> Hello again, I have a question(again).
> First a BIG THANX to all the help that I have gotten here in the past.
> You guys are a real life saver, and hair saver :)
> On my system running Red Hat 5.1
> I made an accnt for root, and anotherone we'll call mike.
> When I log on as root and change my ppp-on file (or any other file for
> that matter) and use chmod 600 ppp-on..........it saves the file and
> everything looks like it's suppost to.
> NOW when I log on as mike and try and run /etc/ppp/ppp-on   I get an
> error something like permission denied even though I think I should have
> the permission to run it....useing ls -l it says I do...
> What am I doning wrong???
> Thanx in advance.............Mike

chmod 600 means rw-------. Which means the owner (root, in this case),
has read and write permissions, and group and others have none.
If you really used 600, even root should not be able to execute this
script.  Try 'man chmod'.  If you really want to save yourself confusion,
and don't know octal notation, use the letter designations.
a short description:

chmod u+[r][w][x] <file>  gives the owner of the file read, write
                          and/or execute permission on file.
                          Note: you can give more than one of r/w/x
                          on the line at a time.  For example, the
                          the following gives read and execute
                          permissions to the owner of the file named
                                chmod u+rx foo

to set the group serttings for a file, change the "u" in the above
example to "g". For "others" (those not covered by group and user)
use "o" instead of "u".  You can also use "a", for "all".

Also, change the "+" to a "-" to remove permissions.

Note that if you use "chmod a-x foo" on a file with permissions
rwxrwxrwx, you will get rw-rw-rw-.  In other words, if you don't
specificly alter a type of permission on a filem like r or w, it
will not b altered.

Bryan Scaringe

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