On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, John wrote:
>Can someone tell me how to set up a DNS server? I'm running slackware3.6
>and will be putting a box up 24/7 for hosting shells and web sites on and
>would like to set it up for named.

Well... there's a few things.

1) you should put in a script to start/stop named (I've discovered that SuSE's
script doesn't REALLY stop named but that's another story), and this script
should be executed at the various run levels.

2) most distros have a sample /etc/named.conf -- don't you?

3) Other than that, it's a matter of adding to /etc/named.conf and adding a new
file in /var/named (those are for my distro, they may vary in yours)

_Deirdre   *   http://disclaimer.deirdre.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
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got my first sense of trouble when my system started spewing GPFs...this
new beta shows some great features we are all sure to like in the final
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