Ron Marriage wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Red Hat 5.0 and have Win95 as a duel boot system.
> I have downloaded some files form the net in RPM format into Win95.
> Must I move them to Linux to install with the Package Manager if I can
> access the Win95 partition and view it with long file names.
> If I must move them, where to I put RPMs prior to install.
No, you don't have to move them as long you can read the Win95 partition
from Linux, and don't even need long file name support for
RPM to work, but it does make it easier to read the files obviously. RPM
doesn't care where there are for installing. You just need to 'cd' to the
directory the RPM's are in, or if you're using glint, click on
'Configure' and tell it the directory they are in.