if the directory is NOT a mount point:
This is done either from the command-line with `chmod' or if you want this
as a default, create a startup script in your /etc/init.d/
directory and make sure it's executed at the right run-level.
[depends on your GNU/Linux distro]. That way everytime your
system starts-up the directory is set to the right permissions.

If the directory is a mountpoint, umount and remount it with the
permissions. /etc/fstab

If you use samba, php, apache or any other deamon program to access your
files set the file mask permissions in those programs correctly. And make
sure the user & group settings under which these programs run on your
system have the right permissions todo so.

J --

While everythig you've written here is quite correct, I think you misunderstood Mike's question. He's looking, I believe, for the same thing Eve is ... a way to cause all files written to a particular directory, no matter by whom, to have some particular mode ("default permissions") that is defined independently of the account doing the creation (so the bash-based umask won't serve his purpose). In effect, he wants to set a default umask not for a user but for a directory.

I have never run across any way to do this directly in Linux (or Unix). If the files are all being created (or transferred) via some specific program, there *might* be a way to set a default umask for that program (as samba does, for example ... do you know if any ftp and scp servers offer this capability? wu-ftpd lists a -u switch, but I don't see anything for stock sshd, which seems to use the uid's umask). But that's still different from the directory itself.

Eve's proposed approach ... the cron script ... may seem a bit clunky at first glance, but I suspect it really is the best solution for her, and perhaps for Mike and anyone else who needs this capability.

Or am I missing something? I always feel on safer ground when explaining how something *can* be done then when I say something *cannot* be done. Still, something "no way" really is the correct answer.

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