Greetings! I have 2 machines; this one, a W98 box and my linux 2.0.31 box. Both are joined in holy matrimony by a KTI DEC 21143 wannabe (PCI) with a twisted pair crossover. All I really wish to do is get my linux box to be able to see files on this machine and copy/transfer them over locally. I don't care if W98 can see/use the linux box. So, which protocol is better? IPX or TCP/IP? IPX seems a no-brainer to config under W98 whereas TCP wants all sorts of parameters and settings...additionally, setting up an IP for this machine seems to confilct with the dialup settings I have. Don't know why, as I have one setting bound to the dial up adapter and another bound to the eth. card. So, I'm after people's experiences. Would IPX be better for what I want to do? I don't want to masquerade or anything like that, just be able to have linux see this machine and copy files from here. This machine is called Angela The linux box is Peter (hostname) And the workgroup is Azenomei These are settings for W98... With this is mind, how do you get linux to recognise the name of the Angela machine and the workgroup name? Or is that neither here nor there under linux? Additionally, Redhat found my eth card upon setup and installed Tulip drivers for it..if I stat /dev/eth0 I get can't stat errors. How do I interrogate the card? I.e, bounce packets to/from it to see if all's well? Sorry for the long-windedness... In short, what's better? IPX or TCP/IP? Any help appreciated! 'Later -- Visit my online world! (NEW MAPS!) Zimbabwe Pages Coming Soon! Remove the SPAM/TRASH to reply...(Usenet posts only) Cybiades-- Computing for fun!