> You might try the following lines in /etc/hosts:
> localhost localhost.localdomain
> goddard  goddard.whateverdomain.domain_extension
> xxx.x.x.x goddard  goddard.whateverdomain.domain_extension
Map two IP addresses to goddard?  Is this appropriate?  It was also my
understanding that mapping to HOSTNAME is a bad thing.  I will try
this.  My thoughts were having to do something with 'insmod dummy' and
'route add'.  But I get lost in that direction because I actually have no
Ethernet card so no interface to insmod.

> xxx.x.x.x put in whatever IP address you made up (I'm assuming you 
> know you should be using 10.0.0.*).
I'm actually using an IP address of (I think) 172.x.x.x, a series of IP
addresses that are not used.

Adrian Nagle             Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
Thermal Engineer                               P.O. Box 1062
TEL: 303-939-6518                    Boulder, CO  80306-1062
FAX: 303-939-5166               http://www.ballaerospace.com

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