On Tue, 4 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Sorry folks another Newbie,
-I am trying to set up a complete internet machine ie POP3, FTP, HTTP, Proxy.  I 
currently have this all running via Micro$oft and I am trying to ditch it.
-My problem is this, I have Apache running OK but I don't know how to set up the POP3 
server.  Can anybody help as this is the most important item for me.

the pop3 server doesn't need setting up, just tell all the other pc's mail
software the IP address of the pc you are using as a mail server. It all
'just works'. Fetching mail is the same. You may want to read the Mail-Queue
mini-howto if you don't have a permanent net connection.

>> I Like England Just Fine, But I Ain't Eating Any Of That Beef <<
<<  MailTo: root <at> kermit "dot" globalnet /dot\ co 'dot' uk   >>
>>                     De Chelonian Mobile                       <<

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