On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Karel Bemelmans wrote:

//Just hit enter, don't enter any text. And when asked for, insert the
//rootdisk and press enter. If you have enough ram, everyting should go

incidentally, don't bother making a Lilo bootdisk for booting your pc in
emergencies, assuming your root filesystem is not corrupt you can use the
bootdisk that you used for first installing Linux (i'm on about Slackware
here, Redhat has a 'rescue' option). Pop that bootdisk in, and when it
has the screen about entering boot parameters (what he's on about up there
^^^^^) type 

        mount root=/dev/hdxx

replace hdxx with whereever your root partition lives. Some errors will
appear, but you'll get a login: prompt.

>> I Like England Just Fine, But I Ain't Eating Any Of That Beef <<
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