To obtain the MAC hardware address of your ethernet card, login as root
and then issue the command: ifconfig

You will see something that looks like:

eth0   Link encap:Ethernet   HWaddr 00:10:5A:00:DB:28
       inet addr:....

The MAC hardware address you are looking for is the last field shown on
the line starting with eth0.  ifconfig will show the information for all
Ethernet cards that are installed.

I have verified that the above works with the Redhat-5.1 distribution.
Other distributions may or may not work the same; I don't know for sure.

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, dreamwvr wrote:

> hi,
>   you might want to try...
> #arp host.domainname
>                                       Regards,
>                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At 06:29 PM 10/7/98 +0200, Sangohn Christian wrote:
> >Hi everyone!
> >
> >Do anyoune have an idea how I can find what is the MAC hardware adress of 
> >my ethernet card?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
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