On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Patrick Stockton wrote:

> We just got Apache up and running on Linux.  We moved a whole load of 
> CGI and Perl scripts over from a winblows 95 machine that was running 
> Sambar Server.
> Now none of the CGI scripts are woking.  They are telling us we have 
> "premature header endings." and things like that?
> Is dos and winblows just far more forgiving that linux when it comes to 
> writing of these scripts?
> Patrick
It might be that your scripts are not sending the HTTP headers (things
like :"Content-type: text/html". It is possible that your old webserver
took care of that, but apache most certainly doesn't. If I remember well
this gives "premature end of header" errors.

If this is the problem, just add a "Content-type: xxxx/xxxx" line,
followed by a blank line to the output of your scripts.

Of course, it is entirely possible that your problem is something
different altogether.


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