Ralf Christian Strandell wrote (19.11.1998):
> > and use a FTP client
> > that can resume broken downloads (Navigator is such a client). At
>       I'm using Netscape Navigator 4.05 for linux
>       when I get the "stalled" message and click on reload,
>       the transfer speed will drop slightly (by 0.1k/sec or so)
>       but nothing is downloaded and I get the "stalled" msg back.

What I mean is the following. Suppose you are downloading a 65 MB
file. When you have received 40 MB, it writes "stalled". Maybe you
lost your connection. So hang up, re-establish your connection. Then
start again to download the same file. When it prompts you a place for
saving the file to be downloaded, choose the same place as before.
Instead of overwriting the 40MB file you have already downloaded, it
will RESUME the download, meaning that it will download the remaining
25 MB and append them to what you downloaded before.


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