> I was told to create a .profile file, and place the command "export
> TERM=vt100" inside. Problem is the command is not initiated, when I logon,
> I paste the command to the command prompt, that works; but I would like it
> to be automatic. Also I would like to use my alias, below, as my "reply
> to" and if possible the "from:", using pine 3.95 .
The .profile is, I think, for the Bourne shell.  If you use bash, I think
that it's something like, '.bash-profile' or something like that.  If you
use cshell, there is another filename.

I was just reading about this last week, and would be more specific, but
the book was due at the library.  Check the manpage for your shell, or
check a good Unix book for the exact filename for your particular choice
of shell (bash is, AFAIK, the default shell for linux).



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