On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, Hatz Andrew (RBAU/EMA) wrote:

}> I send you my kernel .config file iand please answer me it includes that
}> opions.
}       you can just tell if someone is going to get flamed :)

I surely hope not. The Linux-newbie List seems noted for its great
tolerance; remember the recent question asking how to run a program? 
Nobody flamed that fellow. [Behapy] manages to be understood in a
language drastically different from his own. 

I think we should be very tolerant of, and helpful toward, someone in a
country that has had a very difficult time recently (as well as in the
past.) I've privately encouraged Hrach to read HOWTOs and gave him both
the ftp and the http URLs for them at Sunsite. Shucks, few of us who
read this List could identify his native alphabet if we saw it, and the
younger of us would have trouble finding his country on a globe.

I squelched the list cross-posts, btw.

As to flaming: I'd much prefer to tell someone once how to use Lists,
etc., because such a a person simply might not know, and mean no harm.
Flaming should be reserved for repetitions of bad manners, I say.

With best wishes to all, and apologies for being somewhat (?) off-topic,

(Flame me for being off-topic, if you wish!)

|*  Nicholas Bodley   *|*  Electronic Technician {*} Autodidact & Polymath
|*   Waltham, Mass.   *|*  -----------------------------------------------
|*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *|*  The personal computer industry will have become
|*  Amateur musician  *|*  mature when crashes become unacceptable.

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