According to Bill Beinert: While burning my CPU.
> Hi to all,
>     I've just installed Linux (RH 5.1 from the 3 CD set). The install goes
> smoothly, except for the LILO install. The RH doc says it needs to be on
> SCSI ID 0, so I rearranged my IDs to accommodate. I want LILO on this
> drive because I boot from OS/2 Boot Manager on my IDE drive.  The install
> goes OK up to the point of putting LILO on the drive, and it just comes
> back to say an unspecified error has occured.
>     I can boot OK from the floppy, but without LILO there, I can't boot it
> from Boot Manager. I sent a note to RH's install support, but have
> received no reply. Does anyone have any suggestions?
>     This is my config:
>     IDE drive:  2 primary HPFS partitions
>                    1 FAT partition
>                    1  HPFS partition
>     SCSI adapter: Adaptec 2940U
>                     ID 0 - 300 Meg IBM HD (picked it out of the trash bin
> just for Linux. Works fine under OS/2)
>                        1 - Toshiba CDROM
>                         2 - Seagate tape drive
>                         3 - Fujitsu 1 G HD (HPFS)
>                         4 - UMAX  1220S scanner
>                         5 - Seagate 1 G HD (HPFS)
>  The drives are all on the internal chain, everything else external,
> everything terminated properly.

If i understand correctly you have misunderstood some basic lilo
requirements, (note, IF i understand correctly).

I suggest you read the lilo README found in /usr/doc/lilo-x.x take a good
look at the "BIOS restrictions" section.

One way around your problem could be to install LILO onto a floppy, place
then the vmlinuz file from SCSI drive on you os/2 partition and point lilo
to it in /etc/lilo.conf.

I have 5 different systems here 4 of them on a second H/D altho i have
installed lilo on my mbr of the first disk, it can also be on a floppy,
which will then leave your os/2 boot loader alone.

Hope this helps.

> Thanks
> Bill
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Beinert)
> Tuesday, November 03, 1998 - 11:50 PM -0500
> You can lead a gift horse to water in the middle of the stream,
> but you can't look him in the mouth and make him drink -- George Carlin
> -----------------------------------------------------------

Regards Richard.

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