OK, I managed to figure out what the problem was with that bash shell
that kept comming up when I booted in a multiuser mode. It turned out
that the "#!/bin/sh" line at the begining of rc.local was accidentally
changed to "/bin/sh". 

My new problem is what I was actually trying to fix when this whole
thing started. What is happening, is that in X there are certain
programs that won't let me click on certain things. Some examples are:

xman: can click on the buttons on the small window that comes up when it
        is first started, but can't use menus on the man page window.

FVWM95 toolbar: can't click on any buttons, window buttons or start

xpaint: can get menu's to pull down but can't hilight menu items.

My system is a Slackware 3.4 system using Login.app instead of XDM. My
mouse is a PS/2 mouse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

        Shawn Craver

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