On Sat, 28 Nov 1998 11:34:08 -0500 Lane Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Perry Thiessen said:
> > 256 characters
> >
> > ----------
> > From:   Akintayo Holder
> > Sent:   November 27, 1998 1:34 AM
> > To:     linux-newbie
> > Subject:        Linux and maximum file lengths
> >
> > does anyone know the max length of a filename in linux ?.
> Am I correct that there can be only 8 consecutive characters without 
> a
> period (.)?
No.  It depends on the filesystem..  Msdos is 8.3, ext2 could care less -
a period is just a legal character in  a file/directory name, like a or
Minix is 11.3 or something, but there are several flavors of minix.


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> Lane
> ----
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> ----

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