At 15:17 12/10/98 +0800, Kelvin Teh wrote:
>I am having problems mounting my win95 harddisks under Linux.  They are
>FAT16 partitions (not FAT32).  However my parttions are more than 512MB
>(1024MB) but soem of my smaller partitions also have problems.  Is there a
>limitation to mounting win95 parttions that I should know about.
>I tried this
>     mkdir /dos
>     mount -t msdos /dev/hda2 /dos
>but the system gave a an error message saying that i ran out of partitions
>or something like dat (i will check the exact wording when i reach my linux
>box at home if that is neccessary).
>Could someone throw something back my way on this?!?  Thanks

Two suggestions, one or both may be wrong, but...

1. try mounting as vfat not msdos
        mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /dos

2. check your /etc/fstab file.  there may be a conflict if two different
types of partitions (for instance, msdos and vfat) are meant to be mounted
on the same mount point (i.e. /dos or something like that).  I think the
mount command checks the fstab file first, so if there is a conflict it
won't work.  that was the problem i was having for a while.

3. actually, here is a third solution.  try just typing 
        mount /dos
 which will look up your /etc/fstab file to match the /dos mnt point with a
particular partition/disk and then mount that type.

hope i have been of some assistance...

adrian b.


Adrian Bolzan
c/- Dept of Chemistry
The University of Queensland
Brisbane  4072  Australia
Ph:  +61 (7) 3365-2281 or 3365-3527
Fax: +61 (7) 3365-4299

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