On Wed, Oct 07, 1998 at 08:42:13AM -0700, Gary Smith wrote:
> Here is what I think is wrong.  Even though I changed the subnet mask it is
> still broadcasting with the subnet.  HOW OR WHERE do I change
> this broadcast?

In Red Hat: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
(then ifdown eth0; ifup eth0)

At the command line: ifconfig eth0 broadcast

Your problem may be DNS, however. If you are running a local named, try
setting up

primary  10.in-addr.arpa    primary/10

where '10' is an empty zone file (SOA only)

If you are not running named, try putting entries in /etc/hosts for all your
clients. This may stop it trying to contact the external nameserver when one
of them connects.



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