Just to elaborate on all that....

My zip drive is of the parallel species.  I have no other SCSI
devices on my system.  The PPA driver for the zip drive allows
me to use the device. (PPA is Iomega's SCSI-over-parallel protocol,
since the drive has a SCSI chip inside.)  Since I have no other
SCSI devices in my system, the drive, itself, is the first SCSI
device, and becomes the device file /dev/sda (just like the first
hard disk is /dev/hda, second /dev/hdb, and so on...).
However, one does not mount /dev/sda, for the same reason you don't
mount /dev/hda.  You mount a hard disk BY PARTITION, like /dev/hda1.
So we would want to mount /dev/sda1, not /dev/sda. But this doesn't
work. Here's why..
    Zip disks come from the factory with one partition, so we would
expect this to be partition #1.  Howver, for some strange reason,
the fartory-default number of this partition is 4, not 1.  So
you must mount the disk as /dev/sda4.
    To make a long story short, do the following...

1) Read the Zip-HOWTO, and try to mount the zip disk.  Make sure
   you can do it.

2) make a symbolic link from /dev/zip to /dev/sda4.  Now you can
   simply refer to /dev/zip, instead, and gets rid of some of the
   details of how the drive is set up.  This makes it easier for
   drive-mounting programs, and the command-line "eject" handle
   your device.

3) make a directory called /mnt/zip.

3) add to fstab:
   /dev/sda4   /mnt/zip  vfat   defaults,noauto  0  0

   (Feel free to modify the above to your liking).

Now you should be able to mount the drive like a floppy.

Bryan Scaringe

>       Hi Tom,
>   First you have to know that you have to compile the kernel with Iomega
> Zip support (under SCSI devices, I guess), and disable parralel printer
> support. At boot time, you'll notice the device file assigned to your Zip.
> (if you don't have other SCSI devices, it'll be sda4).
> Have fun,
> bogdan
> On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > hey
> > 
> > what's the desigation for a zip drive?  floppy is dev/fd0, mnt/floppy, right?  so 
> > would a zip drive be?
> > 
> > 
> > Tom F.
> > 

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