According to Vladimir Kazantsev: While burning my CPU.
> Hello all,
> I'm new to Unix and compiling, and I need some help. I try to compile Glibs
> 2 from
> glibs-2.0.4.tar.gz. I follow all instructions, but when I start 'make', it
> runs  for a while
> and stops with different errors, so I have to reboot to proceed. Is it a
> common behavior?
> (I use gcc- 

No thats not normal to have to reboot, you do not state what error messages
are produced by the compiler so it impossable to say what the cause is.
However glibc systems use a higher version of gcc in a standard install, so
possably your version of gcc is to old to compile the libs.

If your getting signal 11 errors take a look at;

> Another problem: after 2 hours of compiling it finally has come to the
> following error:
> "gcc:file path prefix '/tmp/glibc-2.0.4/compile/csu' never used", and
> nothing helps ( I haven't tried exorzism yet :)). What does it mean and
> where am I wrong?

This does not sound like a "fatal error", it sounds more like a "warning"
which means the compile will not fail on it. ( of course i could be wrong).
All the message says is,
file_path_prefix defined in "Makefile" but it does not get used.

> And ,since I've got the stage, one general question on compiling. Say, I
> put a blah.tar.gz into /tmp directory, uncompressed it (it usually creates
> 'blah' directory, right?), ran all needed stuff like './configure', 'make'
> and 'make install'; do I still need /tmp/blah directory?

Untaring files in a tmp directory can cause problems with some archives as
they possably will create needed directorys under /tmp such as;

etc etc, when doing a make install you might even find that all the
installed files are installed under the /tmp directory sructure, which is of
course of absoluty no use at all.
There are ways around this situation, editing the Makefile to reflect the
proper path's would be needed, not an easy task for a new commer.

If the result of a make was succesfull one could copy the binary produced to
its proper directory by hand of course, but librarys will need to be
installed with correct permissions and have to be linked, which will cause
you much grief if you do not do it correctly, you could render your system
usless if you were to install them wrongly.
Reading the included files, normaly, README or INSTALL will advise on howto
unpack and where to unpack the archive, you can use 'zless' on a tarred
archive to read those files first.

Finaly why would you want to install Glibc on a system running such an old
gcc version, (by no means an out of date version), if the libs are needed
for some program or other to allow it to compile you will still have "many"
problems with your version of gcc.

Possably a beter method would be, install something like Redhat-5.0 or 5.1
which include glibc as part of the install.

Next time please include the last few lines of output from gcc, from the
"first warning" to the fatal error.
That will show us the nessasary information and hopefully give us the chance
to give you a more detailed answer and a possable solution.

> TIA.
> Regards,
> Vladimir.

Regards Richard.

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