Mr Dom wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just reinstalled linux on my machine, I had RedHat for a while but I
> was finding setting up ppp and stuff difficult since the system has to
> also be easy for my mother in law to use.
> Anyways, then I found the complete idiots guide to linux (I work at
> Borders) which had openlinux, k and staroffice on the cd. Only $15 for
> the book. So I got it, have it installed and am tryingf to get kppp to
> work.
> I logged in to my mother in laws account, to get hers net ready first,
> gave kppp all the ISP info... DNS etc... then I tried to use it. It
> just says Modem Ready and Hangs. I have to kill k and then restart it.
> The thing is, I'm not really sure where to start. I have unix
> experience, and have done programming and stuff before. Actually, I'm
> a recovering amiga-holic.
> I just don't know what to fiddle with to get this to work?
> Any suggestions?
Hi Dom!

Does kppp just hang without an error message (that would be unusual)?
I've run into two simple problems with kppp, and solutions for both are
mentioned in the FAQ section of kppp's online help. I've included the
relevant sentences in an attachment. Could it be the lock option?

> Cheers!
> Dom the Scotsman
> PS) If you can help, come to Scotland sometime next year. My wife and
> I are moving back in May. and I'll buy you a few pints.

You know, I might take you up on that. Scots wa hae!

   __o   See you, Christoph Hammann
( )/( )____________________________
If you didn't get caught, did you really do it?
I can't get kppp to work. kppp tells me that pppd has died or that a timeout has 

Did you read the this manual carefully? Here are once more the most common pitfalls. 

Make sure that pppd is the actual pppd binary not a script  

Make sure that your /etc/ppp/options file exists and that it doesn´t contain any 
conflicting entries. If in doubt: Leave this file empty.  

Make sure that you DON'T use the option "lock" as an argument for pppd (kppp is 
already taking care of device locking )  

Remove the "lock" option from your /etc/ppp/options and ~/.ppprc files!  

Make sure you set the right permission. In case of trouble you might want to run it as 
root first and then later, when everything is working o.k give it less harmful 
permission if you can not afford to run kppp setuid root. The proper way to proceed 
would probably be creating a "modem" group.  

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